Why do you brits say "Zed" instead of just Z

I must admit, personally I always thought of 'Z' as Zee as opposed to Zed, except in the alphabet.
I say zeta, like we do in swedish. coolest pronounciation ever
Alphabet and phonetics are two completely different things.

A and a are two different sounds While K and C are very different sounding c n k are fairly similar.

F and f, P and p.

Saying Z should be pronounced Zee cause of zebra is flawed logic.

And why do we (British) say Zed? Well its our language, and what’s the point of arguing? You Yankees can’t even spell aluminium :p
Granted it sounds better than ZEEEE but, why say Zed?

and before someone says it "Zed's dead baby"
Here comes the clue train: Because that's how it's pronounced.
You lot only changed it because it was too hard to remember at the end of the alphabet, as it didn't rhyme with b,c,d,e,g,p,t,v - the idea that ZED put a nice full-stop (or period if you're speaking Yanklish) to the alphabet blew your simple little minds and thus "zee" was born.
Seriously - z the last letter of the alphabet; the end; "zed" is a full stop.

I must admit, personally I always thought of 'Z' as Zee as opposed to Zed, except in the alphabet.
You realise that's a form of treachery, right? The queen is technically allowed to strip you naked, hogtie you and drag you through the streets of your hometown down all the way to Windsor Castle by your hair whilst beating you with a dead cormorant whilst the people pelt you with plaster casts of St Paul's Cathedral.
I'm just warning you in advance.
i'm sorry, but someone from freaking america, is saying something bad about another country in relation to the english language ?

gtfo. :D
"Zed" might also have germanic origins, in which z is pronounced "Set", (Even thoguh in german "set" would be pronounced "zedt")

but after english broke off from the main indo-european language the t's changed to d's and the s' changed to z.

Thus Set>>Zed

I think its Zed in French as well.
One thing has always bothered me, why the hell do you yanky boys and girls say full-eye? Because, whilst it is hillarous when I get to hear you people talking about "full-eye automatic weapons" or a "full-eye automated process" I've always wondered why you do it.
One thing has always bothered me, why the hell do you yanky boys and girls say full-eye? Because, whilst it is hillarous when I get to hear you people talking about "full-eye automatic weapons" or a "full-eye automated process" I've always wondered why you do it.

what the hell are you talking about?


I say fully

like "full-ee"
Retarded thread. Its like asking the french why they say merci instead of thank you. The fact is, you don't speak the same language, so you can't comment, and the same goes for your yanklish (perfect word el Chi) and english. As soon as you started changing things, you stopped speaking the english language. So, you are incorrect.
I say Z when reciting the alphabet because...well, because it rhymes.

I tend to say either zee or zed, depending on absolutely sod-all.
Retarded thread. Its like asking the french why they say merci instead of thank you. The fact is, you don't speak the same language, so you can't comment, and the same goes for your yanklish (perfect word el Chi) and english. As soon as you started changing things, you stopped speaking the english language. So, you are incorrect.

So the English are allowed to change things, despite two thirds of the English speakers in the world being American. That makes perfect sense. You've been outnumbered. It's unfortunate, but we can do what we like with it now.
Dammit, we should just get a brit with a sword that says "colour" and a yank with a sword that says "color" and let them fight. Whoever wins, that's how it should be spelled.
I'm English, and I say "z". Probably because I learnt the alphabet from Sesame Street or something :p
I say Z when reciting the alphabet because...well, because it rhymes.

I tend to say either zee or zed, depending on absolutely sod-all.
QFT it does change. Like for instance: Z-Z-Top, we pronounce "Zee-Zee-Top", but we do pronounce it Zed in the alphabet - for like el Chi said - It creates an end to the alphabet.

It's all just difference in languages because of the time spent apart from each other.
Dammit, we should just get a brit with a sword that says "colour" and a yank with a sword that says "color" and let them fight. Whoever wins, that's how it should be spelled.

So the English are allowed to change things, despite two thirds of the English speakers in the world being American. That makes perfect sense. You've been outnumbered. It's unfortunate, but we can do what we like with it now.

Of course you can, but that doesn't mean that the rest of the world are going to adapt your changes to the languages, "outnumbered" or not.
I say we have a lock. This will never be resolved. Ever.
Christ. Who cares? It's one uncommon letter.
Uh, Why do you guys care if people in other countries pronounce words differenctly?
What 2 Koreas? We're the same country! It even says so in our constitution! Kim Jong Il is just a terrorist force that has illegally occupied ROK territories using violence.

And still, Its not like the US is going to annex UK or vice versa in the near future.
What 2 Koreas? We're the same country! It even says so in our constitution! Kim Jong Il is just a terrorist force that has illegally occupied ROK territories using violence.

And, according to Taiwan, you're illegally occupying China! (As well as the Communist Party).
Free China sucks. We should bomb them sometime, they must be a terrorist group in disguise.
So much brainwashing going on in this thread. Numbers scares the hell out of me as always, and you Brits are so confused you don't know what's going on with your alphabet. You can't just call a band "Zee Zee Top" then turn around and try to get away with Z = zed. It just doesn't work like that.
So much brainwashing going on in this thread. Numbers scares the hell out of me as always, and you Brits are so confused you don't know what's going on with your alphabet. You can't just call a band "Zee Zee Top" then turn around and try to get away with Z = zed. It just doesn't work like that.

Holy sht, hes right. Quick, someone call the oxford people and tell them to change the dictionary because a band took a liberty with the language to m ake thier name work!!!
That sentence(sentance?) makes no sense :S.

If I was spelling a word I'd say zed, if I was saying the alphabet I'd say zee.

Why Zed? It sounds ridiculous.. No other letter makes a sound anything like that.. Ay Bee See Dee Ee Eff Gee etc.. It's not Ay Bed Sed Ded Eed Fed Ged.