Why do you all hate america?

We don't, we hate your government, there's a difference.
Most people hate Americans because they dont like the administration that is in power at the moment.

Allthough people didnt seem to like America a whole lot before Bush.... so its kind of hard to say I guess.

Alot of people think that they dont do enough for the rest of the world given the disproportionate amount of wealth the USA has compared to the rest of the globe..... To be fair this can be said about the west in general though....

Its kind of hard for me to say since I don't hate America, I dont hate Americans....

Even if I don't like Bush too much. I just think someone a little more qualified should be running the most powerfull and influential country in the world. :p
MaxiKana said:
We don't, we hate your government, there's a difference.
I'm sure many of you feel that way. However, there are many of you (and I mean many) that insult the American people directly because of great arrogance and just plain stupidity on their part. Search around the forum if you need proof.
nah, americas government has done some wrong things, but i dont hate americans, nor anybody in that fact. i feel we shud respect every1 and NOT stereotype them tbh.

just the terrorists in iraq are the "people" (if i can call them that..) i hate.
I hate americans also....

....oh wait.. :|
No Limit said:
I'm sure many of you feel that way. However, there are many of you (and I mean many) that insult the American people directly because of great arrogance and just plain stupidity on their part. Search around the forum if you need proof.

the people who do that are just ignored on these forums as far as i can see. i've seen one, maybe two direct insults directed towards the general american public, naturally said individuals were flamed to hell and back (by american and non-american members).

it's not as bad as everyone thinks. there's a fine line between constructive criticism and what can be deemed as hate. it's easy to tell the difference between the two, but equally as easy to get hot under the collar and misconstrue one as the other. :|
Aye, there is a lot of hatred, that was there long before Bush. It's probably beacouse your society structure is different from Europe's.
Hell, at least the internet makes international chit-chat a hell of alot easier. That should help to bridge the gaps in our cultures.
TheAmazingRando said:
Hell, at least the internet makes international chit-chat a hell of alot easier. That should help to bridge the gaps in our cultures.

western countries are tending to have more and more simular cultures by the day.

well, all the english spoken countries anyway.
I don't hate Americans. I am one.

But from the couple of posts I've seen you make, I can certainly say that I don't like you.
I can predict that History will either be very harsh to America or everyone else.

I bet on America.

''I can predict that History will either be very harsh to America or everyone else.

I bet on America.''

I can predict Chinas economic power doubling by 2015.
Vulture said:
''I can predict that History will either be very harsh to America or everyone else.

I bet on America.''

I can predict Chinas economic power doubling by 2015.

Yeah, I know, it's not like it was original :p
American bashing is annoying, but this "woe is me" attitude I am seeing from some Americans is also annoying.
the people who do that are just ignored on these forums as far as i can see. i've seen one, maybe two direct insults directed towards the general american public, naturally said individuals were flamed to hell and back (by american and non-american members).
Entirely untrue.

I can predict that History will either be very harsh to America or everyone else.
That only depends upon the eye of the writer.

I really think that anti-Americanism is being promoted because it is the 'fad' thing of our generation. Some people just have the inherent distaste and revulsion of the 'big boy on the block', no matter what his intentions are. We're there when they need us, and they're not there when we need them.
I just can't stop laughing at seinfeldrules post. It's just that kind of thing that makes me wish to punch myself (or him) to death.
That's why Americans are so hated.

They refuse to see anything wrong with their country, and they immediately assume that if you're agaisnt their country, that's because you're anti-american. "There's nothing wrong with me, you hate me, don't you ? I knew it!!" It's the kind of arrogant teen attitude that gets them in trouble.
Sprafa said:
I just can't stop laughing at seinfeldrules post. It's just that kind of thing that makes me wish to punch myself (or him) to death.
That's why Americans are so hated.

They refuse to see anything wrong with their country, and they immediately assume that if you're agaisnt their country, that's because you're anti-american. "There's nothing wrong with me, you hate me, don't you ? I knew it!!" It's the kind of arrogant teen attitude that gets them in trouble.

And everyone whos is anti-american is a terrorist, and gets locked up indefinately :p
nicknitro said:
Why do you all hate americans?

I never really hated America until half the population re-elected Bush. How were so many people wrong?
I started hating America manly because everyone seem to love this country but I myself did not see what was so great about it.

I've read Michael Moore's books and seen his movies and that kinda puts you to wondering why people accepts the way things are in this country.

Why the hell did people vote for Bush again???
It's like someone sticks his hand in a fire, then repeats it and hope it won't hurt this time.

I'm not saying everyone did this, of course not, but more than half the country who voted did! So why do I dislike Amecica? I believe it is the stupidest industrialised country in the world, that's why.
I've also seen this statistics on the different states that voted for Bush and Kerry and the medium IQ for each state got bigger, the more the people that voted for Kerry.
You can see it for yourself here.
Haha, Texas is all the way down there. Coincidence or not?:p
I like the US :cheers:

...which of course doesn't mean I agree with all that their government does.
you hate us for electing our own leader that is the dumbest thing ive heard...and getting and basing all your facts on MM is also the dumbest thing ive heard some of the stuff he says is good but some is complete bullocks
Operation Ivy said:
you hate us for electing our own leader that is the dumbest thing ive heard
Your leader can be a better leader, you know. Kerry, anyone?
Heck, if there's someone who should be the president of USA, it's Ralph Nader!

