why hasn't hl2 been released...ppl playing in canada already...

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Admin_Winnuting said:
C'mon Tyguy, now your just posting crap for the sake of it.
haha....im bored....10 bucks says i get more posts
Tyguy said:
tell me that was a joke......how dumb can you be

he wasn't talking about land mass...please tell me ur not so dumb u didn't know that...
he aint post anything in a while do you think he is waitin for photoshop to load up?
Yombi said:
I'd believe a developer over a msn buddy anyday...

somehow i think u would believe a developer (who has lied often) before u believe ur mom...imo
fastest threads were "HL2 gone gold" and "ive just paid for HL2"
This smacks me as a gimmick. KB is content with digging excuse after excuse out of his asshole and seems to defy common sense. If HL2 was released in Canada, we'd all know. We'd know from a website. Or we'd know from a warez network. Don't try to convince me that nobody in Canada would upload it for the world to enjoy. We would also know that Valve would therefore be in a shit storm with Vivendi if it was actually released. Something tells me that Valve isn't going to risk their asses just so the canucks can enjoy HL2.

So KB. If you're serious about this, then grow a brain. If this is some stupid gimmick, then get a life. :D
Alix Mcdean said:
Good point! Which is exactly why I dont belive you or your so called 'friend'. :)



Good Call Alix.
afrogoat said:
he aint post anything in a while do you think he is waitin for photoshop to load up?

posted this a little late didn't ya?

anyways, when he gets home i'll have him hook me up with some proof...hopefully
KBharvester said:
he wasn't talking about land mass...please tell me ur not so dumb u didn't know that...
good one....Im the dumb one....im the idiot starting pointless threads for the hell of it..
..oh wait...thats you....we all hate you
KBharvester said:
somehow i think u would believe a developer (who has lied often) before u believe ur mom...imo

? your opion i supose, means shit to me, but ok. lol

I think they only lied once if i'm right? About the last year release date?
Absinthe said:
This smacks me as a gimmick. KB is content with digging excuse after excuse out of his asshole and seems to defy common sense. If HL2 was released in Canada, we'd all know. We'd know from a website. Or we'd know from a warez network. Don't try to convince me that nobody in Canada would upload it for the world to enjoy. We would also know that Valve would therefore be in a shit storm with Vivendi if it was actually released. Something tells me that Valve isn't going to risk their asses just so the canucks can enjoy HL2.

So KB. If you're serious about this, then grow a brain. If this is some stupid gimmick, then get a life. :D
who said it was released? no me...where doid u come up with that? never said it was leaked..where did u cum up with that? when u assume...u make an ass of of u and me...
well actually i must have clicked the reply button seconds after you soo dont give me that.... lets face it as many other people have said ... if it had been released there would be many many topics from other people also claimin it not some one off who says there mates got it if he had got it chances are it has been stolen from a factory and he would have to activate it through steam which the steam service prob aint set up 2 do yet
pingu said:
i thought russia was the biggest

Not anymore my friend. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Canada became the largest country in the world. (Geographically speaking of course.) Mind you, much of my home and native land is glacial wasteland, but whatever. :)
jesus man read...I NEVER SAID IT WAS RELEASED...did u get that?
KBharvester said:
they only got caught lying once u mean?

lol....let the consipricay theories fly.

Yup forgot about the scripted kicking door...big woop's :upstare:
I'm sorry but some of the fastest moving threads I've seen were on or around September 30th, 2003.... but alot of you weren't here around that time... The boards have gone to complete shit since that time... This thread is a prime example of the crappiness of these boards in the past year...
i already bought the game...so if it is out is it wrong to play a warezed version until it gets released?
So did the copies that magazine's and websites got have to be activated via steam?

I heard in the Canadian version Gordon says one word "aboot".
Please lock this garbage thread with a big titanium lock.

* reports *
the activating thru steam stuff sounds like crap...i guarentee if u have a copy of the game u can play it as soon as u install...guarentee!
Yeah, here in Texas I already got my copy of HL2! I beat it o normal mode already! The giant bunny at the end was really tough. And it just broke my heart when Alyx leaves Freeman for teh G-Man. It was terrible!!! Even though I got my copy early, I didn't even have to use steam. It didn't need authentication, just like that lone guy in Canada! Wow! Isn't it strange how only two people got HL2 early and somehow avoided the REQUIRED Steam authentication? Gee, I wonder if this is all a lie or not? :flame:
This dude should post this one the steam forums...then watch the little boys go crazy...
so funny, valve can say on sept 25th the game will be out in 5 days, then it doesn't come out for over a year and u guys still believe them when they tell u something else...wake up ppl...
It was released ages ago, September 30th, remember? *cough* delusional *cough*
Well I just got my HL3 just now. almost finshed... yeh what ever. I want proof... My friend who says he's going to get hl2 soon, today. from another friend who already has it and can play it. I'll get proof from him if its true. :)
KBharvester said:
so funny, valve can say on sept 25th the game will be out in 5 days, then it doesn't come out for over a year and u guys still believe them when they tell u something else...wake up ppl...

this isn't about the release date, or even getting a copy early. It's about the FACT that you CAN'T play HL2 until it is authenticated on the Steam/Valve server. So even if you have the game installed, you CAN'T play until it is authorized on the release day. When will you realize this?!!!!
cylyk said:
wow you should really ban KBharvester for being so ****ing stupid
Yeah ccyyclkck what a ****ing moron
My friend made a song about this thread. It's called "the stupid thread song". Unfortunately I have no proof because my friend is lying to me - But I swear he's singing it RIGHT NOW!!

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