why duke nukem 3d still is a pretty fun game


Jun 14, 2004
Reaction score
the other day i loaded duke nukem 3d on my PC and played the first few levels again, just to see how far we've come, and how much we've fallen back.

As far as graphics, I am amazed after playing with sprites and no curves on buildings, not to mention not having an actual 2 story building. (such as a floor above a floor) Yet, have we seen a game quite like duke nukem 3d since then that combines comedy, action, and adult humor quite as effectively? From what I've seen I don't think so. I haven't had as many laughs with any other game than duke3d, except maybe GTA3. The developers sought out to create a rated R game, and succeeded pretty well up until the addons and "duke 3d in washington, or atomic version, etc".

On the other hand, does the gaming community really want another game like duke 3d? maybe a few, who knows. With the graphics and tools given to us, we could create an "updated" vers. of duke 3d if we wanted, but from what i've seen in most forums many of the poeple who want these mods made won't help on them either. (I'm not trying to tick off mod-makers with that line, so don't flame me) I just think that sometimes we've "held back" some of the more adult oriented mods that we could create, and we shouldn't if we truly want to see what might happen with them if released to the public.
duke nukem 3d is the best game ever made EVER...i have more happy memories with that than i do any game i've ever had. the deathmatch is one of the best ever and the single player blew me away when i first played it

edit: oh if your a duke3d fan and want to play it with opengl graphics in TRUE 3d, download this port:


best port for it ever...the netcode isn't in yet but will be in the future
I don't really think Duke Nukem is going to ever be a real prospect again, thanks to DN:F. I'm not really a fan of the originals anyway.
Duke 3D was the first game I played when I had my first PC.... yeah it rocked, so many fantastic features, nothing beat it for me until HL came along. I don't think it gets the kudos it deserves anymore. I guess games lately concentrate on style too much, instead of packing in the detail....
Loved the shrinking gun and the pipe bombs :D

Ah, so many great memories.
I never really like DN3D because of its engine. Pseudo 3D was nice, but the way it worked when turning your head up or down gave me a headache.

edit: oh if your a duke3d fan and want to play it with opengl graphics in TRUE 3d, download this port:

I wonder how Duke would look with the HDRish smartshader? :)
Duke3D was the first game i got when we upgraded from 486 to Pentium MMX....that game is really awesome...
Duke3d is a big classic! I'm a collector of old dos games, so i have a few games like Blood3D, shadow warrior, skynet, etc..
these games are reminding me of my 486/Dx ERa...lol
(i still play with them sometimes..lol and its mad fun i tell ya...)

*sigh* woow...that was a long time ago... O_o
john121 said:
the other day i loaded duke nukem 3d on my PC and played the first few levels again, just to see how far we've come, and how much we've fallen back.

As far as graphics, I am amazed after playing with sprites and no curves on buildings, not to mention not having an actual 2 story building. (such as a floor above a floor) Yet, have we seen a game quite like duke nukem 3d since then that combines comedy, action, and adult humor quite as effectively? From what I've seen I don't think so. I haven't had as many laughs with any other game than duke3d, except maybe GTA3. The developers sought out to create a rated R game, and succeeded pretty well up until the addons and "duke 3d in washington, or atomic version, etc".

On the other hand, does the gaming community really want another game like duke 3d? maybe a few, who knows. With the graphics and tools given to us, we could create an "updated" vers. of duke 3d if we wanted, but from what i've seen in most forums many of the poeple who want these mods made won't help on them either. (I'm not trying to tick off mod-makers with that line, so don't flame me) I just think that sometimes we've "held back" some of the more adult oriented mods that we could create, and we shouldn't if we truly want to see what might happen with them if released to the public.
If someone creates an updated version, people will just moan. Think Doom 3 :P.
I can't wait for that Duke3d source port the modders are making. Duke is still one of my favoirite VG characters of all time
Duke 3D was awesome! I have fond memories of that game. It had a lot of character and originality. I mean, who can forget Duke's catchphrases: "Hail to the King, baby!", "I came here to chew bubble gum and kick ass, and I'm all out of gum." etc.
Duke 3D is awesome! :thumbs:

Do you remember the end sequences after you beat each boss? Those were so goddamn cool to watch especially when Duke ripps of the head on one of them and starts to shit down the throat, he even starts reading a newspaper. How awesome is that? :cool:
Duke 3D was a good game, but there was certainly better at the time.

Plus I didn't think it was cool how the game essentially highjacked Bruce Campbell's character "Ash" from the Evil Dead series(particulary Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness)....they're not exactly his catch phrases. They're funny in the context of the game, but definitly not original and not his.
pomegranate said:
Holy moly, do you realise DN3d is nearly 10 years old? Scary!

Do you realize DNF is nearly 10 years old and it's not even out yet. Which is more shocking?