Why does a crossbow fire Iron Rebar???

Red-hot too, did you think crossbows fired arrows? lol
Because it's kinda hard to pin people to the wall with poison darts :p
Because City 17 is short on sporting goods stores that sell crossbow bolts.
I thought the hot rods were awesome for the crossbow.. a little more deadlier than just an arrow. Not to mention it bonds em to the walls lol
A2597 said:
so THATS what I was shooting? Sweet

Quoted for Emphasis. I never knew what the hell I was firing untill now! :p
argh, I'll talk about this later - reading this thread has made me want to go pin some combine to the wall with the crossbow.
The entire crossbows made of scrap pieces of metal. I think the Resistance made it themselves, much like Dog, the Scout Car and the Airboat. Gives it a kickass home made feel. :D
He doesn't. The crossbow has a battery pack on the underside of it, and there are two electrodes at the front of the bow. When Gordon places the rod between the terminals it heats up like an electric oven. Not very realistic, but it's still cool.
i thought it as some kinda railgun...
Wouldn't rebar be like super heavy/very un-aerodynamic? Having a flat tip just doesn't cut the air like a sharp pointy tip. Also I thought that battery heated and helped propel the rebar like a railgun. That way it could actually fly out more that 10ft infront of you.
The fact that it's un-aerodynamic wouldn't matter. Since it's so heavy, it would have a lot of momentum once it's in flight, which makes it much harder to slow. Now if it were made out of styrofoam, that would be a different story...
Well i thought hot stuff has a lower friction?

Anyway its the feature you are shooting with plasma and other nice stuff so i think it should be possible to heat up a rebar with a 1,5 volt battery :p
Ehm...I have to say, that "bolt" would not be accurate at all. It has no fletching on it, which provide stability for flight. You couldn't hope to hit a combine soldier from 5 feet away, not to mention nail a headshot from 100 yards..
Just a gripe I have with it. Otherwise it's very cool.
when you lose all your weapons, you can see that the crossbow is very low tech, .....lol gordon probably made it by himself
Yeah, and he left it up on Highway 17 just because he knew he'd be passing through :D
Eon Blue said:
Yeah, and he left it up on Highway 17 just because he knew he'd be passing through :D
Exactly! And he put a charred body next to it, too, so know one would know it was him! :afro:
MiccyNarc said:
Exactly! And he put a charred body next to it, too, so know one would know it was him! :afro:
Lol. If you look carefully, it says "Property of Gordon Freeman - Touch it and you end up like this guy."
Eon Blue said:
Lol. If you look carefully, it says "Property of Gordon Freeman - Touch it and you end up like this guy."
I wonder if he left all the other ones scattered throughout his journey, all next to charred bodies...
Gordon really gets around!
Gordon's a very violent man. Look what he did to those poor people who just wanted to use his crossbow :(
hey,if you spent 15 years in oblivion making that crossbow only to have someone pick it up shouting "loot!", you'd be pissed too. lol
If it's really hot rebar it should set those damn Combine troops on fire when I pin them to the wall!

Need a (video) I-Rifle replacement... ;)
Audiophile said:
argh, I'll talk about this later - reading this thread has made me want to go pin some combine to the wall with the crossbow.

I'm going to start on ceilings soon. :E
YES! and pinning the first guy to the billboard is about the best way to introduce such a great weapon. Thanks Valve
Man 1: Why Hot rebar Brother?
Man 2: Because it hurts more you idiot!
Man 1: Ah.
I think I'm gonna go and try and find some cool places to pwn and pin Combine with the Xbow now... :E
"Unrealistic" is mild word for it.
1) Flat tip. Useless against armored targets.
3) Such a heavy iron bolt needs tons of strenght to stretch bowstring.
4)Lever would be needed and time of reloading would be long.
5) Red hot? Gimme a break. Try to warm up that much iron bar. How long?
Conclusion: where's the point of that kind of missile? It's like loading cow on catapult.
Most stupid idea ever winner.
Btw. i love the game :)