Why did you use your current avatar?

I stuck with the caffeine molecule for the first year or so... then I switched to a "JK 04" political avatar during the campaign process. When the election was over I needed something new, so I put Bush's face on a wanted poster (which reminds me... I need a new sig but it will have to wait until I get home from class) because he's the only president to be elected with a criminal record (driving while under the influence of alcohol) and his political/family connections helped him steal the 2000 election.
I made mine, after the name Toffee :P
Couldnt really think of anything else..
alan8325 said:

long·horn (lônghôrn)
1. Any of a breed of cattle with long horns, formerly bred in great numbers in the southwest United States.
2. A variety of Cheddar cheese molded into a long cylinder.

Mine is a symbol of my fraternity.


/me restrains self

kaf11 said:
because nobody beats Sir Winston Churchill with a thompson sub-machine gun. nobody...

You have not met me in Call of Duty :devil:

Orgonomist said:

Check attachment ;)

Edit - Oops, lost the pic...

nw909 said:
That's the assassin from HL2, right?

Where's that from?

It's a Combine Elite.

calvin & hobbes > all things

i tend to choose"cute" avatars, or those that extol 'innocence' in some way, in keeping with my nickname.
The_Monkey said:
It suits my name.
chimpanzee's aren't monkeys you fascist!! :eek:
Pfffttt, everyone loves the kool-aid man!

Bad^Hat said:
You have not met me in Call of Duty :devil:
we shall have to meet in day of defeat. ill see you on the beach!
Lil' Timmy said:
chimpanzee's aren't monkeys you fascist!! :eek:

No are apes. :eek:

But most people here are so dumb that they don't relizing that that isn't a monkey. ;)
I wanted to project an air of authority and intellectual beardiness with my avatar...actually no, I just thought it looked funny. Juxtaposes nicely with how immature I am.
Mine was the only one I could find on google that wasn't to big in size, you people whould really change that, cause far less sophisticated sights have no limits, their [orgrams auto size it for you like msn messenger.
Then I could have my Snake_eater avater.
Always thought it was kind of funny and have always been too lazy to look for or make another one. It doesn't exactly represent my personality but oh well.
My avs are almost always music related, consisting of music video shots, album covers, or promotional material from my favorite artists.

My current avatar shows Rubber Johnny. He is featured on the promotional video for Aphex Twin's last album, "drukqs". Video can be seen here.

A body shot of Rubber Johnny can be seen here.

Acclaimed music video director, Chris Cunningham, is making a short film about this character. Below is a film description.

"Rubber Johnny documents a 16-year-old, inbred mutant's solitary existence, locked in a pitch-black basement by his ashamed parents. They are TV addict rednecks who occasionally feed Johnny and yell at him for making noise. Johnny's only company in the basement is his little dog. His dog's I.Q. far outstrips Johnny's, who is a completely insane, bi-polar imbecile. This abstract short film directed by Chris Cunningham and music by Aphex Twin is scheduled for release late in 2004."

There's been little news about it so far. For all I know, the film is dead. Still, the avatar is suitably creepy.
I was reading this thread and realised how much more I liked my old Deftones avatar than my Toupé one, so I brought it back.
DiSTuRbEd said:
I Looooove Boooost
It's funny. I was aware of what yours was, but whenever I see it, I se a little aztek guy with a shield, swinging a lightsaber. Lol :p

Edit: I refer to this: DiSTuRbEd's avatar.
Oh, because all my others suck.

Beagle of PHL fame drew it about 2 years ago.
Mine is old news now. But it was from the Sockbaby videos I posted a wile back that no one seemed interested in even though its some of the funnyest stuff ever. (run on sentences are teh fun!)

Ronny Cordova rocks.

Everyone go find Sock Baby and watch the crapp outa it. Someone said it was made by the guy that did Earthworm Jim. And it really really does have that style.

"Youuurr Deaaddd" "Yeah?...and your a Woman....SO WHAT?"
My avatar is the result of the HL2.net nationalism feud. After Sprafa decided to have a burning flag avatar, a bunch of people made Portugal Sucks avatars and other assortments.

I made this one. :D

RoyaleWithCheese said:
Because I feel rejected :sleep:
No, it is becuause that cartoon is awesome. :D Where can you get that, by the way, I can never find it. :(
Erestheux said:
No, it is becuause that cartoon is awesome. :D Where can you get that, by the way, I can never find it. :(

Any self-respecting P2P network should have it.
Brak is awesome.
"Yeah Buddy!"
"Don't touch me!"
"Hey Spaceghost, Ya know what? That's what! haha"

I used to have a NERV logo modified to say ASUS which was cool because I have always liked Neon Genesis Evangelion.
Its a kitty sniper!! :D

My name is marksman.... it seemed about right. + its just damn cool.... :p
car bombing in Iraq. Deadliest so far in Amerikan casualties.