Why HL2 will be king


May 27, 2003
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I wrote this little editorial a few weeks ago, or longer, and i thought i'd publish it finally

Why Half-Life 2 will be King

Half-Life 2 is due out in a few months. Why are we wasting our time, looking at screenshots, and drooling over every video bit of HL2 that valve grudgingly releases. What other game do you know, has mods for it, when the game hasn’t been released. In this brief but thorough article I’m going to take apart the half-life upbringing and give a better look as to why Half-Life 2 will be successful.
What is a computer game? It’s a thing that’s used for fun and enjoyment that we can put on our computers; which we use for just about everything these days. Since the advent of computer is passed and gone, and the long golden age of technology has just started, computer games are no longer “a little thing that we can have for those times when we are bored and have time to kill”. For some of us, computer games are a big part of our lives, and for many teens, preteens, and even some adults, they are practically our lives.
Naturally the businessman recognizes an opportunity here, but once he takes a big look into the industry and process of making a winning computer game, he shrugs off the notion of making a “semi-quick computer-game money making project” because of the complicated process and requirements for making a computer game that makes money. “Leave it to the experts” they say. Let’s look at what these experts have done to the computer gaming industry.
What do you need to make a computer game that makes money?
You need something that will sell or have an audience, and development costs proportional to income from the game. There are other ways as well. Producing another computer-game, that’s a follow up to another game and already has an audience. It’s the basic “product with people that will buy it thing”, that you learned in your economics class or marketing class.
That’s the first and underlying reason that Half-Life 2 will be a success. But don’t get me wrong, just because there is an audience that will buy HL2 like a pr0n star fem-bot just off the production line, doesn’t mean it’s going to sell. There are other things as well, like the need for the game to actually be good… Or is there a need?
Let’s take a trip to Best Buy, my favorite place to shop for stuff if I don’t buy it online. Looking at the game section we see a variety of econo-games ranging from “Extreme Rock Hunter” to “1000 Super Duper Puzzle Games”. I asked myself, “Who buys these games!?!” until I realized that there are people who will buy anything, and there are certain parents that might say “This game looks educational! I don’t want my child hunting people or animals! Rocks are educational.”
What’s the price of a snazzy cover and the right screenshots on the back of the game box? It would be maybe $1000 at the most. Get a good freelance graphics designer and you have an award winning cover. What’s the price to make this game? I would think it would take 2 months development for a team with 10 or less members. Even if the game doesn’t sell, they are going to make money. The moral of the story is people will buy anything, especially if the cover looks cool, or there is the slightest bit of anything appealing for a game.
On the other hand, there are games which are meticulously produced and tested over and over again, until perfection is achieved. The end result has all of the good stuff of the “cheap 2 month production game” plus a great game which keeps you playing and serves as a happy memory in the back of your head. Perhaps there is a multiplayer option that you would keep using, until you get tired of the game. *This type of game requires lots of money and time poured into it, and usually lots of money comes out of it.
Another thing is that valve isn’t afraid to delve into topics not suited for children. For example, us hardcore HL2 fans will have seen the video segments where the headcrab zombies get chopped up, or wander around screaming and in flames after our brave hero Gordon sets them on fire via strategically placed flammable cans. Violence sells. It’s a simple concept. With some games, holding back on the violence and realism factor makes the gameplay worse. Companies make the misconception that they are attracting a wider audience by making a rating a game acceptable for teens. The certain parents that care about ratings, and actually prevent their kid from playing the game, is a small margin compared to the people that would buy a game had the company left the realistic violence and mature setting in. Computers are easy to hide stuff on and get stuff on. Find me 10 kids that don’t have porn on their Personal Computers. I will reward you with the 6 empty soda cans sitting by my desk and the semi-full one I’m about to drink.
Why do you think people play games? It’s because a lot of times they want to escape our insane and annoying world, into another more enjoyable world from our wildest dreams. People like seeing virtual violence, they like committing virtual violence, and they like anything “gory and gross” that doesn’t cross the line between zombie on fire and rotten dot com photo gallery. We are all little sadists inside, and nearly all of us won’t ever come close to thinking of doing something like this in real life. Another little reason which I can’t talk in depth about lest I write another non-sequitor page of babble, is that Half-Life had such a great environment, that you really got your imagination into the game and it felt real, and it felt great.
Valve has poured so much money, and so much time into Half-Life 2, that I’d wager my collection of pr0n on this game being of the highest quality. Valve published HL in 1998, and attracted one of the biggest audiences to a game. They have been working on Half-Life 2 since, and have actually worked on it before Half-Life 1 was released. They had ideas they wanted to put into HL 1, but couldn’t get them in there, so they saved them for HL2. It’s been 6 years of development and if they haven’t tested things over and over again, and gotten every little detail in the single player game perfect, then their respective owner Vivendi Universal better sell them to Wal-Mart or something. Or maybe I can get some crazy old rich lady to buy Valve, and she can have all of them brush her cats and paint her cavernous mansion.
Crazy old rich lady: Gabe Newell! Get in here this instant! I require a bath!
Gabe Newell: Yes madam. I’ll get the brush *emits tear on side of cheek*
Gabe Newell: *Whispers to himself*””If only I had made Half-Life 2 good.”
So what does valve have going for them? They have a guaranteed audience, supposed great game quality, and the type of violence that emits howls of laughter from the hordes of gamers that will flock to play this game. What else is in this dreamy, sexy, and omnipotent game we keep talking about? What’s happened with games this past year is that the 3D high end graphics games are the kings. The last time I checked, the top 5 selling computer games were all first person shooter games, with good graphics.

