Why HL2.net rocks.

el Chi said:
I think HL2.net is cool because it seems to be the most significant community - who did Gabe come to to announce the theft? Not the press, that's for sure...
Also, it's generally been a nice community. Until all this recent egativity which makes me hate certain members. But I try and control myself.

All we need is a user cap and we're set :P

I say we allow no new registrations after HL2 is released.
*Gives CrazyHarij 40 rupies*

I fully agree, this is a great community and here are people I can talk the most to since we all have the same interest (Half-Life 2) and the best thing is: most people have what so many other communitys doesn't have: Common sense (please don't make fun about that statement, I truly mean it).

I mean sure, I have friends living near by, etc, but noone of them really have the same interest as I do, I mean they like videogames, but they really don't care that much for Half-Life 2-related stuff, which I on the other hand have as biggest hype ever since I heard the very first rumors about Half-Life 2.

Heck there are even people here who likes anime and manga. What more can you ask for?

You guys are the gratest! :thumbs:
vegeta897 said:
I <3 Halflife2.net

We should make T-Shirts!

Seriously, this is the greatest forum I have ever been to, I feel like we are a family... Kinda..

Everyone has their own "position" like humor, or info, or whatever! Proud to be a hl2.netian guy person thing.

What would my position be....

el Chi said:
I think HL2.net is cool because it seems to be the most significant community - who did Gabe come to to announce the theft? Not the press, that's for sure...
Also, it's generally been a nice community. Until all this recent egativity which makes me hate certain members. But I try and control myself.

He'd probably of posted that at HL2Fallout had it been around ;(
/me spreads the halflief2.net love

Long live bunnies and carrots and britney spears!
Gabe hates us now. It's probably because of the pictures in the fanart section. All I have to say is that I love all the Mods. So if any of you Mods want some lovin' I'm here for you :P.
HatRabit said:
* HatRabit spreads the halflief2.net love

Long live bunnies and carrots and britney spears!
Yeah, that's the spirit! :D
:naughty: I love you guys, let's have a hl2.net orgy @ my house!

You guys have no idea how much things like this mean to us. Despite what some people might think, we've put a lot of work into this place, especially the moderating of the forums. Some people disagree with our moderation but the reason why we do it like we do is because we've managed to attract the amazing people we have in our community.

There's far too many for me to mention individually but on the whole you're all fantastic.

As I've said many a time, even though it's a cliche, we can't do it without you guys. Your on-going support means we'll give you the on-going support and make this a generally nice place to hang out.

I'm smiling :D Thanks guys, and especially thanks to you CrazyHarij for the kind words :cheers:

I'd also like to add that the staff here are by far the best group of people I've ever worked with. It's always a pleasure guys :D
I love you guys and all the mods!!!Accept that zerminkski dude....bastard giving me a warning.
*Gives CrazyHarij another 40 rupies*
Thanks for last night. :naughty:
Tr0n said:
I love you guys and all the mods!!!Accept that zerminkski dude....bastard giving me a warning.
Zerimski is great, I've been out for a drink with him :)
ComradeBadger said:
Zerimski is great, I've been out for a drink with him :)
Oh please, that's what everyone says about everyone after having a drink with them. :p
Murray said:
Oh please, that's what everyone says about everyone after having a drink with them. :p

And we all know how badge drinks!

He probably thinks he was a girl he met! :naughty:
marksmanHL2 :) said:
And we all know how badge drinks!

He probably thinks he was a girl he met! :naughty:
Let that be a lesson: Don't drink! You never know what gender you might get in bed with. :cheers:
dont you just hate it when you miss threads?
at least i dint miss the pink forum.. that will stay with me forever...

anyway, i love this forum :)

i first joined because sulkdodds told me of the art contest, and i wanted to draw a robot ;) I quickly grew to know certain individuals (such as crazyharij, mr.badger and abom) and the forum grew quickly in my daily routine, untill i was spending 30 mins every day after school on it.

my favorite part of this forum is the art contest, as it allows creativity and interaction, and you can get applauded (p.s. i won the last one :P)

hmm.. its taken me twenty minutes to write this... i keep getting distracted by sport relief on the telly :p
What made Gabe not like us? What pics in the Art Section?


