Icarusintel said:
why should i have to counter the memo, i know about it, but just because it exists doesn;t mean anything's going to change, just gives people something else to bitch about, not like they don;t have enough already, i'm just tired of hearing about how the war in iraq is such a travesty, we've heard it all before, many times, but no one's so willing to bring up the positive aspects, the negativity in general in the mainstream media is upsetting
You have the same mentality that is destroying this country. If Bush commits an impeachable offense and 10s of thousands of people die because of it we should just let it go since nothing will change. Why didn't the right wing nut cases just let go of Clinton's BJ?

Your argument that it doesn't matter anymore is absolutely insane; it certainly matters to the mothers of over 1,700 soldiers that have died.
No Limit said:
You have the same mentality that is destroying this country. If Bush commits an impeachable offense and 10s of thousands of people die because of it we should just let it go since nothing will change. Why didn't the right wing nut cases just let go of Clinton's BJ?

Your argument that it doesn't matter anymore is absolutely insane; it certainly matters to the mothers of over 1,700 soldiers that have died.
yeah, of course it matters to them, but everyone harping on the war doesn't help to console them, telling everyone that we shouldn't have gone into iraq, i think it kills the cause they are fighting for, i think it diminishes all of that, look what all the negativity during the vietnam war did for the vets when they came back, i'm ashamed there's not more reports on the media supporting what the troops are doing, would do wonders for morale

the clinton issue was blown out of proportion, it was something that should've been settled between him and his wife, though i doubt she cared much, since she likes women better anyway
Look your basically saying don't argue about this becuase it just upsets people. You can only say this becuase it doesnt affect you.

Say you were in a fire and one group of people said to jump out the window, while another person said the only chance was to run through the flames, even my mum wouldnt say "Stop all this talk about fires it only starts arguments, now lets all sit down to tea and burn to death"

God Mark Steels funny.
solaris152000 said:
Look your basically saying don't argue about this becuase it just upsets people. You can only say this becuase it doesnt affect you.

Say you were in a fire and one group of people said to jump out the window, while another person said the only chance was to run through the flames, even my mum wouldnt say "Stop all this talk about fires it only starts arguments, now lets all sit down to tea and burn to death"

God Mark Steels funny.
yeah, it does effect me, since i've got friends over there, and so long as we're still there when i get done with college i'll probably be going over there

who is Mark Steel?
Icarusintel said:
yeah, of course it matters to them, but everyone harping on the war doesn't help to console them, telling everyone that we shouldn't have gone into iraq, i think it kills the cause they are fighting for, i think it diminishes all of that, look what all the negativity during the vietnam war did for the vets when they came back, i'm ashamed there's not more reports on the media supporting what the troops are doing, would do wonders for morale
Sorry, but what you are saying is we shouldn't investigate if Bush killed those people by sending them in there without justification. That won't fly. Government needs to be montiored 24/7 and if a president lies he needs to be held accountable for it. If a guy is murderer are you saying the murdered shouldn't be found as that will just upset people? I don't care how many republicans this upsets; the truth needs to be found. If not more lying will come from this administration and thousands more will die.
No Limit said:
Hardly, I actually think you did a good analysis. Or am I not allowed to disagree with you politely? If someone is willing to actually debate I have a lot of respect for them; if they repeat the same old talking points ignoring what I am telling them its a different story.

Of course you can disagree. I'm not ignoring the points you're trying to make. I'm not flaming or bitching or anything else. More or less I'm just playing Devil's Advocate here because I don't lean left and I don't lean right and I hate the media. I hate everything about the system, but at the same time I still love my country (just not my president).

I see your point on presidential coverage and I agree you can't expect 50/50 balance. I was just trying to provide you with a very quick example. I do think it's unfair for you to point to left leaning websites though and think that it's okay and then completely disregard any links coming from right leaning websites.

I can point you to 100 websites that talk about liberal media bias. I won't do that though because you could search google for "media bias" and see the exact same things I see. I'll never point someone to a left or right leaning website because too many people use those sites as crutches for their own ignorance in the matter. Please understand NoLimit I don't mean that of you.

Of course those links on media bias come from conservative points of view. Judging by some of the things you've said in this thread though you'd probably immediately disregard them solely because they have a right leaning perspective. If you expect people to read the websites you link to, you could at least give those people the satisfaction of reading the websites they link you to. Obviously the left wouldn't talk about liberal media bias, because it's not bias from their point of view.

