Why do we all have to wear these ridiculous ties?

Why do we all have to wear these ridiculous ties?

  • I really don't know.

    Votes: 29 4.6%
  • Shut up.

    Votes: 58 9.2%
  • Don't be ridiculous.

    Votes: 17 2.7%
  • Is anybody else getting hungry?

    Votes: 47 7.5%
  • Ah, it's good to see you.

    Votes: 22 3.5%
  • You have no idea what is going on... do you?

    Votes: 30 4.8%
  • Somebody's hidden my glasses again.

    Votes: 67 10.7%
  • Please! Leave me alone until after the experiment!

    Votes: 65 10.4%
  • They're waiting for you, Gordon... in the test chamber..

    Votes: 194 30.9%
  • Ahhh, Ahhhh!! Ahhhhhhhhhgrh!!

    Votes: 99 15.8%

  • Total voters


Sep 20, 2004
Reaction score
Gordon dosen't need to hear all this; hes a highly trained professional.

Crap. I cant spell. Ridiculous.
Weren't you supposed to be in the test chamber half an hour ago?
FoB_Ed said:
Weren't you supposed to be in the test chamber half an hour ago?
I must remember to report that fluxuation.

CrazyHarij said:
So, what purpose does this have?
You have no idea what is going on... do you.
Im not going any furthor!
*Gets smacked to death by a crowbar*
For God's sake, open the silo door! They're coming for us and it's our only way out! Oh my God, we're doomed!
Wouldn’t you want to get one of these blood samples under a microscope?
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

(howd these Barneys get in here? ;))
Oh Dear!

...(whats going on in this thread? im confused...)
Mister! You! Are! Going! Down!

We! Will! Kick! Your! Ass!
Gordon Freeman in the flesh, or rather in the hazard suit. I took the liberty of relieving you of your weapons. Most of them were government property. As for the suit, I think you've earned it. The border world, Xen, is in our control for the time being, thanks to you. Quite a nasty piece of work you managed over there. I am impressed. That's why I'm here Mr. Freeman. I have recommended your services to my ... employers. And they have authorised me to offer you a job. They agree with me that you have limitless potential. You've proved yourself a decisive man so I don't expect you'll have any trouble deciding what to do. If you're interested, just step into the portal and I will take that as a 'yes'. Otherwise, well, I can offer you a battle you have no chance of winning. Rather an anti-climax after what you've just survived.

It's time to choose...

Wisely done, Mr. Freeman. I will see you up ahead.
We've been rather busy in your ab-sence, Mr. Freeman...

D'you remember when we thought Black Mesa was as bad as it could get?

Will this run on my 486?

Ah, the memories...
Gordon..? Gooordooooooooooooon!!!!!! :angry: (falls down to his death)
Destroy the damn thing before it grows any larger... Uahh!

And my personal favourite. :)


So, where are we taking this Freeman guy?

- Topside for question.

What the hell for? We got him, let’s kill him now!

- Uhh, and if they find the body?

Body? What body?

- Hehehe...


Maybe some sentence is wrong, my memory isn’t the best. :)
They all wear the ridiculous ties because they need some way to make sure that no women sneak into their all-male workplace.

Since, as we all know, women never wear ties.

More evidence of their secret anti-female detection system:

Scientist said:
Gordon Freeman.. it is you, isn’t it? The science team has been tracking your progress with the Black Mesa security system. Unfortunately, so has the military. That suit of yours is full of tracking devices. Still, it’s better than going naked in this place. It’s cold in there and you’ll have to hurry. It could sap your suit power in a matter of moments. If you’re bent on reaching the Lambda complex, then you’ll want to keep to the older industrial areas, where the security system is full of holes. It’s worked for me so far.
Everyone's favorite

Catch me later, I'll buy ya a beer.


Oh shit!


**fvox dude voice**
Woop woop illegal ass breach detected.