Long live HL2.Net!
blahblahblah said:
Vive la HL2.net!!!

* blahblahblah hands out HL2.net propaganda to other fan sites ;)

Heheh, I plug HL2.net at every chance I get on the steam forums :p
ComradeBadger said:
Zerimski is great, I've been out for a drink with him :)
Yea...well he can kiss my white american ass.
HL2.net and the nvnews forums are about the only sites I hang out when Im online. :)
So the mods now that we love them. (No orgy for me though)

Yep I will sya this. This place rocks!
pfft... I go out to see Spider Man 2 and while im out I almost miss the greatest thread that I have seen in a LONG time. I love all of you guys (and the few gals I probably don't know about) so much. Crazy you sure as hell made my day with your kind words for this whole site.

EDIT: And a huge thankyou to the mods who have bravely fought off the invading trolls and kept this site the friendly and amazing place it has always been. Keep up the amazing work. :thumbs:
Yup we all love this place deep down :D For nerds like myself with not that many to talk to about games & such, this place is really a sanctuary, which I definitely appreciate.
DISCLAIMER: It is late. Don't expect this post to be coherent, or even understandable. I can't spell or remember even the most basic rules of grammar at this hour.

Ok, I feel that my response early in this thread was somewhat lacking. So here I go again.

You are all great guys. Of course, I love Supertrooper the most, but you are pretty decent chaps too! :E ;)

Let's see here. I won't type down everyone right now, mainly because I'm tired, but here's a start:
Brian Damage - Great, slightly deranged Australian dude. Great sense of humor too! Always nice chatting to you on msn mate! :)
Munro - I'm not sure if you dancing naked on the table was just a dream of mine, or if you actually like to do that in your free time. But, nevertheless, you're a great dude.
Credit where credit is due, and you deserve a bucketfull of it for your efforts in administrating this site and keeping the order with your elite corps of moderators :P
Majestic - Also from Sviiiiden. Always enjoyed talking to him/her. Always writes interesting posts, well worth the read.
Crazy - Usurp my reign in Newbie Central and DIE! But I still wuv you! *cuddles*
Shuzer - Avatar scary. Very scary. *hides*
ComradeBadger - I liked your previous nick better, but I guess (hope) that you're still the same person despite the change :P . Good man, good moderator. I fondly look back on your threads about the womantroubles you were having :E
ray_MAN - Oh, the great days of running you over with the Manta in the UT2k4 demo :E
Farrowlesparrow - I like you. I like your name. I like your posts. Meet be behind the cycleshed in 10 minutes, ok? ;)
Pendragon - A wise man, full of knowledge.

Gah. Can't think any more now. Need. Sleep. I've forgotten loads of people, I know. But forgive me, it's late. Pwease?
damn you, mullinator! you get to see spiderman 2 now coz ur in the US or something.. i have to wait till july the 15th ;( not long, i know, but still :/

i actually downloaded a bit of it on winMX, but then it came over me that illegal downloads leads to anger, and anger leads to hate, and hate leads to the dark side DUNN DUNN DUUUNNN etc... plus i need to see it on a big screen to do it justie, withut japanese subtitles :)

i downloaded the terminator 3 on winMX, but that was only because A) i was about to buy the DVD and therefore give them money and B) because downloading 700mb of a movie on shareware, without inturruptions, in a single night is really quite satisfying :)

but i have the DVD now so its legal to own it on my system, so NER you cant ban me mods :laugh:
heh heh, living in North America does have its advantages when it comes to getting movies. Oh and don't worry, you won't be dissapointed after seeing it on the big screen either. :D