Why are you a gamer?

hmmm....... why am i a gamer...
because i've always been... which is a lame answer but i remember playing games (or at least being on the computer) since at least preschool, probably before then; if i stopped now it would just feel weird to not play games, so even if i don't have any new games i just go back and play old ones.
maybe it's because my dad worked with computers and stuff like that, so i remember stuff from when i was probably three or four when i was playing around with dos. i played a lot of games back then: commander keen, old duke nukum, a game called "scorched earth" where you played against someone else and both of you were tanks--you couldn't even move around, just alternated taking shots at each other and then bought weapons and shields and stuff.... and then alternated taking more shots... heh, fun times.
i even remember those "adventure" games where there weren't any pictures or anything, you just type in a command for your character and then you get a written description of the room and stuff, hehehe.... i remember testing out how advanced the game's vocabulary was--see what words it would recognize. i also remember those educational games that we got to play in elementary school--math games, and then oregon trail, and dr. quandary's island.
and then there was wolfenstein 3d, and doom/doomII, and quake, and heretic and hexen, probably started playing those when my dad got 'em--i played all of those a lot but i don't remember finishing any of them except heretic, and i might've finished the first doom.... probably because i played for awhile and then when i came back to it i couldn't remember what i was doing so i just started the whole thing over again..... but anyways that's how i got into the fps genre.
then there were the strategy games--i started playing warcraft/warcraftII and then my cousin showed me age of empires so i played that, and AoE2 along with expansion packs. also played a little bit of civilization. so i ended up just playing a lot of strategy games.
and then there was half-life--my cousin showed me that game too. so i got back into fps.
Unreal was my 1st.
I remember the day I bought it. Still in its shiny plastic rap coverings. I remember slowly opening the cardboard box. I remember sticking my fingers into the box. Wait a second Maybe im getting severial memories stuck together. ;)

No unreal 1 was the 1st true 3d fps I played. BuckRodgers and the planet of zoom was the 1st game that I have ever played.
Sprafa said:
My good Lord! Op. Flashpoint, the most underrated game ever!I´ve got it and the 2 expansions.It´s the MOST REALISTIC GAME EVER with great graphics.It's a shame what happened to it.(Op. Flashpoint 2 in on work however)

Yeah, it's a fantastic game. Ignored like the best of them though (NOLF, Urban Chaos, Giants: Citizen Kabuto etc.) :/
First game ever played:
Putt Putt Saves the Zoo

Reasons I play:
[1] Fun
[2] Escapism
[3] Brain power(sometimes:P)
[4] Nothing better to do
[5] Competitivness, comradery, and friendship (multiplayer games only)
Abom|nation said:
Yeah, it's a fantastic game. Ignored like the best of them - Giants: Citizen Kabuto :/

Someone actually remembers one of the most underrated games ever
Great gameplay, a little weird story and great graphics made one the greatest games I've ever had the honor to install in my PC. As I said many stains are in the Gaming History and this is a BIG ONE.
i played Giants, great game. i loved the alternative humour. would like to see a followup though, but no word from the devs.
Dedalus said:
i played Giants, great game. i loved the alternative humour. would like to see a followup though, but no word from the devs.

Armed and Dangerous is by some of the same developers, so it should have the same kind of humour. I don't know, though, so don't get mad at me if it's completely different :p
Hey Abom|nation weren't you the Site Admin.
What happened???
Giants would have been an incredible game if the netcode wasn't total shit.
I was talking it was underrated not that it was perfect.
Netcode - online play right?
Sprafa said:
Hey Abom|nation weren't you the Site Admin.
What happened???
He was an administrator. Not the site admin.

I'm still looking for Giants... since I really want to play it :)
The singleplayer was fun and LAN games were great... but every time I played online it felt like I was playing on a 28.8Kbps modem instead of cable.
Yeah that what I'm saying.
Since while I had Giants I did had a 28.8kps connection I didn't even tried to play it on the Web
Wow, Giants. Man i havent played that in years. I alsways wanted to multiplay but never got the chance.
Sprafa said:
Hey Abom|nation weren't you the Site Admin.
What happened???

Yeah, what badger said. Most of the admins got bumped down to Super Moderators.
my first was pong when i was 3, then after that it was dig dug, original duke nukem, castle wolfenstien, and final fantasy. ever since then ive been hooked on games. in my hardware class my teacher brought in an apple II man, conan the barbarian was never that good.