Customer: I need a new game. Methinks I will look for one in this
New high-end shooter game box: Look I’m sexy, the graphics on me look like a movie! Buy me! You can blow stuff up!
Customer: I is buy you now! Me stupid!
Cash Register: Ka-Ching!
HL2 is a good first person shooter game, with great graphics. A saying that I read stated that, “One of the ways to succeed is to follow in the path of people who have succeeded”. HL2 as a warmed up seat thanks to its high end graphics FPS brothers. To top that off, HL2 is supposed to be adjusted to work even on old computers by today’s standards. What does this game not have? (monkey knife fights)
What a lot of games used to not have, is the support of the community, because of mod makers. In recent years, every game developer has realized that part of the key to their success is that they need the support of the community, to change around the game for their own purposes. Which community, if not the greatest, was one of the biggest purveyors of the mod community? The Half-Life community of course. We invented the obnoxious CS addicted 12 year olds with catch phrases like “omg u h4x0r” and “loL wtf 0mg u r l4me! LoLLerskates! Roflcopter!”. What a great invention. Note the sarcasm.
The people of the HL community spawned the biggest multiplayer FPS game of today, Counter-Strike, which is a different story in itself. They also spawned Day of Defeat, which is also wildly popular, and Team Fortress Classic among other really fun and addicting mods. Thousands of people play these games every day, on a 6 year old game engine. If it wasn’t for half-life people would say something like that isn’t possible. Think of what we can do with this engine since the most popular multiplayer game of today (CS) has maps where box-like moving objects are supposed to be vehicles, and trees are actually tall rectangles with paper thin pixely obstructions jutting out of the top which are supposed to be leaves.
Have you noticed how every game comes with a developer kit or something like that now? **Thank Valve children, thank Valve. If it wasn’t for Valves adoption of the mod community, things that are happening now wouldn’t be happening. The developers of the Unreal Tournament series went as far as to create a Million Dollar Mod contest, where the creators of the winning mod would receive a million dollars or something of that manner. There are more mods being made for Half-Life 2 than there are letters in this article. 5 years ago there were almost as many mods being developed for an unreleased, as there are colors on the letters of this article.
Valve and other game developers are catering to the mod community, much like some high-end clothing brands cater to ghetto-glam culture when they realized that rap stars and their followers think it’s cool to wear expensive country-clubish clothing. Even recently, valve added a side scrolling flash game to it’s free steamware line of games. That’s based on their
Lastly, I will tell you about the diamond that tops the crown that Half-Life 2 is ready to wear. Many of you who are reading this, pirate warez, and pirate music. If you ask around “why do you pirate files” you will get the response “because I don’t want to pay and it’s easy and there’s no reason to pay”. It’s legitimate answer, warez downloaders don’t get caught (almost always). Friends of mine download single player games, because they have a choice of shelling out $50 for a game, or download it in a few hours or a few days for no money. The only downside to that, is that you can’t play multiplayer if you download a hacked copy of a game.
What is shining on that sexy copy of HL2? The multiplayer options. HL2 has 6 big multiplayer things going for it. First they have the Counter-Strike Half-Life 2 port. Then they have the Day of Defeat port. Then they have Team Fortress 2 and HL2 multiplayer, and the supposed port of HL1 multiplayer. And then they have the rest of the many amazing mods that are being developed along with actual HL2 multiplayer.
Buying Half-Life 2 will be like buying $2000 worth of games. Many of my more computer-fluent friends can be put in the category of the underside of the internet, warez distributors, “h4x0rz”, and general annoyances to society. We have of course discussed HL2, and let me tell you that nearly all of them said that they would buy HL2. Some of them don’t care for first person shooter games, but even they said that they’re
”probly going to buy” HL2 for it’s multiplayer/lan value.
That my friends, is why Half-Life 2 is going to be the King. Everything from the purported genius gameplay and fun factor of Half-Life 2, to the gigantic community and support that it has. I don’t have it pre

