Why are you buying the Wii?


Party Escort Bot
Dec 20, 2004
Reaction score
Anyone who's not buying the Wii, gtfo.

The main reason why I'm buying the Wii is innovation. Some will say that the Wiimote is corny and gimmicky. I have to partly agree, however you have to admit that it's different; new.

The XBOX 360 and PS3 are amazing in their own rights. The 360 has a great online component (Live!) and great games. I play my friend's 360s pretty frequently. The controller is comfortable (almost as comfortable as, gasp, Sony's controller), and the games look great. With the PS3, it's the hardware beast of consoles. The games look amazing. From the CG to the actual game play. The detail is just amazing.

If you look at the above paragraph you'll see something in common about the two consoles. The graphics look really good.

...And that's about it.

About graphics: this is what I have a gaming PC for.

If I want amazing graphics, I'll load up something on my PC. If I want a comfy controller, I have a 360 to plug in to my computer. The graphics on the computer has and will always surpass any console. I laugh when I hear people rave about 1080i definition. PCs have been able to game in 1024x+ for how long now? EDIT: 1080i is 1920*1080. THANKS SOUP, LAWL.

The reason I'm buying a Wii is innovation. It's something new. Something fun. Something different. Graphics I couldn't care less about when I have a gaming PC. The Wii is going to be amazing. Any game will suddenly have a new, fresh perspective with the Wiimote and Num-chuk. How can anyone deny this?

Red Steel, from a critics point of view, may seem dumb, overused and boring. However, now that you actively control your weapons, it's fun, interesting and different. Zelda has been around for a long time. People claim that it's boring and repetitive (those same people buy FFXII but whatever). But with the Wiimote, you slash, ride and jump with a new connection to the game. Even fishing, something so god awful boring, will seem cool.

So, why are you buying a Wii?
If I want amazing graphics, I'll load up something on my PC. If I want a comfy controller, I have a 360 to plug in to my computer. The graphics on the computer has and will always surpass any console. I laugh when I hear people rave about 1080i definition. PCs have been able to game in 1024x+ for how long now?
I don't mean to nit-pick, but 1080i/p is actually 1920*1080 :p

The reason I'm buying a Wii is innovation. It's something new. Something fun. Something different. Graphics I couldn't care less about when I have a gaming PC. The Wii is going to be amazing. Any game will suddenly have a new, fresh perspective with the Wiimote and Num-chuk. How can anyone deny this?

Red Steel, from a critics point of view, may seem dumb, overused and boring. However, now that you actively control your weapons, it's fun, interesting and different. Zelda has been around for a long time. People claim that it's boring and repetitive (those same people buy FFXII but whatever). But with the Wiimote, you slash, ride and jump with a new connection to the game. Even fishing, something so god awful boring, will seem cool.

So, why are you buying a Wii?
For all the same reasons you are. I'm a little worried about how online play is going to work, and I hope it isn't the frustrating "friends code" system, but everything else sounds completely ace. I'm not worried one bit about graphics. I still play OOT/MM, Perfect Dark, and Banjo Tooie from time to time.
I'm buying it because I see no reason not to. I can play all my old GC games on it, and it's the only way to play the next Mario and Metroid games.
Same reason most people are getting one:

-Innovative ideas and games will come to the console along with new fun ways to control already rehashed genres.

-Great 1st party titles.

Everybody keeps saying GC was a failure yet I find myself still having a blast with mine playing Melee or Mario sports games with friends while my other last-gen consoles were collecting dust.

I'll be happy with my Wii investment even if I only get to play Zelda, Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, Smash Bros. Brawl, and new iterations of some Mario sports titles.
1. I've had every nintendo system since the NES
2. I think the controller is cool
3. I like the price
4. I like the innovative gameplay
5. I like nintendo's 1st party software
6. it looks really fun for multiplayer
So I can laugh at everyone who doesn't have a Wii.
Yes I just made a joke.
One reason and one reason only....Super smash Bros. Brawl....ONLINE!!!!!

That's more than enough for me.
I agree. I am buying the wii because it offers something new. The other consoles offer what we already have just a bit more powerful. I don't care. Well I already have a 360 and havent played it much at all. I only got it for the awesome 360 only titles I was psyched for but then ended up not caring about. I am hoping the wii will be fun.
The main reason I'm buying a Wii is for the games and how fun the innovative controller should be to use. At first I was going to say price but after thinking about it, if I wasn't interested in what the Wii offers then I wouldn't get it at all. It's just nice that it is very affordable.

And if there was no Wii I wouldn't get a PS3 and I probably would not get an Xbox 360 since I'm not a big console fan anymore (although I do own a SNES and N64). I have my PC for all of my other gaming fun.
I'm getting it because Nintendo hasn't let me down yet.

They truly know how to create fun and innovative games, and that counts for alot.
Simply beause it's a Nintendo console. If only Metroid, Zelda, and Mario were released it'd be worth the asking price.

The new control method is obviously a big attraction too, and Nintendo are the only developer I have enough faith in to get it right. If the Wii was being released by anyone else i'd wait for some user impressions, reviews, and a play test before parting with my cash.
Because I'm a mindless zombie, only affected by what people say on this forum.

4chan rocks!
Because I'm a mindless zombie, only affected by what people say on this forum.

4chan rocks!

Cockslap lololol.

