why do all the black characters look the same?

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Apart from Eli.

I mean come ON. How do you expect to bring realism to a game where EVERY minority character is identical?
"minority charachter"? careful what u say my son!
Same is true for many of the women too. Making people must take a long time.
OMG all the women look the same too!

And so do the Antlions.

Just because you can't tell the difference doesn't mean there isn't one.
im going to ask the mods to delete this thread or at least lock it.
Perhaps my graphixs card is drunk again, but I'm sure I keep seeing the same woman's face crop up on many different people. You know the one that's quite cute in a hamster kind of way?
lock this thread? Why? I'm not being rascist here! Look at one of the very first black males in the game - as you get off the train and head through to be "processed", just before meeting Barney.

He is near identical (beard, hair, look) to EVERY BLACK MALE CHARACTER IN THE GAME!
Its because Valve is racist. This is their way of indoctrinating into us a belief that all black people look the same.
krosfyah said:
He is near identical (beard, hair, look) to EVERY BLACK MALE CHARACTER IN THE GAME!

Because he is? Its not like its going to give extra pleasure of playing the game if each character is different. There is quite a few range of models as it is.
Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit and that wasn't anywhere near funny.

I'm not a troll trying to state Valve is rascist. I'm saying that here we have a game lauded as the most immersive in the history of gaming, and they did something so BASIC as to just replicate character models!!

Come on people, im not looking to start a flame war, im wondering why they did such a glaringly obvious thing as this? The same could be said for women models as someone else mentioned, and even white angle saxon European males.
Anyway flame on if you feel like it, but i'm attempting to raise a valid point. If it offends you, well i doubt you are either black or female, put it that way.
It takes time to make models that are this good looking. It takes more time to animate their faces so that they can be made to lip-sink properly no matter what audio you input. You can't spend your entire development time making unique models just so that people don't say "hey i've seen that guy before!". I think vale did an excellent job just i ensuring that, most of the time, you never have two people with the same face following you around at the same time. Really if you want to see truly repetitive character models go play half-life 1, then complain about half life 2.
Yeah, just like Rockstar is racist for making their GTA game have a black protagonist.
African Americans really aren't minorities in this game...they make up like half the resistance.
black guys don't all look the same...besides the regular citizen and medic model, there are at least 2 different models for the resistance guys with hats.
i thought in the game we where settled in an eastern european city... who says they are american? Who even cares about this? Got to much time on ur hands to think about something like this, so unimportant for a game? Hence, if they made all peeps purple, for all i care.
haha...black people ARE minorities....learn the term....its not racial
krosfyah said:
Apart from Eli.

I mean come ON. How do you expect to bring realism to a game where EVERY minority character is identical?


God has spoken
haha...black people ARE minorities....learn the term....its not racial
Depends where in the world you live. The US and UK are dominantly white countries, other cultures are minorities because, they aren't the majority. In africa the dominant race is africans, who are generally black. White peeps would be considered minorities there.
Mouldy Punk said:
Depends where in the world you live. The US and UK are dominantly white countries, other cultures are minorities because, they aren't the majority. In africa the dominant race is africans, who are generally black. White peeps would be considered minorities there.
Indeed so. However it is likely that in the environment in which Half-Life is set, regardless of exact location, coloured people would indeed be in a minority.
Anyways, there's definately a good range of character models - do you want to load times to be even longer??
I WAS gonna blame it on the COMBINE, but THEN I realize...

no matter your colour, race, or sexual preference... they'll still kill you.
I want to be the minority
I don't need your authority
Down with the moral majority
'Cause I want to be the minority

Sorry, I just thought it seemed fitting with the topic...
I believe that most of the game characters were modeled after Valve employees. That being the case, if they don't have a group of Black men or women who work there, then the character models would be limited.

As was stated in a previouse thread, this is supposed to be set in a European Bloc setting so I don't think that there not being frame after frame of Blacks represented indicates racism on the part of Valve and I believe it is ignorant to think so.
krosfyah said:
Apart from Eli.

I mean come ON. How do you expect to bring realism to a game where EVERY minority character is identical?

I am not sure if you are trying to stir up some shit or if you truly have an issue with this but.... You need to realize they are game developers not artists. The time and effort to make several different humans with different features and mannerisms is way outside the scope of the game. We are lucky Valve had the nerve to even include such a diverse cast. Nowadays you can get sued over anything.
If you check the models of the combine without their armor... they are white... OMG valve racist... omg! buhu...
SubForce said:
I believe that most of the game characters were modeled after Valve employees. That being the case, if they don't have a group of Black men or women who work there, then the character models would be limited.

As was stated in a previouse thread, this is supposed to be set in a European Bloc setting so I don't think that there not being frame after frame of Blacks represented indicates racism on the part of Valve and I believe it is ignorant to think so.

I think the face models were all hired for that purpose
and yes, it's in a european bloc, but everyone is american
i don't know about usa, but in europe the following statements are facts :
colored people are minorities. caucasian people is in majority.

the game represents that, depicting less colored people in the game than caucasian people.

end of the discussion
Who the hell gives a shit about what kinda races are in the game.
I just wanne KILL KILL KILL,
even though i liked the black neighbourhood in gta vice city and slamming all those "gangsta's" to dead with cars and chopper blades and me yelling, SUCK ON THAT HOMMMMIIIIIEEES
SubForce said:
so I don't think that there not being frame after frame of Blacks represented.QUOTE]

why not "black people" and not "Blacks", "Blacks just makes us sound like we're some kind of differnat species or soemthing.

i'm half black myself, my mother being black and my dad being white, so it doesn't bother me either way if there wasn't one black model in the game. i think this thread is pretty pointless and brings up issues that are irrelivant and spark arguments and some regretful comments

i think this needs to be locked.
nagual678 said:
colored people are minorities.

Helpful hint... don't say colored people in the states.. someone will beat you senseless :)
jimmyjam said:
I think the face models were all hired for that purpose
and yes, it's in a european bloc, but everyone is american

Why would you think so? because they talk american? come on, look over your soup bowl-that is only your translation of the game- you may switch to a different language, if you understand it.
BlackJack37 said:
SubForce said:
so I don't think that there not being frame after frame of Blacks represented.QUOTE]

why not "black people" and not "Blacks", "Blacks just makes us sound like we're some kind of differnat species or soemthing.

i'm half black myself, my mother being black and my dad being white, so it doesn't bother me either way if there wasn't one black model in the game. i think this thread is pretty pointless and brings up issues that are irrelivant and spark arguments and some regretful comments

i think this needs to be locked.

pointless, i agree
The responses that this thread have gotten are the reason that I did not start on on this very subject. I HAVE noticed that the black and female characters do all seem to look alike, much more than the white male types. I also realize that this is not a racially motivated decision, but probably a programming/design shortcut. However, it DOES impact the reality of the game, when your team dies, and is replaced by new folks, EXCEPT for the black guy, or white woman. And where is the black WOMAN in this game (alyx aside). I have not seen any of these -- maybe they got tired of the one-sided selection (since all black guys look alike) and left! :laugh:
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