Operation Ivy said:
...and getting and basing all your facts on MM is also the dumbest thing ive heard some of the stuff he says is good but some is complete bullocks
Actually if Michael Moore was lying about one little thing, he would be sued his ass of. I'm pretty confident that he's not lying about anything in his books. Mabye he is a little biased, yes, but he is not lying.
People hate america because it is seen as greedy, manipulative, and childish. It throws it's power around for it's own gains apparently without a care for the welfare of other nations (just talk to one of those fanatical anti-globalization activists, they'll be happy to go on about it).

People hate america because there is an extremely loud group of stupid people who make the news constantly. These are the sort of people who think terrorists live in the corner store, and the sort of people who think torture is just fine as long as it's not to a white man.

People hate americans because everywhere we look our culture is being inundated with american media and commericial products. We're losing small town restaurants, and even big corporations.

It's just that america is the most visible. With such a large portion of the population overweight and a slightly worrying percentage of the population in prison, we can easily see america as the decadant rome and forget about the regular people who are just trying to get by. Which is too bad, as long as everyone is arguing we're not going to get anything done on a global scale beyond maybe global self-annihilation.
GiaOmerta said:
Jealousy.. :)

please, the US is barely in the top 10 countries that have the highest standards of living

top 10:

1. Norway
2. Sweden
3. Australia
4. Canada
5. Netherlands
6. Belgium
7. Iceland
8. United States
9. Japan
10. Ireland

half of the top 10 are european

yup ...definately foreign policy
Because they are arrogant enough to stick their nose into other countries' affairs but not suffer the same from others. Because the administration is sickeningly self-righteous and lies to its own populace.
CptStern said:
please, the US is barely in the top 10 countries that have the highest standards of living

top 10:

1. Norway
2. Sweden
3. Australia
4. Canada
5. Netherlands
6. Belgium
7. Iceland
8. United States
9. Japan
10. Ireland

half of the top 10 are european
Shouldn't UK, or at least England be on that list?
kayjay said:
A big YAY for Norway!
/me fluffles Norway
bastard :( ,arrogant people, ever place has got 'em, those people start the bashing threads...they annoy me

Also bush dosen't help
The US shouldn't be in that list. The gap between rich and poor sucks, and it has a crappy welfare state.

Anyway, I actually like Americans, for the most part. When I went over to Arizona last year, I didn't meet any rude Americans, and I really didn't see that many fat ones, although in the desert people might burn a few more calories :p. The government they sometimes elect can make some silly and harmful decisions at times, but I really wouldn't wish much harm on the majority populace. There's a tiny minority of idiots holding it back, though.
Murray said:
Your leader can be a better leader, you know. Kerry, anyone?
Heck, if there's someone who should be the president of USA, it's Ralph Nader!

Actually if Michael Moore was lying about one little thing, he would be sued his ass of. I'm pretty confident that he's not lying about anything in his books. Mabye he is a little biased, yes, but he is not lying.

i will admit GWB is not the best president we will ever have, but saying Kerry would have been better is nonsense he would have done nothing differently we still be in Iraq and theres no way any of you Euros countries would help in Iraq (i dont blame ya) like he promised....in the end GWB was the lesser of the 2 evils ;)
I dont hate USE but I hate some of that USA peoples that think that they are the best of the world and all the countrys are poor and shit
also somethings I hate of that is people saying that USA is "the country of freedom" dont they know that are more countrys whit freedom or they think that all the countrys in the world are comunist
also when they say things like "god bless America",america is a continent not a country,if they were refering to a union and alliance of all american countrys is nothing bad but they refer they only self as America and IMO that hav nosense
Because they are arrogant enough to stick their nose into other countries' affairs but not suffer the same from others. Because the administration is sickeningly self-righteous and lies to its own populace.
We tried to stay out of other peoples businesss. Hell George Washigtion even told us to. But after WW2 we recognized that we were a super power and your ecnonmy needed to expand, businesses were getting into other countries, we needed certain supplies(OIL).

So lets say if england was attacked. Would the U.S. come help them?
Perfectly so, because if they die, then whoever controlled them might not want trade with us. That hurts our economy. So whatever happens all over the world effects us more than you think. We have businesses all over the world.

France wants to help rebuild Iraq and make money for there businesses. They didn't help us to fight them. We kick them out and use our own to expand our ecnomy. Is that insanley bad? Think about it.
(Note I do not totally agree with the war in Iraq)(I am not saying I hate the french, we might not be here if it wasn't for them).

god bless America
I actually never said that in my life. I will NEVER say it in my life.

Whatever I do, as long as it does not interfer with other peoples rights I can do it. I can start yelling bush sucks!! down the street. I can take a shit infront o the white house gates. You can't really get me on anything for taking a shit infront of the white house, that really dosn't interfer with other peoples rights.
Other countries do have freedom, but not to many when america was born. Even during WW1\WW2 times.

Ee.. actually North America and South America are continents. "America" the term itself can refer to either both of them or any country on any of the americas. Anyone can use this term how they like. If mexico would start saying "G*d Bless America" well we really wouldn't get mad. But we use America as part of our countries name. "United States of America".

USA peoples that think that they are the best of the world and all the countrys are poor and shit
I hate them to. I hate people who do think that.

Never hate the "USA". You can hate the people. You can hate the president. But to hate the USA itself is nonsense. In reality the people make the decisions. Quite more than some people think.

Don't quote me on anything x_X. Else i'll run around crying infront of the white house.
I don't hate america.

However, I absolutely hate people who say
"You don't love George Bush/bald eagles/war in iraq/christianity??? Why do you hate America???"

If I hated america, I'd damn well tell you so in no uncertain terms.
However, all I really hate is your crazy-ass president and his training-wheels theocracy.