Why did Valve spoil the beginning?


May 23, 2004
Reaction score
Sure it is a very nice beginning but after seeing it a few times, there won't be many WOW factors at the beginning when you play it. It wasn't really a smart move from Valve, It would be much better if they didn't show it so that you can see it for the first time when you play it. What do you think?
Because the rest of the game packs sufficient wow, I guess.

They gave away the first beginning too, but no-one really minded.
dude thats like 15 mins into the game.. there is a WHOLE 15 mins before what we have seen.

and i hope that gman vid wasn't it
Theres still a lot to be seen about the beginning, eg. what happens in the room they take you to.
Citizen 1150421 said:
dude thats like 15 mins into the game.. there is a WHOLE 15 mins before what we have seen.

and i hope that gman vid wasn't it

Who says? I'm sure I've read/listened to a quote which basically says you wake up on the train (ala HL1) with no idea what the hell is going on (ala HL1).
Half-Life, and the expansions that have followed it each have a pattern to the beginning.

You travel inside some vehicle towards your destination while the credits roll on the screen.

Then, after some time, you pass in and out of consiousness.

Finally awaking to have discovered that all hell has broken loose and the rampage of killings begins.

It was only logical that they would again follow this pattern. It is one of the staples to the series. But they were smart in not showing the actual train ride or the interrogatons that would follow.
it wouldve been way cooler if they didnt spoil the begining and it would be cool to see the beginning cause it was practically the same as hl1.
I was worried about the same thing at first, but now I'm confiednt they haven't released anything to take away that WOW factor. They are smarter than that. I think. Maybe. I sure hope so...
They needed more of a show at E3 so they decided to explain the story alittle more this year.
I have a feeling there'll be a whole lot more happening at the beginning of the game than what we've seen.
Oh no! you start out on a train?!?!?

Well, not the game. He said the beginning. I know I will still enjoy it, hell I even enjoy watching the trainstaion bink. Its like a movie.
I'm sure there will be a lot of scenery to look at on the ride to the train station; maybe some interesting scenery that makes you go "hmmmm".
Im betting that the begginning will be that you are on the train ride, then you arrive, trainstation video area ensues...
then when you get to the room with the bloody chair, something, somehow, knocks you out.
Cue the Gman with his "Rise and shine... Mr. Freeman... rise and.. shine." line.
Lemme know what you think :afro:
i promise you they didn't spoil it, i spoiled it for myself in the alpha and can promise you what happends in the room is the real surprise, so don't feel spoiled, ^_^

well, the f*ck above spoiled it, so nvm this post.

what a loser, you suck tard.
oh man, you are sooooo cool, wow! i hope the mods take revenge on your lame ass.

**some mod** please delete russianEmpires post, it's not fair to those that take care in not having things spoiled.

(void this message if this n00blet freaks and clears it himself)
That spoiler. I hope thats not true... Please tell me thats not true. For the love of Gordon Freeman I hope its not true.
"WOW" features!?!

i'm pretty sure you'll be wowing at all the pretty physics.

besides, all the halflife games begin up that way. You expect valve to throw you into the action without proper buildup?
exoeight said:
oh man, you are sooooo cool, wow! i hope the mods take revenge on your lame ass.

**some mod** please delete russianEmpires post, it's not fair to those that take care in not having things spoiled.

(void this message if this n00blet freaks and clears it himself)

Dude just drop it what ever
no more talk about that room ;D

I think it would be creepy if you "woke up" on the train across from a sitting Gman. He talks to you then gets up and leaves.
I don't know.

I can't imagine there's gameplay before teh train sequence, what's the 15 min of gameplay remark based on?
Actually the concern you mention regarding seeing the beginning is something that crossed my mind too and got me thinking. Would valve be so sneaky as to let us see a false beginning? That way we start off on the train and begin running around the carriage like we did in the first one, just waiting to get to city 17. However, half-way there, all hell breaks loose as the train is assaulted and we are left running for our lives. That would be a nice twist.
i personally loved the hl1 beginning, and hope they simply follow suit. your listening to the voice giving instructions, while simple text is shown to you. i think it was just like:

Gordon Freeman
"something" scientist
"wherever he got his degree from"

if someone could fill in that poor example, be my guest
Darkknighttt said:
it wouldve been way cooler if they didnt spoil the begining and it would be cool to see the beginning cause it was practically the same as hl1.

I think it was more of a "What would spoil the least?" decition. I highly doubt you'll mind that you've seen if before when you actually play the game. Actually, you won't.
I think that's not the whole train ride but just the end of it. I suppose it should be as lenghty as that one in HL1. We might see the landscape around and some of the City 17 as we proceed into the center of the city. At least I hope it would be so. I think VALVe won't let us down.
They really didnt show anything. A 2 min preview..:/
The guy just rushed in the intro. I'll at least taunt a helluva lot combine soldiers on the way and hit them with soda cans and stuff like that. Then I'll go into the that interogation room.
What do you mean valve spoiled the beginning? Did they come to your house, staple your eyes open, glue you to your seat and force you to watch it? Ofcourse not. Stop complaining, dont watch what you dont want spoilt.
Of course, what you haven't realised yet is there is no HL2 game, it's a movie, a bink movie we get to see in 1237 parts as valve occasionally releases a new episode. ;)
Petabyte said:
That spoiler. I hope thats not true... Please tell me thats not true. For the love of Gordon Freeman I hope its not true.

As somebody who's played through the trainstation in the Alpha, I can assure you that the supposed spoiler is not true.

Any way, I'm pretty sure the beginning hasn't been given away. I saw no opening credits or anything, so I think you can at least count on another train ride. Plus, there's probably a butt load more than what we saw. FFS, it was two minutes long.
Nex321 said:
Sure it is a very nice beginning but after seeing it a few times, there won't be many WOW factors at the beginning when you play it. It wasn't really a smart move from Valve, It would be much better if they didn't show it so that you can see it for the first time when you play it. What do you think?

what the hek you talking about ? Look m8, they only showed 2 mins of the introduction, There are alot of things still concealed. 1-You still require to chatt with all the people at the train station,
2-you still need to find out alot on how the combine deal with ya. 3-you still need to find out whats going to happend after you get into the room with the bloody chair.

there are lot and lot of things still in there............So relax ;)
Petabyte said:
That spoiler. I hope thats not true... Please tell me thats not true. For the love of Gordon Freeman I hope its not true.

It's not.

That other guy just wants to make you think it is.
If you're referring to shake zula's post, that is.


About spoiling the beginning of the game:

I never understood that also :O

Petabyte said:
I was worried about the same thing at first, but now I'm confiednt they haven't released anything to take away that WOW factor. They are smarter than that. I think. Maybe. I sure hope so...

Well, they did let the whole HL2 storyline leak in cs:s files, so that caused me to not be 100 % in believing they don't make mistakes :)
i wish they would just release it :) :D

[EDIT] Or heck, gimma a demo! or a new bink! or a preload!!! ANYTHING!!!!!! AARGH! [/EDIT]
Interl@ce said:
i wish they would just release it :) :D

[EDIT] Or heck, gimma a demo! or a new bink! or a preload!!! ANYTHING!!!!!! AARGH! [/EDIT]

How about another movie? I'm sure they can swing that. :angel: