Why do you americans hate communism?

China has Maoistic communism! You can say ha hybrid if you want, yes!
Communism strips away rights. What are you going to do to stop me from trading, and if currency goes away, stop me from bartering? Imprison me? Kill me?

Communism is sickening. People should be able to rise or fall based on their own merit. I'd like to be rich in the future and live leisurely.

And if by some flawed notion you think capitalism doesn't work, look at the quality of life in a capitalist nation, compared with any communist country in HISTORY. Our poor have refrigerators, air conditioning, enough food to eat, etc.
jverne said:
China has Maoistic communism! You can say ha hybrid if you want, yes!
China used to have Maoistic communism, but even that has fallen by the wayside. Due to its rather unique size and situation China has had to do a lot of adapting as it grows, and will probably continue to do so. Its far from anything like a real communist society anymore.
jverne said:
Thats why in a way i hate the american culture, girls here are becoming very picky too. I wish I had a new car!! Ford Focus is one of my favourite, if i ever earn enough money i'm buing one of those!
Rakurai, true, true! :laugh:
Direwolf and also that is true! But real comunism with democracy yould be atleast 5 times better! What I mean is: try to visualise the whole country having only like middle-higher class citizens (american middle-higher class, that is)! I think it wouldn't be so bad! Based on that everyone would have like an AMD 64 3000+ and a Radeon9800 PRO! But don't think that all will have the same! In communism you can have a better car than your neighbor, but "Bill Gates vs bum on the street" is not possible in communism!

Oh, yea...Rakurai think twice befor posting posts like the first!
But why should I be restricted from becoming something better than middle class? How are they going to stop me from trading? Like I said, imprison me? And after they start doing that, the nation will start to go against them.

And if they don't imprison me.. it's not really communism since I can legally sell and run business.. it's just socialism.

And why should I think twice?
jverne said:
Rakurai, true, true! :laugh:
Direwolf and also that is true! But real comunism with democracy yould be atleast 5 times better! What I mean is: try to visualise the whole country having only like middle-higher class citizens (american middle-higher class, that is)! I think it wouldn't be so bad! Based on that everyone would have like an AMD 64 3000+ and a Radeon9800 PRO! But don't think that all will have the same! In communism you can have a better car than your neighbor, but "Bill Gates vs bum on the street" is not possible in communism!

Oh, yea...Rakurai think twice befor posting posts like the first!
Except all the "Bill Gates" people would be the ones with government positions, or famous people.
Why's that? You'd have democracy or a republic with no president, if there was one it would have a very minor role in governing! Individuality wouldn't mean much in a real democratic system!
jverne said:
Why's that? You'd have democracy or a republic with no president, if there was one it would have a very minor role in governing! Individuality wouldn't mean much in a real democratic system!
That people in this world can say the third sentence in a positive light just frightens me.

Just glad I live where I do.
In politics, you ******! no offense
Does your life mean something in your society now? Have you found a cure for cancer or something!?
jverne said:
In politics, you ******! no offense
Does your life mean something in your society now? Have you found a cure for cancer or something!?
Just because I'm not famous or I'm not a hero doesn't mean I don't deserve individualism. I would die before communism came to my nation, and I honestly mean that. If it was forced on me, I would take up arms.

Most people who've experienced them and cherish them won't stand for major rights like that being stripped away.
But would you, for the sake of "security" give up your rights? Like the right to privacy, assembly, free speach/protest?
Man, your a hard nut to crack!

To tell you the truth back here when we had socialism (communism, if it makes you feel better) we had more freedom than anywhere! What happens in ammerica if forget to pay your taxes? Tell me and I shall tell you how it was here!
Innervision961 said:
But would you, for the sake of "security" give up your rights? Like the right to privacy, assembly, free speach/protest?
What the hell does this have to do with anything?
It was said that people would take up arms before they would give up rights and become a communist society, i was asking if the same people would be as angry if their rights were taken away under the veil of "security"
Innervision961 said:
It was said that people would take up arms before they would give up rights and become a communist society, i was asking if the same people would be as angry if their rights were taken away under the veil of "security"
Absolutely. One of the major issues many have against Bush Co. is the joke called the "Patriot Act". Talk about misnomers.
Innervision961 said:
But would you, for the sake of "security" give up your rights? Like the right to privacy, assembly, free speach/protest?
It depends what the threat is, if it is somthing like terrorists then I would give up some of my "rights". If it was somthing like...aliens from Xen invade earth and the government contains us all in safe places for our own good, so they can't infect more people and spread the...zombies.
:) Thats what I was referring to... So which would be worse military state, or communism? Pretty close if you ask me...
Foxtrot said:
It depends what the threat is, if it is somthing like terrorists then I would give up some of my "rights". If it was somthing like...aliens from Xen invade earth and the government contains us all in safe places for our own good, so they can't infect more people and spread the...zombies.

Have you ever seen a terrorist? The puprose of terrorism is to scare you, and bring change to your way of life, if thats the case then the terrorists have won.
Try to position your arguments around real life, please!
I think evrything would be better if Bush before the iraqi war, said:
"Saddam I'm going to kill you just because of my father, and because you got large oil reserves beneath your land, which I need them to drive my brand new Ford" Then evryone wouldn't criticize him for making stuff up! :laugh: no, really!

Oh, and antoher thing...we already discused that communism is an economical system...!
I think you were referring to dictatorship!?
jverne said:
Try to position your arguments around real life, please!
I think evrything would be better if Bush before the iraqi war, said:
"Saddam I'm going to kill you just because of my father, and because you got large oil reserves beneath your land, which I need them to drive my brand new Ford" Then evryone wouldn't criticize him for making stuff up! :laugh: no, really!
Are you alright? Did you forget to take your medication today or are you just high? Because you are making no sense at all right now.
Innervision961 said:
Have you ever seen a terrorist? The puprose of terrorism is to scare you, and bring change to your way of life, if thats the case then the terrorists have won.
I am not afraid of terrorists, but I am afraid of being afraid and if we can stop that then I am happy...make sense? That probably didnt come out quite right...I am not afraid now...but...ahh I lost myself.
Ups...sorry bout that! Back on topic!
Don't worry after terrorism you'll find something else to be afraid of!
Thats how your society works!
Innervision961 said:
But would you, for the sake of "security" give up your rights? Like the right to privacy, assembly, free speach/protest?

jverne said:
Man, your a hard nut to crack!

To tell you the truth back here when we had socialism (communism, if it makes you feel better) we had more freedom than anywhere! What happens in ammerica if forget to pay your taxes? Tell me and I shall tell you how it was here!

If you didn't get them in on time/forgot, I believe there is a fine added to what you have to pay. But the income tax is thievery of the government. It should be replaced with a federal retail sales tax.

On the other hand, tax fraud gets jail time. But that is when you lie on them and put false information.

Heh, tell me, you had more freedoms? I thought you said you had to wear some sort of ribbon on Tito's birthday eh? What happened if you refused?
jverne said:
I think evrything would be better if Bush before the iraqi war, said:
"Saddam I'm going to kill you just because of my father, and because you got large oil reserves beneath your land, which I need them to drive my brand new Ford"

That would have kicked so much ass.

And as a commie pinko canadian, I think that communism is flawed only because of people's stupidity.
Therefore, the solution is to create a million communist robots.
jverne said:
Ups...sorry bout that! Back on topic!
Don't worry after terrorism you'll find something else to be afraid of!
Thats how your society works!
Don't tell me how my society works, terrorism is a real threat and maybe people should be afraid of it? But not to the point where it will affect what they do, they should be aware of it though.
We had barely any taxes! hehe
If you didn't wear you' wouldn't alowed to be there, but that was only for children! As an adult you could wear a "I love New York" T-shirt! You know how much a speeding ticket was! not even 10 dollars
Foxtrot said:
Don't tell me how my society works, terrorism is a real threat and maybe people should be afraid of it? But not to the point where it will affect what they do, they should be aware of it though.
Terrorism is a real threat. But when you take away freedoms given the constitution to "fight terrorists", then it defeats the purpose of defending the document in the first place.
Where I live there are jerks who like to beat up people, for no reason! What, kill them all?
Something to remember: its a gross and incorrect generalization saying "Americans hate communists!" There seems to be a good majority of world that chooses not to live under communism, and they have good reasons, American or not.
jverne said:
We had barely any taxes! hehe
If you didn't wear you' wouldn't alowed to be there, but that was only for children! As an adult you could wear a "I love New York" T-shirt! You know how much a speeding ticket was! not even 10 dollars
Slovenia’s top income tax rate is 50 percent. The top corporate tax rate is 25 percent.
ShadowFox said:
Terrorism is a real threat. But when you take away freedoms given the constitution to "fight terrorists", then it defeats the purpose of defending the document in the first place.
But some of those "freedoms" are bullshit anyways. Honestly, would you care if some guy 1,000 miles away listened to your conversations? You would never know he did, and you never will and no one else will.
Well, I was a little ignorant too! I tought that evry communism was good as ours! Some are much more repressive!
But if there was a real democratic communism (democracy+communism) you could thell the whole ****ing world that your parliament sux and nothing would happen! I belive that we're much too young (human kind) to have a real communistic system, not to mention a democratic! We'll just have to see!
Rakurai we're a republic for nearly 14 years now. lol :laugh: :laugh:
Foxtrot said:
But some of those "freedoms" are bullshit anyways. Honestly, would you care if some guy 1,000 miles away listened to your conversations? You would never know he did, and you never will and no one else will.
I would care. It is a matter of respect. I respect the government by paying my taxes. They should respect me by honoring my privacy.

Whether I would know or not, is not the point. I find it scary how little people care about the Bill of Rights these days.
Capitalist Republic > Communist Democracy.

Think we've proved that.

jverne said:
Rakurai we're a republic for nearly 14 years now. lol :laugh: :laugh:
Okay, let me get te figures from the age of communism then rather than 2004, hold.
Foxtrot you givernment is on a good way of becoming a dictatorship! For how long would you be ignored?
ShadowFox said:
I would care. It is a matter of respect. I respect the government by paying my taxes. They should respect me by honoring my privacy.

Whether I would know or not, is not the point. I find it scary how little people care about the Bill of Rights these days.
The only reason you care is because how some people inturpret(sp...I suck at spelling) the Bill of Rights?