Why did you use your current avatar?

Because it's eddie! :D

infact, the gold one's been up for a while now, (
) so it's time for a change! :P
I wanted to make an animated avatar but I couldn't be bothered to draw anything. I just used some images from my aborted webcomic that only ever had a couple of pictures put online.
Size limit meant I couldn't use my usual King Crab avatar (don't ask)- so I made Lennie the Droid in Paint, a robot I constantly drew when I was younger. I then decided to animate him, just 'cos I could.

simmo's avatar will stick with me until the grave, but I might forget about it when I pull myself out and begin preying on the living.
kaf11 said:
because nobody beats Sir Winston Churchill with a thompson sub-machine gun. nobody...
I want so very badly to see Churchill: The Hollywood Years. So very very badly. EDIT - I just looked up an onl-line review that said it was sh*t. Oh well...

I just love Spongebob and I've had this one since my first time here, pretty much. I almost changed it to Animal of Muppets fame, but I received objections.
It's being enhanced to chime in with festive jolity.
Edcrab said:
Size limit meant I couldn't use my usual King Crab avatar (don't ask)- so I made Lennie the Droid in Paint, a robot I constantly drew when I was younger. I then decided to animate him, just 'cos I could.

Your avatar kicks major ass. I'm thinking about making something similar, just because it's such an awesome idea. :D
Sprafa said:
car bombing in Iraq. Deadliest so far in Amerikan casualties.

What the ****??????????

Kiera Knightley ... Nuff said
The Fighting Yank! Hilariously funny and racist(that is what makes it funny, because it isn't really suppose to be) comic.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Are you kidding? Because Metroid is da BOMB!
I always see it and think of a very pixelated Vortigaunt head...
el Chi said:
I always see it and think of a very pixelated Vortigaunt head...
nope, it's the original metroid...use your ice beam!
kaf11 said:
we shall have to meet in day of defeat. ill see you on the beach!

No iron sights... no deal.

Edit - And Omaha sucks, if that's what you were referring to.
I'm using the snowman because one day I said "I'll change my avatar to a snowman if somebody puts a santa hat on theirs!" and then fizzlephox put a santa hat on his....

Otherwise I'd either be using the rose, or the fish. The rose signifies "two and a half years ago I was bored and randomly made a rose in Paint, yay." It's a symbol of my life of Great Boredom. As for the fish... well, what can I say, it's my little fishy.
i wonder if i should upgrade my avatar???? what do you guys think
I wish I had Rejected toons, I wanted something like Royale with Cheese's avatar but still. I don't have Rejected toons to do that...
because its hypnotically funny to watch a baby fall on its own head over and over...and over...and over...and over.
It's a troll being perpetually flushed down the toilet, what's there to explain?
Well, I liked the style of the ave, hard to design and looks like from the matrix
Gorgon's avatar wins for most memorable in my book. Since he's had it since the beginning I never forget who he is :E
I didn't know it was a troll :|

SLH said:
It's a troll being perpetually flushed down the toilet, what's there to explain?
I simply love the Evil Sith eyes :E Maybe a hard to see but they're cool anyhow :p
Bad^Hat said:
Gorgon's avatar wins for most memorable in my book. Since he's had it since the beginning I never forget who he is :E

LOL, yeah :cheers:

Its nice to keep your ave all time, so people will remeber you easily
Gorgon said:
LOL, yeah :cheers:

Its nice to keep your ave all time, so people will remeber you easily
I would prefer to be remembered by name & by my always excellent posts :E But yeah, GTO rocks so keep it :)
She said:

there is only 1

well yes,Trent Reznor IS NIN, however if you didn't know who Trent Reznor was from his picture, chances are you dont know what NIN is either.
so for the sake of technicality I simply said lead singer.

however he does have a live band when he does shows, although the members change.
Is your avatar one of those wierd erasers, elephant?