I'm getting the Wii because it has all those loveleh 1st party titles that Nintendo release... plus the price... plus the innovation. Zelda, Metroid, Mario...and I'm crossing my fingers very, very tightly for a Pikmin 3 :D
I already have a 360 and i really want a Wii. I can't get one on opening day though because i dont have the money.

I'm also worried about getting one because that means i'll have 4 consoles, a PC and a Mac which i own. And that seems a bit excessive for my liking. I'll probably get one eventually but not until i've sold a few consoles first.
I'm getting it for the innovation.

I'm not worried about the graphics, since it's supposedly almost 2x the power of the GC, meaning that games that look better than RE4 will be around soon enough. I think a lot of the launch titles have played it safe graphics-wise.
since it's supposedly almost 2x the power of the GC

I'm not trying to put you off, but the Wii is very little more than an overclocked GC. Powerwise it isn't close to 2x. This doesn't mean games won't look good - play Metroid at 480p and it still looks great, even when compared recent games on far more powerful platforms.

Games should have a little more polish, run a little smoother, have some extra detail, but we're basically getting a GC with a new control method and online extras.
I'm getting one because I hope the Wii can get me interested in gaming again. I'm an old school, jaded gamer living in a shallow, photo real, gaming world and I hate every second of it. I've hated the direction games have been going for several years now. I need something new and a new way to do it. Hopefully the Wii can deliver, if not no worries, I still have my newly upgraded relatively powerful PC that I currently use as a big paperweight.
I'd still say it SEEMS almost twice as powerful, even though it might not be. See these screenshots:

I think those Wii screens are a great improvement over the GC games. I love them.

Me, I'm getting a Wii for the innovative controller. I mean, I'm able to control the game in full 3D. Thats awesome.

The games. Zelda, Mario, Metroid, SSBB, Red Steel etc. All of the great exclusives and first party games that Nintendo get. They are always good games.

The multiplayer fun! It's going to be great to have my friends round, few beers, pizzas and lots of drunken tennis and wario ware :D we're gonna be so tired after jumping around the place :D

Price, cheap, not a major factor though.

Can't wait for it.
I am getting one, because it will play all my GC games, accepts GC controllers and is just such a good idea it's astounding! Also, it is the Nintendo, and I've had every Nintendo since the first. :P

But I'm debating whether to go with EB's offer, trade in my GC and get AU$200 off my Wii... I'm wondering if I should go with that. What are your thoughts?
I am getting one, because it will play all my GC games, accepts GC controllers and is just such a good idea it's astounding! Also, it is the Nintendo, and I've had every Nintendo since the first. :P

But I'm debating whether to go with EB's offer, trade in my GC and get AU$200 off my Wii... I'm wondering if I should go with that. What are your thoughts?
I'd trade it, £80 seems a decent enough amount considering you can play all the GC games on the Wii.
my beef with the Wii is its graphics so far don't appear to be better than those of the Gamecube. So in essence, I'd be paying $250 for a thin GameCube with a fancy controller. that's my beef with the Wii.
I read a review which said that the first thing that impresses you about a game is the graphics. It's also the first thing you forget. At the moment I want Zelda on the Wii more than any game. GoW arrive today, and it's awesome (really, it's ****ing ace :) ), but i'm still thinking about playing Zelda and can't wait till release day. Within five minutes I can guarantee that the majority of people will be so engrossed that any lack in visuals will be forgotten. Infact, from screenshots i've seen, TP still puts many recent pc and 360 titles to shame.

If the visuals are going to bother you that much, if you don't really rate first party Nintendo games (Metroid, Mario, Zelda, Pilot Wings), or you don't often play with friends in the same room and have no need of a party console, then don't get the Wii (you'll be missing out on some great games though)
Infact, from screenshots i've seen, TP still puts many recent pc and 360 titles to shame.

Not that i'm saying TP doesn't look good, but that is a classic example of how bias you are towards Nintendo.
Bah - we're talking about something subjective here. Okami also puts many pc and 360 games to shame. Does that mean I have a Sony/Clover bias too?

TP princess looks lovely.
I'm getting one for my son ..eventually ..he's a little young but otherwise besides the novelty factor I'm maybe 40% interested ..which saying a lot cuz my interest for the others is about 25% xbox and 10% ps3
I'll try and get one for Christmas, by talking to the other guys in my family. Since it comes with Wii Sports (it does right?) then playing 4 player tennis with my bros should be awesome fun.
I'll try and get one for Christmas, by talking to the other guys in my family. Since it comes with Wii Sports (it does right?) then playing 4 player tennis with my bros should be awesome fun.

Be ready to spend $180 on those 3 extra controllers.
heh why is that funny? my son is 3 ..by the time he's 4 he'll be able to play a few games (with dad of course) ..and no I wouldnt get a skateboard for nan! let her get he own!!! the old nag ..actually she's dead, been that way for almost 2 decades <sniff>
(with dad of course)

That's if dad let's him play on his Christmas present. Joking aside, i'm sure he'll love it. The Wii looks like a great console for kids - old and young :)
actually i dont think he'll like it at first ..kids that young have short attention spans ..I tried with the xbox and he had more fun wiggling the joystick than what was on the screen ..I'm waiting till next year

(btw just to be absolutely sure ..i wasnt annoyed with what you said, i luv you warbles :) )
I don't know... I finished most of a Link to the Past when I was 4... depending on what your son is like I don't think the attention span will be an issue... :P