I guess that's the point. When so many news outlets are left leaning, the people on the left don't recognize that there is any bias. Instead they call Fox a nazi organization. They're a convenient target for the left because they are the only ones on the right.

I'm not expecting you to change your mind on this matter. But I'd hope you'd at least open your mind to the fact that bias does exist to a degree. I'm not hollering that some grand conspiracy exists because I simply don't think that it's true at all. Frankly I hate the media. I search for facts and quotes and make my own decisions. Facts are becoming more and more hard to come by but I digress. I don't need O'Reily (ignorant dipshit holy roller) or Olbermann (raving conspiracy theorist) to make my mind up for me.

I don't know where I'm going with this anymore so I'll shut up. It's nice to have a discussion though without being called names and such.
No Limit said:
Sorry, but what you are saying is we shouldn't investigate if Bush killed those people by sending them in there without justification. That won't fly. Government needs to be montiored 24/7 and if a president lies he needs to be held accountable for it. If a guy is murderer are you saying the murdered shouldn't be found as that will just upset people? I don't care how many republicans this upsets; the truth needs to be found. If not more lying will come from this administration and thousands more will die.
there's plenty of justification, but i think the weapons of mass destruction one was certainly wrong, they should've focused more on saddam's prior actions, and the war in iraq is helping to keep terrorists focused away from the US, which saves lives here
finding the truth is great and all, but at the end of the day it's just another paragraph in a history book
anyway, we're off topic, tv media sucks
Fishlore said:
Of course you can disagree. I'm not ignoring the points you're trying to make. I'm not flaming or bitching or anything else. More or less I'm just playing Devil's Advocate here because I don't lean left and I don't lean right and I hate the media. I hate everything about the system, but at the same time I still love my country (just not my president).

I see your point on presidential coverage and I agree you can't expect 50/50 balance. I was just trying to provide you with a very quick example. I do think it's unfair for you to point to left leaning websites though and think that it's okay and then completely disregard any links coming from right leaning websites.

I can point you to 100 websites that talk about liberal media bias. I won't do that though because you could search google for "media bias" and see the exact same things I see. I'll never point someone to a left or right leaning website because too many people use those sites as crutches for their own ignorance in the matter. Please understand NoLimit I don't mean that of you.

Of course those links on media bias come from conservative points of view. Judging by some of the things you've said in this thread though you'd probably immediately disregard them solely because they have a right leaning perspective. If you expect people to read the websites you link to, you could at least give those people the satisfaction of reading the websites they link you to. Obviously the left wouldn't talk about liberal media bias, because it's not bias from their point of view.

I guess that's the point. When so many news outlets are left leaning, the people on the left don't recognize that there is any bias. Instead they call Fox a nazi organization. They're a convenient target for the left because they are the only ones on the right.

I'm not expecting you to change your mind on this matter. But I'd hope you'd at least open your mind to the fact that bias does exist to a degree. I'm not hollering that some grand conspiracy exists because I simply don't think that it's true at all. Frankly I hate the media. I search for facts and quotes and make my own decisions. Facts are becoming more and more hard to come by but I digress. I don't need O'Reily (ignorant dipshit holy roller) or Olbermann (raving conspiracy theorist) to make my mind up for me.

I don't know where I'm going with this anymore so I'll shut up. It's nice to have a discussion though without being called names and such.
But you are set on the idea that I am not reading anything you provide; that is wrong. I absolutely hate people that discredit a source because the source is left leaning or right leaning but the information in that source is 100% accurate. It is the lowest point of politics and you simply can't have a rational debate with those people.

The reason I discredited his source is because the information on there is simply wong; and I backed that up with facts. That is not to say everything on that site is pure grabage; just much of it but I still took the time to read through it. In addition that site had nothing to do with the topic; it was about liberal lies; not media lies. I do not deny liberals do tell lies and I would be happy to have a discussion on that; but this is about the media lying or being biased toward the right wing (or left wing depending on your politics).

I always bring up http://www.mediamatters.org . Yes, it is a left organaization. But nothing on that site is false; everything is backed up with facts. If you can find me a similar site on the right wing that backs up everything with facts I promise you I will not dismiss it and if it really is good I'll probably bookmark it. I believe strongly organizations like media matters and fact check need to exist on both sides of the political spectrum. I am sick of lies coming from both sides and they need to stop; I know you might find this hard to believe but I have grilled some democrats for lying or making wild accusations without backup, they only hurt the Democratic party and the cause. Frankly I believe the Republicans should do the same; not become apologists for those lies.
OCybrManO said:
If there's one thing in this thread that most of us can agree on... this is it.

true dat...

