Why HL2.net rocks.

Tr0n said:
3rd time....

I'm Sexy.
ban tr0n!! then hl2.net will suck less hard.. also we can steal his avatar and be more awesome in our own rights.
or ban timmy, so our wise-ass factor is reduced by a power of magnitude.
Nevar!!!My 733tness will prevent banning....and you will nevar get my avatar!!!

Edit:And yes my avatar is that great.
My avatar is just so damn good, it doesn't even need a right side up.

erm... Yeah, HL2.net is great. This is my 2nd longest community with my clan being first. There are a lot of people I like around here. I may not post much, but I still have a great time reading around.
EC said:
My avatar is just so damn good, it doesn't even need a right side up.

erm... Yeah, HL2.net is great. This is my 2nd longest community with my clan being first. There are a lot of people I like around here. I may not post much, but I still have a great time reading around.

<3 EC
:naughty: Hl2.net roxxxors my soxxxors. Nobody came to my orgy @ my house @ 8.

One two three into tha fo, Dr.Dre and Snoop D-o double G is knockin at cho doe... get ready to back on up.
#halflife2 also rocks

<cybersh33p> welll
<cybersh33p> shuzer
<cybersh33p> lemme tell you something about love
<cybersh33p> you see, when a boy and a girl love each other very much
<cybersh33p> they want to get closer
<cybersh33p> so they do something called having sex
<cybersh33p> here, let me show you
<cybersh33p> :|
<Shuzer> That's when the baby pole goes into the baby hole, right?
<cybersh33p> ...yes :|
yes, it does :D

<Tim8604> weird, I was just reading the thread where someone quoted cybersh33p, then I opened mirc back up again, and there the quote was
i agree with the popular sentiments of this thread that HL2.net is a great place with nice pple but would like to take it one step further in saying we have a weird (in a good way!! :P ) crowd here from pple like CyberSh33p aka n3wb :E
to pple like Mully, Marksman, Timmy, SHIPPI, Letters (as much as i think hes a wacko for the Britney fad.. hes grown on me.. :p ), Pressure, Shuzer, Asus.. wow i can go on and on.. theres some really good pple here :)

the staff here is one of the best staffs of a forum i have ever seen.. and thats probably not saying enough either cause i have seen some pretty shitty forums before. i think a big thanks for this should go to Munro :thumbs:
he knows how to pick quality pple to make this site what it is today!! :thumbs: :thumbs:

edit: baby pole? baby hole? omg :laugh:
ailevation said:
:naughty: Hl2.net roxxxors my soxxxors. Nobody came to my orgy @ my house @ 8.
I dreamt I was comming to your orgy I think. (I honestly don't know what house I was in.)

W00t! 400 posts! :D
I take it all back!! You're all horrible spammers!!!


j/k :p Gonna get back on topic?
synth said:
Quite convenient that I've hit my 1000 post milestone in a "HL2net Rocks" thread.

This site does rock, I love it. :thumbs:

Sweeeet, congratulations on getting back to the staff! :)
/me runs in breathless


HL2.net is like a home away from home :)

But I'm still at home... so that makes it like a home inside my home! How convenient.
Oh...thats right...your not included!!!We love you to Farrow...Your the one who helped me when I wrote a part from a book I was wanting to make. :D
Farrowlesparrow said:
After reading the first post i somehow feel empty inside....
Don't worry. I love you. :D That is the problem with posts like these. Some people are left out. ;( I love you all. :D
Farrowlesparrow said:
After reading the first post i somehow feel empty inside....

Damnit, I knew I forgot a huge buncha people. ;(

I admire you alot.. You're always so funny and cool, I have no idea why I forgot you :(
Probably because i wasn't here. Please don't praise me in your posts...I have a special call line for that which charges competative rates ;) Seriously though it just feels weird, like I'm asking for compliments or something....Anyway, nice to know I'm liked in some parts of the world :)
But you didn't post. Spam is the secret to popularity! Oh wait...Damn!

Varg|Hund said:
Read my post :)

Pardon the pun, but are you still up for meeting behind the shed? :P

Shame you aren't female really...Ah well, thanks for you kind kind comments. :D