why hasn't hl2 been released...ppl playing in canada already...

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UKchaos2 said:
For the 100th time, all, ALL retail copies require unlocking via steam. No-one plays HL2 until Valve unlock the game and when this happens we will all know about it.

or it's not a legal copy
Same thing happpened to me today too, one of my real life friends told me on msn that he has a full playable version of HL2. I totaly told him his was bullshit and all that stuff about I want proof. (which i'll be getting in about 12hours, well no i wont coz hes bullshit)

Of course if he does... I'll let you know.
UKchaos2 said:
For the 100th time, all, ALL retail copies require unlocking via steam. No-one plays HL2 until Valve unlock the game and when this happens we will all know about it.
and u know this how? becuz who told u?
Canada isn't as small as you think. If people had bought it from a store, you'd have heard about it all over the net by now. Lotta new pics would have been popping up. I'm canadian and it hasn't shown up at any ebgames/futureshop/walmart in montreal yet. And as already mentioned... it requires activation via steam servers. Which can't be succesfully done till the 16th. If they DID by some miracle buy a copy of the game then I hope they have fun staring at the box and cds.
lol and u belive everything valve tells u? and did they actually tell u or is this second hand info?
maybe they didn't buy it from a store...maybe they work there...
KBharvester said:
lol and u belive everything valve tells u? and did they actually tell u or is this second hand info?

been confirmed, unlike your 'info'. Come back when you have proof.

edit: learn to use to edit button.
Just to add to all the heresay and what not, i heard that a release/scene group called SEvEN already has the game. Supposedly they have it and have been playing through it. The reason as to why this might be true is because of the integrity of today's various scenes. If a scene makes such a statement and it is proven false then they will receive a sceneban or at least, that is how i have understood it.

my friend, told me to search for this: SCENENOTICE-Half.Life.2.Stolen-SEvEN

dont know if this is important news or just plain bullshit...
omg...how can people be such F*CKFACES ?!?!?!
What good is it to them??
They got triple-orgasm or something like that upon having a feeling of fooling (totally stupidly) someone ?!
I just dont get it...
Wether they bought it or worked at the store... it wouldn't make a difference in their ability to NOT unlock the game. And lmfao.. yeah valve would lie about the activation obviously. They know that someone will snag a copy before it goes on sale the 16th, unless the game shipments all arrive simultaneously in every store the 16th and not a day before. People would know if they lied to us about the activation system, and by now they know how we respond to finding out something they told us wasn't 100% accurate.
KBharvester said:
hey give me the link...maybe i'll believe u...

search the forum....look in the info from valve thread...
KBharvester said:
lol and u belive everything valve tells u?

lol and u belive everything your msn buddy tells u?

Go pull the other leg kid. Or at the very least, know when someone's pulling yours.
wow you should really ban KBharvester for being so ****ing stupid
i did yombi...i don't see how that means jack shit...if valve told u the world was flat u would believe it...wouldn't u?
KBharvester said:
i did yombi...i don't see how that means jack shit...if valve told u the world was flat u would believe it...wouldn't u?
Good point! Which is exactly why I dont belive you or your so called 'friend'. :)

did yombi...i don't see how that means jack shit...if valve told u the world was flat u would believe it...wouldn't u?

now your just trolling..
true, and all of you are hoping its true :)
KBharvester said:
i did yombi...i don't see how that means jack shit...if valve told u the world was flat u would believe it...wouldn't u?

I'd believe a developer over a msn buddy anyday...
no the php thread was the fastest i have seen that was a page a minute
why am i still reading these threads
Your friend is a lying sack of shit and I will personally spoon out his eyes if you don't.
Noper, definately not the fastet growing thread. This guy is just a Troll that wants so stir shit up. We all know what he's saying is impossible to be to true, and we all know his "friend" is just bullshitting him.
Admin_Winnuting said:
Why are you still posting?
for the same reason im still reading....thanks for the question...
Anyway, the burden of proof lies with the one who says he's played the game. If he can show pics of that, good, if not, there's no reason to assume he's speaking the truth.

It's pretty damn hard for anyone to get a copy now, except for maybe some store employees, and even taking that in account it's still too early.
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