Why all the hate for ff7?


Sep 16, 2003
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Why does everyone hate ff7? It seems like every time I mention that I loved ff7 to another gamer they scream at me about how much better so many other games are. All of the other games they mention I played and didn't like as much. Just now I was told that Grandia 2 was better than ff7.

So whats the deal? why does everyone hate ff7 so much?
i think it's the exact opposite, everyone loves 7. they all hate 8 and 10 part 2 and nobody cares about 9, though it's my favourite.
Havent played anything past 6 (i mean numbered ones, not tactics and stuff), but 6 was very very good.
Homer said:
Why does everyone hate ff7? It seems like every time I mention that I loved ff7 to another gamer they scream at me about how much better so many other games are. All of the other games they mention I played and didn't like as much. Just now I was told that Grandia 2 was better than ff7.

So whats the deal? why does everyone hate ff7 so much?
I wouldn't worry, i think its just they get annoyed cause they don't want to admit they fancy the females in those games and you mentioning the game each time simply reminds them there's no future with a polygon wife.. Unless you live in Tokyo then apparantly anything goes. hmm should make a thread on that.. "polygon wives, the future or kitchen cleaning nightmare?"
i loved ff7 also.. and cant wait till they finish the ff7 sequal with vincent, should be interesting. also looking forward to the ff7 dvd advent children. w00t more ff7 needed in my life :cheers:
FF7 is awesome. I can't wait for the movies and sequals. I'm making it my buissness to buy a PSP next year just for it.
I just wish they would use the ff7 materia system again in a new game, with the same great naritive stile.

If you think about it, the story in ff7 wasnt really all that good. They were freakin eco-terrorists. And the stuff after that really didnt add up.

It was just great because of the way it played out.
I loved that game! :D
I think the story in Final Fantasy VII was ok. Mabye not in the beginning, but when the plot thickens about Sephiroth, etc, I begun to like it very much. The materia system was awesome, indeed, but I don't think it would be that great to use it again, since Square wants to use original systems for each new game. The music added A LOT to the atmosphere. Nobuo Uematsu is a genious and I don't know how many times I've said that. :p

I myself haven't experienced anyone saying they HATE FFVII, but many people preffer FFVIII. I myself don't really like FFVIII though.
Kinda boring story... :sleep:
People hated FF7 because it wasnt FF6.

Same that Chrono Trigger fanatics hated Chrono Cross, because it wasnt CT.

Both FF7 and CC are great games, people just compare them way too much to their predicesors.
It's such a flawed game in so many ways, but damnit, it worked so damn well. One of the most enjoyable games of all time, IMO. I've tried many of the SNES ones thoroughly and they were pretty enjoyable but the combat system wasn't my bag. 8 was awesome, but I got massively bored/frustrated with it before I got past the second disc. Great game, but the limit break system, the magic "draws", and the GFs were all a bit useless. Powerful, yes, but they were implemented in a really awkward way and I couldn't have any fun using them. It got repetitive fast. 10 was great, from playing through much of it on a friend's PS2, but it felt a bit small. I liked the orb system, though, and the story wasn't bad, graphics were a treat too. Actually the best thing about Final Fantasy at large has always been the cutscenes :E

Not really sure what brought on that rant... thanks for tuning in.
I loved Final Fantasy 7. (Best one in the series in my opionion)

What you should be asking is "Why does everyone hate Shenmue?"
If you ask me FF7 is the best RPG ever made...possibly best game ever..atleast best game story and characters ever!
I dont see much hate for FF7 on here tbh...people will always think one games better than another but for me nothing ever has and probably never will again be able to compare to FF7 and 8. Ever.
FF7 is sweet game :) (I preferred no. 6 though)
Listening to Disc 2 FF7 OST - Chasing the Black Caped Man

Best $20 I ever spent.
Homer said:
Why does everyone hate ff7? It seems like every time I mention that I loved ff7 to another gamer they scream at me about how much better so many other games are. All of the other games they mention I played and didn't like as much. Just now I was told that Grandia 2 was better than ff7.

So whats the deal? why does everyone hate ff7 so much?

Ignore them. FF7 is a very highly regarded game. A classic, even.
A masterpiece that will never be surpassed. Ever.
Like FF8 best and then FF7, FF9 is bullshit.
FF7 is pure brilliance, but I still stand by my opinion that FF8 equals it in almost every way. Most underrated game ever. FFX, on the other hand, was a real step down in quality...I liked the system, but everything moved so slowly, the cut scenes were too long...and the voice acting ruined it...the story made zero sense...Tidus and Yuna weren't likeable, at all...
I only played FF7. Worth every cent i paid for it.
Took me a while to get into to game but then i couldnt stop i think i took almost 6 months to finish it
I liked 9, but everything was just a step below 7. Except maybe to full plot, but it didn't play out as well.
KagePrototype said:
FF7 is pure brilliance, but I still stand by my opinion that FF8 equals it in almost every way. Most underrated game ever. FFX, on the other hand, was a real step down in quality...I liked the system, but everything moved so slowly, the cut scenes were too long...and the voice acting ruined it...the story made zero sense...Tidus and Yuna weren't likeable, at all...

Once I figured out that I had to "draw" spells to cast them I just returned it to the guy I borrowed it from.

In the end I still believe that ff7 was the best rpg ever made. It didn't have the best plot, or the best combat, but it did have the best narrative and magic system. There are a few other games with the best of 1 element of a great RPG, but ff7 actually holds the lead in 2(imho).

I would say combat system goes to grandia2(crap everything else) and the best story award goes to... not sure, I usually don't finish games with a crappy narrative.
h00dlum said:
am i the only one who loved FF9?

no, i love 9 as well. i liked 7 more though.

i have completed:
FF6 1 time
FF7 3 times
FF8 2 times (and replaying it on my ps2 now)
FF9 3 times
FF10 2 times, but the second time i didnt like it :/

total times completed a FF game: 11
Average hours taken to complete: 60 - 70
average time spent on FF games in general : 700 - 800 hours ( at least 30 days straight)

am i sad? yes. yes i am.
needless to say i have done everything there is to do in a final fantasy game EXCEPT beat the crystal and emeral weapons (though i could have if i trained up a tiny bit more). i dont belive i beat the ultimate weapon on final fantasy 9 either, but i beat the weapons in 8 and 10.
h00dlum said:
am i the only one who loved FF9?

The main character had a tail for **** sake and the real name was Zidane, how gay can it be?
Yea, ff9 did give up some of the seriousness of its predecessors with the tail and the big dumb guy in armor.
FFVII - I think it's the best in the series.
FFVIII - Great, but not quite as good as 7.
FFIX - Not as good as 8.
FFX - I only rented this...
i loved ff7. great game. i used to play it a lil and watch my friend play it for hours.