*yes there is a catch here, you need a good staff and lots of people involved to assure the game is good and there isn’t a biased opinion of the product that’s being developed
**this wasn’t actually all valve, other games adopted mods before valve, but valve was very prominent with it’s incorporation of it’s mods as retail games
Yes..we all agree on this. HL2 will grab us by the balls.
I feel proud just getting through that read. You got some good points man.
Yes thank you dassbaba but someone invariably posts a thread practically identical to this one every 2 weeks. :rolleyes:
iamaelephant said:
Yes thank you dassbaba but someone invariably posts a thread practically identical to this one every 2 weeks. :rolleyes:

but mine owns it
Its been my experience that people who constantly tell themselves that something IS going to rock no matter what are mearly saying it becuase they are afraid its not true.

If you were truly confident that HL2 will be the best game ever then you wouldnt be posting threads saying it is.... You would be happy enough to sit back and just wait for the game.

Its the opposite of a troll, some1 who cannot stop themselves from hyping a game that could very well be utter BS.
Dougy said:
Its been my experience that people who constantly tell themselves that something IS going to rock no matter what are mearly saying it becuase they are afraid its not true.

If you were truly confident that HL2 will be the best game ever then you wouldnt be posting threads saying it is.... You would be happy enough to sit back and just wait for the game.

Its the opposite of a troll, some1 who cannot stop themselves from hyping a game that could very well be utter BS.

Dougy, Dassbaba wants this on the front page, this is his rehash of numerous "hl2 will rox" threads, which he has compiled into an 'article'. That's what he's after.
i didnt acctully read the post but the topic made me laugh, im sure hl2 is gonna be an excellent game, and for me personaly the best since the original, but i dont think making it king is the right way to go, i mean, king of which country exactly? im so confused.
Lobster said:
i didnt acctully read the post but the topic made me laugh, im sure hl2 is gonna be an excellent game, and for me personaly the best since the original, but i dont think making it king is the right way to go, i mean, king of which country exactly? im so confused.

King of Games silly.
Good read, you forgot to mention physics...and facial animations...and, well, you get the point. :D
LOL, this is like saying....

Martin Brest Directed the movie Beverly Hills Cop. That movie was really a good one to watch. Therefore before I ever see the movie I will proclaim his new movie "Gigli" will be the best movie ever released. Afterall he's had so much time to get Gigli fixed up correctly. He did such a good job on his first film, the new one must be better.

Kind of an over the top example, but let's play the game before anointing it the "KING" shall we.
I agree with Dougy 100%. I am looking forward to HL2, but I have no problems pointing out it's (many) flaws, or expressing my disgust at Valve with every move they make. And I dont feel I need to try to convince everyone else on this board it's going to be a good game, thats the reason you're all here.

We have enough fanboys already :rolleyes:
:naughty: The only 'king' video game will be the one where you are in the game itself.
I finaly finished reading it.. lol im a slow reader you have some good points yeah half life 2 will own all :thumbs:
Everyone knows the undisputed KING of computer games is Pong.

Tetris can be the Queen and the Lesiure Suit Larry series is the Court Jester...!
Dougy said:
Its been my experience that people who constantly tell themselves that something IS going to rock no matter what are mearly saying it becuase they are afraid its not true.

If you were truly confident that HL2 will be the best game ever then you wouldnt be posting threads saying it is.... You would be happy enough to sit back and just wait for the game.

Its the opposite of a troll, some1 who cannot stop themselves from hyping a game that could very well be utter BS.


Dougy is pretty much right though. I see alot of that stuff around here.
CrazyHarij said:
Dougy is pretty much right though. I see alot of that stuff around here.

well i was just putting together reasons why HL2 will be good, in case people forgot what they are spamming for

there are skeptics for everything, i'm a skeptic sometimes too, but to mess up HL2 valve has to had ****ed up grandly
Yeah, and it can be used to seize those damn ANTI-HL2'ers! :devil:

Depeche Mode - Strange Love
yeah really, get off the forums if you aren't willing to die for hl2!!!!111one

i just got back from work and my hands are encrusted with outdoor paint
go painter job go
Xeni said:
Yes..we all agree on this. HL2 will grab us by the balls.

A firm grasp, and a slight stroke and mmmm-

**clears throat**

Uhhh! Yes, I agree HL2 will own.
Dalamari said:
A firm grasp, and a slight stroke and mmmm-

**clears throat**

Uhhh! Yes, I agree HL2 will own.

It'll grab us like a chick who hasn't had a *ahem*

True to that. It will be a truly fantastic game.

Reo Speedwagon - Take it on the run
It will grab us by the balls...with a vulcan death grip!