I think you killed me 15 times in a row in BF last night.

oops edited:

I hear ya. I agree with your post. Both sides are guilty of these things. Like you, I take people on both sides of the line to task when they talk and can't back up what they say.
Icarusintel said:
there's plenty of justification, but i think the weapons of mass destruction one was certainly wrong, they should've focused more on saddam's prior actions, and the war in iraq is helping to keep terrorists focused away from the US, which saves lives here
finding the truth is great and all, but at the end of the day it's just another paragraph in a history book
anyway, we're off topic, tv media sucks
The only justification congress would approve was WMDs which is why Bush spent so much time on it. But that is outside of this topic, if you want to address the Bush lies check out the "Bush is the worst president?" thread.

And again, finding the truth is the most important thing in this country; only our constitution is on the line. If we let government get away with lies there is nothing to stop them from saying lies. I understand you are republican and you don't want to accept Bush lied to you but if I offer you plenty of evidance I think you owe it to yourself to look at that evidance objectively and educate yourself. If you say it doesn't matter as I like Bush you are no different than about 90% of this country which consists of ignorant idiots, if I may be frank here.
No Limit said:
The only justification congress would approve was WMDs which is why Bush spent so much time on it. But that is outside of this topic, if you want to address the Bush lies check out the "Bush is the worst president?" thread.

And again, finding the truth is the most important thing in this country; only our constitution is on the line. If we let government get away with lies there is nothing to stop them from saying lies. I understand you are republican and you don't want to accept Bush lied to you but if I offer you plenty of evidance I think you owe it to yourself to look at that evidance objectively and educate yourself. If you say it doesn't matter as I like Bush you are no different than about 90% of this country which consists of ignorant idiots, if I may be frank here.
i understand he has lied, but sadly this is nothing new for a president, especially in the last 100 years
too bad we'll never have another prez like George Washington.... ;(
Icarusintel said:
i understand he has lied, but sadly this is nothing new for a president, especially in the last 100 years
too bad we'll never have another prez like George Washington.... ;(
The difference between just a politician lying adn this case is that in this case Bush lied to congress and he knew he was lying. Again, this is an impeachable offense as we saw with Clinton.
No Limit said:
The difference between just a politician lying adn this case is that in this case Bush lied to congress and he knew he was lying. Again, this is an impeachable offense as we saw with Clinton.
even if there was an impeachment i highly doubt he would be kicked out of office, even if he was impeached
Icarusintel said:
even if there was an impeachment i highly doubt he would be kicked out of office, even if he was impeached
That doesn't matter; I just want you to agree he should be impeached. If you do I will admit you are a free thinker unlike so many Republicans that have come around here.

There is nothing partisan about getting the truth. The fact the president can simply say he doesn't need to address letters signed by over 100 members of the house is an insult to our democracy. But again, we are going way off topic. You might want to join the other thread if you want to discuss this further.
No Limit said:
That doesn't matter; I just want you to agree he should be impeached. If you do I will admit you are a free thinker unlike so many Republicans that have come around here.

There is nothing partisan about getting the truth. The fact the president can simply say he doesn't need to address letters signed by over 100 members of the house is an insult to our democracy. But again, we are going way off topic. You might want to join the other thread if you want to discuss this further.
i would, but it's way too long now, i hate wading into something so well-developed
i'll leave the matter of impeaching him up to congress, but personally i'd rather see him finish out his term, even if he is impeached, it'd at least be better than having good ol' Dick up in the captain's chair
anyway, ummm.... Bill O'Rielly's annoying, Michael Savage is a far more entertaining right wing nut job
Of course other news channels do the same thing.

Have all you already forgotten about what Dan Rather did a while back when he was willing to believe anything negative without checking his facts?

The fact is most of us are not on top of things enough to keep track of which anchor is lying to us at any given time. You are crazy if you aren't willing to believe that your anchor of choice isn't capable of distorting the truth to make himself look smart.

Not everyone is a washed up comedian with way too much time on his hands trying to push his way into politics like Franken.

Franken has a personal vendetta against O'Reaily and anyone else on the right anyway.


^^ That guy needs to get a life too.
The fact that anyone defends an asshole like O'Reily, let alone the fact that he is so popular, is an American tragedy.
Pro[pH]et said:
Of course other news channels do the same thing.

No they don't.

Have all you already forgotten about what Dan Rather did a while back when he was willing to believe anything negative without checking his facts?

They received documents which appeared to be legitimate at the time, then later found evidence they were not and retracted.

O'Reilly deliberately editted out remarks from the statement he was airing to remove THREE different references to Biden's suggestion for an independent commission, ranted about Biden's position, and then plagiarized the statements he had editted out of Biden's comments and claimed it as his own idea.

The first is an error. The second is a deliberate falsehood.
They all do it.

To blindly follow any anchor belittles you and raises them to a higher place then they deserve.

You are making O'Reily responsible for what he reports and Rather should be held responsible for what he reports.

To say only Fox News does this is rediculous. You lower yourself and play the game.

Excuses and assholes, my friend.
He is not meant to be a credible reporter like Dan Rather, he is supposed to be a bias guy on a conservative station like Heraldo.

Oh, wait...
Pro[pH]et said:
They all do it.

Deja vu...

To repeat my response to that exact same statement from your last post:

Rather received documents which appeared to be legitimate at the time, then later found evidence they were not and retracted.

O'Reilly deliberately editted out remarks from the statement he was airing to remove THREE different references to Biden's suggestion for an independent commission, ranted about Biden's position, and then plagiarized the statements he had editted out of Biden's comments and took credit for them being HIS idea.

Now, if they all do it as you keep saying then I'm sure you will have no difficulty in providing me with an example from another major network news organization that equals or rivals the act of blatant deception described here.
It's not worth my time. I don't give a shit about what any of the news channels. I don't give a shit about proving anything to you.

You want to sit around believing only Fox News pulls this shit. Live in your ignorance, I don't care.
Pro[pH]et said:
It's not worth my time. I don't give a shit about what any of the news channels. I don't give a shit about proving anything to you.

You want to sit around believing only Fox News pulls this shit. Live in your ignorance, I don't care.
No, you got it all wrong. You are the one that wants to sit around and be an apologist for Fox News. He gave you a good explaination, you chose not to accept it. What Rather's team did was wrong; but it hardly compares to what O'Reilly did and what he does on a regular basis. You guys always bring up Rather when we try to prove Fox's bias; it gets old. You have one example in the last year; I can give you a couple examples on a daily basis of when Fox just plain lies or stretches the truth.
You are the one that wants to sit around and be an apologist for Fox News

I haven't even said what news station I watch, nice try though.

He gave you a good explaination, you chose not to accept it.

He just said that only Fox News does this. That's not really an explanation.
What Rather's team did was wrong

At least you will admit as much.

You guys always bring up Rather when we try to prove Fox's bias

That was just the first thing that popped up in my mind because that incident was HUGE and Rather was caught not doing his job. Of course, it's not his fault since he can do no wrong in some people's minds.

I can give you a couple examples on a daily basis of when Fox just plain lies or stretches the truth.

You seem to watch a lot of Fox News, be carefull or you might become a right wing extremist if you aren't carfull. Fox News entire goal is to brain wash the simple minded.
I haven't even said what news station I watch, nice try though.
It doesn't matter, you are still an apologist for Fox News by saying it doesn't matter as others do it too (no they don't).

He just said that only Fox News does this. That's not really an explanation.
They are the only ones that do this on a regular basis. Everyone makes mistakes; Rather did too. The problem is Fox does this on a daily basis. You have dirt on the liberal media with Rather; that is the only thing you got in the last year. Like I said, I have examples of fox doing this daily.
That was just the first thing that popped up in my mind because that incident was HUGE and Rather was caught not doing his job. Of course, it's not his fault since he can do no wrong in some people's minds.
He did wrong in my mind; what he did ruined the debate about Bush's military record. He completely ****ed it up for the Democrats and made the Republicans come out strong on the issue. If you think I respect him for that you are wrong; but I am also willing to admit everyone makes mistakes.

You seem to watch a lot of Fox News, be carefull or you might become a right wing extremist if you aren't carfull. Fox News entire goal is to brain wash the simple minded.
I'm glad you agree that they try to brainwash people (they did this to my dad). I do watch it a lot to get Republican talking points (I hear them repeated here all the time). Helps me prepare.
by saying it doesn't matter as others do it too

I didn't say it doesn't matter. Quit putting words in my mouth. You need to go back and read my posts. I said they all do it, intentional or not.

What O'Reily did was wrong, I'm not arguing that point. Point it out, tell the world, I don't care. I'm not sleeping with the man.

My point is other news stations do the same thing. They do it on purpose too, I don't care if you believe me or not.

I do watch it a lot to get Republican talking points (I hear them repeated here all the time). Helps me prepare.

I pitty any republican that tries to debate in this forum. They are outnumbered 25/1.

This whole politics forum has nothing to do with this site or its contents. It's a waste of bandwidth IMO. I come in here every few months to see what everyone is fighting about. It's always the same arguments over and over again.
Pro[pH]et said:
I didn't say it doesn't matter. Quit putting words in my mouth. You need to go back and read my posts. I said they all do it, intentional or not.

What O'Reily did was wrong, I'm not arguing that point. Point it out, tell the world, I don't care. I'm not sleeping with the man.

My point is other news stations do the same thing. They do it on purpose too, I don't care if you believe me or not.
I don't believe you because you are yet to show one example outside of Dan Rather. I'm suprised you haven't even mentioned the newsweek article yet. Before you do I can tell you right now its not the same thing. So if you want me to look at some evidance I'm all ears; if you have no evidance then no, I don't believe you.

I pitty any republican that tries to debate in this forum. They are outnumbered 25/1.

This whole politics forum has nothing to do with this site or its contents. It's a waste of bandwidth IMO. I come in here every few months to see what everyone is fighting about. It's always the same arguments over and over again.
Believe it or not many people that play Half Life 2 happen to like politics. If you don't stay away from this board; simple as that.
Pro[pH]et said:
It's not worth my time.

Yes, I can see how demonstrating to the entire boards your inability to back up your own claim with a concrete example might not rank high on your list of priorities. It's perfectly understandable that you don't wish to pursue this any further.

Carry on...
Why are people defending such blatant lieing.

The same happened with Bush lieing.

Rolf. Recently a Senator tries to let it be known that the USA is perpetrating acts of such despicable behavior at Gauntanamo, and what does FOX do, say that Dick Durban(the senator), has allot to answer for!

What morals!?

Something is seriously ****ed up in the US when people are defending such abuses of power, both in government and media.

Arms and Legs Chained in the fetal position and made to defecate on themselves. Then left in that state for in excess of 18 hours.

God bless America!
Don't worry MJM anybody who is slightly intelligent does not take fox seriously, we all know who runs Fox news from behind the scenes....
hen there'd be a helluva lot of people making apologies for lots of thingsm which is ridiculous, there is a thing called freedom of speech, and if you want to distort facts or blatantly lie, well, you can do it

You are defining freedom of speech in its most general sense, I doubt there are any laws that claim we can openly invent dangerous lies to the public.

You must have a rather distorted view of freedom...
i wish everyone who didn;t tell the truth was kicked off the air, TV news would be pretty quiet then, all around

That would mean no TV
Whats funny about this case is the fact that O'Reilly actually claims to be an independent. What's even more funny or more sad, depending on how you look at it, is that many that watch him are so brain dead they believe it.

Sad but true dude
What about the BBC? And Channel 4? The BBC is (or at least was) known for unbiased reporting and Channel 4's newsroom seem just as good if not better. We get some US news channels over here - Fox, CNN etc and I wouldn't watch them if you paid me.

No dude BBC used to be ok, now its run by a bunch of trolls who have certain agendas in their minds. Its job at the moment is to mantain we live in free democratic society (when if you look at it we don't really have much choice in alot of things we do) and to misinform people about Iraq and Islam.
However I see both CNN and fox as one of the same, they both come out with same bull shit official stories...
I remeber the BBC was pushing for the war the most out of any of the UK news networks..

even more than sky LOL!!!! (hard to acheive that)
saracen said:
I remeber the BBC was pushing for the war the most out of any of the UK news networks..

even more than sky LOL!!!! (hard to acheive that)

BBC World Service radio doesnt seem pro war in Iraq from my frequent listening.
Examples? I'd love to see a good list of liberal lies.
RATHERGate says it all. If you dont know what it is then do a search on it yourself. It wasnt just over the documents either. I can try to find a video of him almost crying as the Ohio results were coming in. It is paranoia at its best.

They all do it.

To blindly follow any anchor belittles you and raises them to a higher place then they deserve.

You are making O'Reily responsible for what he reports and Rather should be held responsible for what he reports.

To say only Fox News does this is rediculous. You lower yourself and play the game.

Excuses and assholes, my friend.


I'm glad you agree that they try to brainwash people (they did this to my dad).
I'm glad to see that you think everyone with an opposing viewpoint is brainwashed. Or at least that FOXNews tries to brainwash people. Perhaps you are just as brainwashed from the other side? I doubt you would ever look at it that way though, its just easier to make ridiculous assumptions and move on.