why hasn't hl2 been released...ppl playing in canada already...

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KBharvester said:
and maybe they will say whoops, we forgot if u bought the game at a store no activation is required...

Yes, activation on Steam is required even if yoy buy it in a store.
LAYP said:
the only reason this thread isn't closed because all moderators and admins are secretly hopping that this fool, is right.


ha made you look

actually you didnt
I'm going to buy into this crap in the only way I know how - with logic.

1) KB never said it was released or was an official retail version of the game. Hence - it may not need activation. I'm sure the versions of the game that the review magazines played were not registered on steam.

2) I think that if his friend does have a copy, it is a promotional copy or his friend works for a major Gaming company / gaming magazine / Vivendi

3) I don't think his friend has a current version of the game. It may be one of the RC's or a Beta release.
check it, I know you want to because its unlocked. Really go and check it.
there is a pirated copy floating around n canada final
i believe
LAYP said:
check it, I know you want to because its unlocked. Really go and check it.

Well you are right It is unlocked so I'm off to play Half-Life 2.
Bluechair said:
I'm sorry but some of the fastest moving threads I've seen were on or around September 30th, 2003.... but alot of you weren't here around that time... The boards have gone to complete shit since that time... This thread is a prime example of the crappiness of these boards in the past year...

I agree with the crappiness thang. But please don't tar everyone with the same brush. Some of us have been playing HL as long as anyone else but haven't found theses forums till recently...

But you're right, truly crappy thread...
jus call us Canukians :D we r the friendly side of the Americas :D
when do you think you are going to have proof or when does your "friend" get home?
I think its safe to say that...
KB is a
Because I highly doubt he will bring any full non fuzzy photo proof/ingame shots/anything at all to this post.

It is mighty funny to read though! :D

yet you still post. You know why?

Because this stuff is entertaining in a mild form.

1. You want to see that new guy get owned over so bad so you stay to watch (or contribute) like you watch a car wreck or a terminal patient (god knows I watch them struggle for that last breath even when there is no hope left........)

LAYP said:
yet you still post. You know why?

Because this stuff is entertaining in a mild form.

1. You want to see that new guy get owned over so bad so you stay to watch (or contribute) like you watch a car wreck or a terminal patient (god knows I watch them struggle for that last breath even when there is no hope left........)


I opt for #1. Thats mostly why :D

LAYP said:
yet you still post. You know why?

Because this stuff is entertaining in a mild form.

1. You want to see that new guy get owned over so bad so you stay to watch (or contribute) like you watch a car wreck or a terminal patient (god knows I watch them struggle for that last breath even when there is no hope left........)


Ah, what if? Would be a beautiful thing, but I noticed there is no similar thread on the steam forums... wonder why?
LAYP said:
yet you still post. You know why?

Because this stuff is entertaining in a mild form.

1. You want to see that new guy get owned over so bad so you stay to watch (or contribute) like you watch a car wreck or a terminal patient (god knows I watch them struggle for that last breath even when there is no hope left........)


He mistaked HL2 with Halo 2....j/k :LOL:
Yes, it's possible as said above for a few people to have their hands on a late RC of the game, by getting the preview copy the exclusive mags played. Alternatively, shop employees may be able to take the games soon. I know a shop employee (for real) who started playing Doom3 4 days before the release, grabbing one from the store.

Though I'd really not expect anyone to get their hands on the game for another week.
Contacted Microplay...no HL2 copies in yet(Microplay are one of few distribution companies to smaller retailers for games).

could be a leak...but not likely.
Why are you all flaming KB ?!
If you had some friend who writes you such thing wouldnt you post it, even if not knowing whether its true or not...?!
And dont say no...the fact that this thread is growing at this rate, speaks for itself...
Even if it DOES sound like BS, we CANT know whats it all about...
Kel Thuzad said:
Why are you all flaming KB ?!
If you had some friend who writes you such thing wouldnt you post it, even if not knowing whether its true or not...?!
And dont say no...the fact that this thread is growing at this rate, speaks for itself...
Even if it DOES sound like BS, we CANT know whats it all about...

because its annoying that he constantly defends this guy who we all
know is talking BS
Kel Thuzad said:
Why are you all flaming KB ?!
If you had some friend who writes you such thing wouldnt you post it, even if not knowing whether its true or not...?!
And dont say no...the fact that this thread is growing at this rate, speaks for itself...
Even if it DOES sound like BS, we CANT know whats it all about...

what? no..i wouldn't post until they gave me proof....then i'd probably run the hell away from all the lawyers running to my friends doorstep.
omg...this thread is flying lol, and the server time need to be changed lol
Solver said:
Yes, it's possible as said above for a few people to have their hands on a late RC of the game, by getting the preview copy the exclusive mags played. Alternatively, shop employees may be able to take the games soon. I know a shop employee (for real) who started playing Doom3 4 days before the release, grabbing one from the store.

Though I'd really not expect anyone to get their hands on the game for another week.

the reviewers went to seatle for a playtest
I believe him. And to prove it, I'm going to hold my breath till he shows proof.


sp00ky<< needs ICON
I hope KB dies, I mean seriously, I hope he gets hit by a truck or that he gets murdered. I hate KB.
CTTcrew_MrBlue said:
because its annoying that he constantly defends this guy who we all
know is talking BS
Well, yeah...it kinda is...
But itll be a really good laugh once we hear this incredibly LAME excuse of KBs friend for his inability to show proof...
NJD2003 said:
I hope KB dies, I mean seriously, I hope he gets hit by a truck or that he gets murdered. I hate KB.

ok over the tope..but i get what u mean. STOP SPREADING LIES f**k tard!
Kel Thuzad said:
Well, yeah...it kinda is...
But itll be a really good laugh once we hear this incredibly LAME excuse of KBs friend for his inability to show proof...

I cant wait to cross refrence his previous "My friends dont lie to me" to the undeniable proof hat he was lying :D
KB WILL KICK ASS he knows everything on HL2 us canadians love playing this hl2 game from Fatty Gabe
Mrmanwithsuit said:
KB WILL KICK ASS he knows everything on HL2 us canadians love playing this hl2 game from Fatty Gabe

I seriously hope you are not being serious.
Whos Serious common now this is the fourm of sillyness common loosen up be silly ... BE VERY SILLLLY .. if ur always serious i think u will crack up n do something outragous ... Jus b silly n have fun kids
This thread really isn't necessary.
KBharvester, if you have proof of this statement, please pm a moderator about it, but until then this thread will remain closed (it will remain closed if the 'proof' turns out to be fake though).
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