Why do people think models are hot?


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
First thing - I'm not talking about all models, I'm talking about those kind on 'Next Top Model' and stuff like that.

If one of those skinny bitches was standing in front of me naked wanting for sex, I'd honestly say no. So damn gross. Like, it's ok to be skinny and look good, but not anorexic ffs, they think the skinnier they get the hotter they get - NO.

And also, what is up with the clothes that they model? No one wears/wants to wear that shit, so why do they model it? wtf?

God dammit I hate this shit.

Don't get me wrong I would screw any girl that is a model like that. However I would pick a girl that is naturally good looking, normal weight and has a personality over any of those girls any day.
For me, models are actually a step or two below the average girl in terms of attractiveness. And personality wise, they're usually bottom of the barrel.
This is probably as skinny as I'd go for (maybe a bit less, too).

This is just damn nasty.
Is that a model or someone just coming out of a concentration camp...

Even with just her face she looks like a zombie.
I hate how only a fraction of people understand crap like this. Nukes > Mankind.
The first pic isnt showing up. Only the near-death one.
It also pisses me off that guys, especially together in larger groups, seem to be completely obsessed with sex and how attractive X or Y is. It really annoys me when every single conversation that even brings up women turns into "would you hit it?" and "damn she's hot". I've been called gay because I objected when the first thing a friend of mine asked about someone's sister is "is she hot?" I mean, Christ, do people have anything else on their minds?


I've been called gay because I objected when the first thing a friend of mine asked about someone's sister is "is she hot?" I mean, Christ, do people have anything else on their minds?

You are obviously gay if you think of females as more than a means for satisfying your penis.
It also pisses me off that guys, especially together in larger groups, seem to be completely obsessed with sex and how attractive X or Y is. It really annoys me when every single conversation that even brings up women turns into "would you hit it?" and "damn she's hot". I've been called gay because I objected when the first thing a friend of mine asked about someone's sister is "is she hot?" I mean, Christ, do people have anything else on their minds?

Same here. My friends do it a lot. Its annoying as hell. I guess my cock doesnt have as much control over me as it does with most guys.
Whenever my friends are being testosterone pumps like that, I just casually point out the nearest 8-year-old and say "I'd hit that". That shuts them up.

Actually that only happened once, but it was ****ing funny, so there :D
A bit taller than the average, a "model" face, a super skinny body.
What the f is so special about that, that they have to be shown all the time? Most of the time they aren't even attractive.

lol BadHat, done that too.
I hate the anorexic look. There're many hot normal weight models too though.
First thing - I'm not talking about all models, I'm talking about those kind on 'Next Top Model' and stuff like that.

If one of those skinny bitches was standing in front of me naked wanting for sex, I'd honestly say no. So damn gross. Like, it's ok to be skinny and look good, but not anorexic ffs, they think the skinnier they get the hotter they get - NO.

And also, what is up with the clothes that they model? No one wears/wants to wear that shit, so why do they model it? wtf?

God dammit I hate this shit.

When I read this thread title I was thinking - yeah, why do people fancy Keeley Hazel, she's AVERAGE and you could find 10 skanks nicer than her in the first club I go to.

But since the thread's about skinny models, I haven't actually seen anyone with signatures with catwalk models in them to be fair. I think it's just a cliche to assume that guys think skinny fashion models are hot.
That skinny model almost made me puke. Get some help...please. :|
It's ****ing Skeletor!

Seriously though... one simple answer to the question:

Society encouraged people to think that way. Not even 100 years ago, women who were plumper than average were seen as the sexy superstars.
Raziaar, it still kinda' is seen as that in India, to the point where they'd fatten daughters, wether they like it or not.

But western influences have pretty much stopped it.
Raziaar, it still kinda' is seen as that in India, to the point where they'd fatten daughters, wether they like it or not.

But western influences have pretty much stopped it.

I know... we're talking about the western world here though.
It also pisses me off that guys, especially together in larger groups, seem to be completely obsessed with sex and how attractive X or Y is. It really annoys me when every single conversation that even brings up women turns into "would you hit it?" and "damn she's hot". I've been called gay because I objected when the first thing a friend of mine asked about someone's sister is "is she hot?" I mean, Christ, do people have anything else on their minds?

I'm one of those people. So are most of my friends. First thing asked when a female comes into the conversation is indeed "Would you hit it?".

I don't see anything wrong with it, really. I mean, you shouldn't belt it out at a dinner party. But if it's just you and the lads, possibly in a bar, then it's just accepted as a "guy thing". As a gender that's usually obsessed about sex, I find it inevitable that these kinds of yay/nay questions pop up.
I like my women like I like my steak. Meaty with small pudges of delicious fat in just the right places.

I like to pour A1 on her and simmer a few hours. Sometimes if it's dry it's kind ahard to cut so I just gnaw at it and it becomes a mess. Good thing I have a napkin.
I forgot about the mashed potatoes. Mmm I love potatos. Sometimes I just dip a little meat in the taters and it's awwright.
I like my women like I like my steak. Meaty with small pudges of delicious fat in just the right places.

I like to pour A1 on her and simmer a few hours. Sometimes if it's dry it's kind ahard to cut so I just gnaw at it and it becomes a mess. Good thing I have a napkin.
I forgot about the mashed potatoes. Mmm I love potatos. Sometimes I just dip a little meat in the taters and it's awwright.

I have sex with my food too.


I'm one of those people. So are most of my friends. First thing asked when a female comes into the conversation is indeed "Would you hit it?".

I don't see anything wrong with it, really. I mean, you shouldn't belt it out at a dinner party. But if it's just you and the lads, possibly in a bar, then it's just accepted as a "guy thing". As a gender that's usually obsessed about sex, I find it inevitable that these kinds of yay/nay questions pop up.

That's not a problem, it's usually amusing and a good way to start conversaion amongst the lads.

It's just irritating when you're insulted or called queer because you see a woman as more than just meat.

That's not a problem, it's usually amusing and a good way to start conversaion amongst the lads.

It's just irritating when you're insulted or called queer because you see a woman as more than just meat.

Feelings are homosexual.