*starts humming dig dug music to self with the occaional words of "I am the Duke Of Dig-Dug"
Giants was awesome... and from the demo.. Armed and Dangerous seems a lot like it. Same sorta gameplay from what I could tell...same way you get new weapons and such. Seems pretty cool.

I'm a gamer...because games are...fun?
AmishSlayer said:
I'm a gamer...because games are...fun?

YEAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Why did you even hesitated to say it :rolling:
Let's hv a drink. For games :cheers: For the cause
Sprafa said:
YEAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Why did you even hesitated to say it :rolling:
Let's hv a drink. For games :cheers: For the cause

What other reason is there to like games? "They're fun" is probably the most basic reason to like games...isn't it?
AmishSlayer said:
What other reason is there to like games? "They're fun" is probably the most basic reason to like games...isn't it?

Why the hell would we play them if they weren't fun????
I think that the answer to this topic is this simple - GAMES ARE FUN.
Heh, but you can have fun in other ways too, sports are fun etc.
But I guess so :)
O.o, i feel so young compared to you people... I started with wolfenstein 3d, in 1994 or so (making me 5) and also with X-COM: UFO Defense. It progressed from there: Age of Empires, various racing games. I got Starcraft in 1998, and have always favored PC over consoles, but it wasn't until I got half life and learned web design that I found consoles were boring, with bad controls and worse games. I became a UT and HL nut and still am today. My most anticipated games of 2004 are UT2004 and Half Life 2 (HL2 more so).

I'm a gamer because I love computers and everything concerning the games, like programming, audio, art/modelling, and level design.

Playing them is fun too... hehe.
first game:
Gorf, Ladybug, and Smurf, for the Colecovision

Half Life, UT2k3, wheel of Time, Tread Marks

Most under rated: G-Police
(seriously, awsome graphics that are STILL good, 6 years later...)

Fun, escapism, relaxation. :)
(Bad day = 10 novice bots in instagib...hehehe)
My fist game was a crappy version of Missile Command. After that I started playing the Monkey Island games and most of the classics of the early 90s - but I was too young to understand why, apart from I found them fun. When I moved to Scotland I stopped but Bugdom and Nanosaur (anyone? No?) on the school's iMac re-ignited my passion. I bought a PC and Half-Life: Generation and never looked back. Ah, that kept me happy for months. And then I just kept on, because of escapism mainly. I ended up subscribing to PC Gamer and turned to playstation gaming when my computer became obselete. Long I wondered in the wilderness of console-land, still keeping up to date through PC Ganer and enjoying the gems (Metal Gear Solid...Syphon Filter...Crash Team Racing...) but then, something happened. Intriuged by this thing called 'counterstrike' I went with a friend to a recently-opened internet cafe and befrended the owner, and short, dumpy, beardy, bald and xenophobic gamer named Kieth. From him I learned how to play and soon enough invited other friends to come join me. More and more flocked to the internet cafe, some buying their own computers and later getting broadband (bastards) and by the end of last year, most of the people I know used it as a sort of social hub (and that's not saying I don't know many people or only know nerds - because girls and boys of all social circles gathered there). Those who really enjoyed the gaming side of it got their own top-end PCs leaving me, the person who started it all, the person who initiated everyone to PC gaming, was left forsaken with my crap old computer and 56k dial-up. So I spent a lot of time at the internet cafe, and because it was me who tripled Keith's profits I got special rates and it was where I experience almost all PC gaming (besides friend's houses). It was there that I fell in love with BF1942, completed CoD and made my first HL map. Ah...the memories. The place where Alex fell in love with Amy, and where Luke got thrown across a room by Jon, and where Harvey poked my in the eye accidentally.
Yes, where I live is one of the only places where it's cool to be a gamer.
Hm well i use to play games with my dad when i was like 5 or 6. I would always watch him play adventure games and give my input on how to get past the parts he couldn't I still play adventure games as they are the most fun/intellectually challenging. I started shooters soon after with mdk and the rest is history. sigh
o wow. i didn't notice. I was doing a search for some random stuff and this popped up and i thought i could answer this question too.
Wow... I remember this thread :O

Its strange really, because I'm not much of a gamer anymore, and the reasons I listed before don't apply so much now.
I started playing sega genesis, then when I was like 7 I got into pc gaming with "Dungeon Keeper" and then got half life a few years later and then I got hooked on pc games
Its all thx to Star Wars I loved the movie so much my uncle bought me Tie Fighter and X-Wing that how it started then came Wolfenstein 3D
I just like playing games I dont know why
I'm a gamer because games kick ass, and without them i'd see no meaning in life. Any life.