Why HL2 won't be as good as HL.

Sep 12, 2003
Reaction score
This is my opinion only. HL2 will not be better than HL1. Why? Our hopes have grown so high, they've exceeded the capabilities of a still rookie company (Valve). When HL came out, Valve had not released any previous titles and no one thought anything of this "Half... Life". It came out and caught people off guard. Now, we have hype, rumors, expectations, gossip, falsification, mis-information, release dates, etc. All these things come with popularity. You combine many many fans from many different games, and you get all kinds of talk, and hype. Our expectations are so high, nothing could ever live up to them. HL2 will be good, quite possibly the game of the year, but it will not be the amazing all being god send holy grail of video games we think it will be. Or atleast some of you think it will be. I will play it and love it, but you've all set your hopes to high. Prepare to be let down. Flame away. :)
grow up..

hmm.. i dont know.. i think it will be cool.. but not "OMFG! COOL!!!!"
i dont know.. let's play the game first shall we :p
Conkorg said:

That's very...umm...no comment.
Joeslucky22 said:

Never make another thread.

I should have specified that readers on this forum under the age of 13 need not reply to my thread. This is for HL2 fans that are capable of thinking outside of the normal fanboyish state of mind. The lower you set your hopes, the happier you will be when HL2 is on your Hard Drive. :thumbs:
HL didn't surprise everybody. I was anticipating the game a year before it came out.
I agree that people will most likely be disapointed due to the huge amount of hype. Just look at what happened to Doom 3. People's expectations got to high.

But with that said, I'm pretty confident Valve can create something better than HL1.
razorblade kiss said:
I should have specified that readers on this forum under the age of 13 need not reply to my thread. This is for HL2 fans that are capable of thinking outside of the normal fanboyish state of mind. The lower you set your hopes, the happier you will be when HL2 is on your Hard Drive. :thumbs:

Love how you cut me down with an "age" joke.

Brilliant my friend.

No one has insulted anyone like that before.

If you're under the age of 13, you shouldn't even be playing this game for it has a +M rating.

If you must know, I'm 18 and im straight (sorry to dissapoint you)

This is what you did:
Instead of posting this in some other topic about HL2, You go and create an opinion on why you think its going to suck..

Well buddy, if we all did what you have done, these boards would be pointless.

And that was pretty f***in low man.. an age joke?.. rich.
Neutrino said:
I agree that people will most likely be disapointed due to the huge amount of hype. Just look at what happened to Doom 3. People's expectations got to high.

But with that said, I'm pretty confident Valve can create something better than HL1.

It will be better in terms of technology, graphics, and well... technology, but HL1 was a classic, its rare that a company makes only 2 games, and they both be classics. Don't get me wrong, I love HL2, I bought a new computer for it. But I needed to calm down before it came out. You can tell who I offend because they makes replies like the first genius up top ,or say "hhahaha yeah right HL2 will pwn". No, think about it, wait til it comes out, play it. Done. Let's not make it the bible here.
i expect it'll be the best single player fps ever made. best game? possibly. maybe. we'll just have to wait and see wont we.
But he does have a point...

Negative attitudes always do win (forget the bullshit your 2nd grade teacher told you).
Joeslucky22 said:
Love how you cut me down with an "age" joke.

Brilliant my friend.

No one has insulted anyone like that before.

If you're under the age of 13, you shouldn't even be playing this game for it has a +M rating.

If you must know, I'm 18 and im straight (sorry to dissapoint you)

This is what you did:
Instead of posting this in some other topic about HL2, You go and create an opinion on why you think its going to suck..

Well buddy, if we all did what you have done, these boards would be pointless.

And that was pretty f***in low man.. an age joke?.. rich.

You may be 18, but you definitely have the mind of a 13 year old. Never once did I say the game was going to suck. I said it would be awesome, but not the best ever. I said it wont be better than HL1. And are you saying I can't have an opinion that differs than everyone else? These boards would be pointless if everyone thought the same genius! What keeps the forums alive, is individuality, and self thought. Don't reply to my post if you don't like what your reading. Grow... Up! Like 5 other people have already told you.
Doom3 was hyped pretty big and id is one of the oldest ones in the biz... and doom3 (IMO) turned out to be a somewhat average shooter.

I think gamers have just become jaded over the years because more or less its "we've seen it all before". Not necessarily stories and such, but its always "better graphics, this new feature" etc...)

I really am pretty optimistic for HL2 because i am hoping they get back to what is fun in a game, gameplay. Look at doom3, all flash but not a whole ton of innovative gameplay (albeit they had it the same way the old doom was and i think they did a awesome job keeping to the old formula)

As far another one of those games that just kind of comes out and everybody is like "WOAH! I DIDN'T KNOW THEY COULD DO THAT NOW!"
probably won't be the case with hl2.

In fact, games like that havn't made that kind of impression for some time. The only ones i can really think of are maybe Myst, wolf3d, doom, starcraft, the sims lol. Also its safe to say the first HL just because it really did revolutionize storytelling and atmosphere in games. I'm sure in time games will hafta hit a peak and something will revolutionize it all over again.
razorblade kiss said:
It will be better in terms of technology, graphics, and well... technology, but HL1 was a classic, its rare that a company makes only 2 games, and they both be classics. Don't get me wrong, I love HL2, I bought a new computer for it. But I needed to calm down before it came out. You can tell who I offend because they makes replies like the first genius up top ,or say "hhahaha yeah right HL2 will pwn". No, think about it, wait til it comes out, play it. Done. Let's not make it the bible here.

Truthfully, I didn't like HL1 all that much. It was fun, but nothing fantastic. So in that light, I think Hl2 will be great.

Oh, and don't try to insult Slucky:frown: . He's a good guy.
razorblade kiss said:
You may be 18, but you definitely have the mind of a 13 year old. Never once did I say the game was going to suck. I said it would be awesome, but not the best ever. I said it wont be better than HL1. And are you saying I can't have an opinion that differs than everyone else? These boards would be pointless if everyone thought the same genius! What keeps the forums alive, is individuality, and self thought. Don't reply to my post if you don't like what your reading. Grow... Up! Like 5 other people have already told you.

"Ohh grow up maaan, grow up duuude, grow up boobie head. your brain is like 13 years old poo poo face."

God I hate you.
Joeslucky22 said:
Love how you cut me down with an "age" joke.

Brilliant my friend.

No one has insulted anyone like that before.

If you're under the age of 13, you shouldn't even be playing this game for it has a +M rating.

If you must know, I'm 18 and im straight (sorry to dissapoint you)

This is what you did:
Instead of posting this in some other topic about HL2, You go and create an opinion on why you think its going to suck..

Well buddy, if we all did what you have done, these boards would be pointless.

And that was pretty f***in low man.. an age joke?.. rich.

There's a big difference between physical age and mental age. Some grow up physically, but their minds just don't seem to mature. Not talking about you or anything, just wanted to make that clear.

With that said, I for one feel razorblade has a very valid point. I truly do think some are going to be let down.
Joeslucky22 said:
"Ohh grow up maaan, grow up duuude, grow up boobie head. your brain is like 13 years old poo poo face."

God I hate you.

Heh. You know, you're not really doing yourself any favours here. :p
Joeslucky22 said:
"Ohh grow up maaan, grow up duuude, grow up boobie head. your brain is like 13 years old poo poo face."

God I hate you.

Hard to accept when other people are right, isn't it? :)
thefiznut said:
Hard to accept when other people are right, isn't it? :)

Haha , his first reply magically disapeared. :)

Anyways, those of you who can remain on topic, please do. I'm very interested to hear what everyone thinks. And if your going to criticize; be valid and do it constructively. I'm all for debates. Just not with children. :cheers:
thefiznut said:
Hard to accept when other people are right, isn't it? :)

:LOL:, so how many woman have you seen in your life time?
No im not talking about .jpgs or animated gifs.

and guess what, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and i could really f**king care less about what you have to say about me.

We're all here for one reason, and that reason would be for HL2.

Now do yourself a favor and stop talking to the man with a 13 year olds brain.
We're all here for one reason, and that reason would be for HL2.

yeah.. it would be...
im here for the enterteinment and info sharing..
I think razorblade kiss is right ... hl2 will "rox0r everyones b0x0rz" ... but its hyped so much ... to be the bible of video games ... THIS is how a video game should be ... kind of stuff ... I truly think some of the fan boys will be let down ... :( ... I cant wait for hl2 ... :afro:
Platinum said:
I think razorblade kiss is right ... hl2 will "rox0r everyones b0x0rz" ... but its hyped so much ... to be the bible of video games ... THIS is how a video game should be ... kind of stuff ... I truly think some of the fan boys will be let down ... :( ... I cant wait for hl2 ... :afro:

Now another question to raise is..

What if HL2 isn't hyped enough... :smoking:
Joeslucky22 said:
:LOL:, so how many woman have you seen in your life time?
No im not talking about .jpgs or animated gifs.

and guess what, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and i could really f**king care less about what you have to say about me.

We're all here for one reason, and that reason would be for HL2.

Now do yourself a favor and stop talking to the man with a 13 year olds brain.

Well, to be honest, just a few, and nothing sexual. I'm still in high school, and most girls my age just haven't matured quite yet. All they want to do is socialize, and hang out at the mall. :hmph:

I'm just getting on your case anyhow.
why cant everyone just chill out? ... we're online ... no reason to fight ... its not like anyone truly has any personal hatred against anyone ... everyone just relax and talk about the game ... I guess there are too many immature people ... meh ... oh well ...
Joeslucky22 said:
Now another question to raise is..

What if HL2 isn't hyped enough... :smoking:
Then they need to ship better GFX cards with the product. :)
thefiznut said:
Well, to be honest, just a few, and nothing sexual. I'm still in high school, and most girls my age just haven't matured quite yet. All they want to do is socialize, and hang out at the mall. :hmph:

I'm just getting on your case anyhow.

lol fiznut ... that sucks man ... what year are you in high school? ... theyll grow out of it ;) ... ure a freshman right?
I think that no matter what, somebody somewhere is going to be disapointed. If you build up the game so that it seems like a god then there really isn't much Valve or anyone else can do about it.

Having said that I think HL2 will appease the normal gamer and most of us HL2 fans.

But your always going to have exceptions and I can garauntee that there are going to be people who will flame HL2 no matter how good it is because they have to rain on everyones parade.
Joeslucky, just shut up. You may be 18, but you really sound like a 13 year old. Razorblade kiss made a valid point that I agree with. Although I think HL2 will be better, my expectations are far too high for the final product to meet.
Platinum said:
lol fiznut ... that sucks man ... what year are you in high school? ... theyll grow out of it ;) ... ure a freshman right?

Senior, thank you. Truly intellectual girls are few and far between in my area, unfortunately.

To get back on topic, I think HL2 will be a very solid game. Valve are trying new things here, and I hope they do it right. If all goes well, I think we will all be quite satisfied.
Cooper said:
I think that no matter what, somebody somewhere is going to be disapointed. If you build up the game so that it seems like a god then there really isn't much Valve or anyone else can do about it.

Having said that I think HL2 will appease the normal gamer and most of us HL2 fans.

But your always going to have exceptions and I can garauntee that there are going to be people who will flame HL2 no matter how good it is because they have to rain on everyones parade.

Of course there will be people dissapointed in the SP game.. But most of them will be dedicated doom 3 kiddies or far cry babies.

BUT, whats to stop them from making their dream mod?

HL2 has endless capablilities really... endless.
seinfeldrules said:
Joeslucky, just shut up. You may be 18, but you really sound like a 13 year old. Razorblade kiss made a valid point that I agree with. Although I think HL2 will be better, my expectations are far too high for the final product to meet.

We've gone over this :thumbs:
cool man ... im a junior ... and girls still just wanna hang out at the mall eh? ... "where is teh sex0r???" ... is that a question you ask yourself when the girls propose their stupid ideas to you? heheh ... it is for me man ... girls suck ...

but back on point ... Half life 2 will most likely upset a few people .. .but not many ... it will rock ... trust in valve ... well theyre hard to trust .. .but trust em still
Joeslucky22 said:
Of course there will be people dissapointed in the SP game.. But most of them will be dedicated doom 3 kiddies or far cry babies.

BUT, whats to stop them from making their dream mod?

HL2 has endless capablilities really... endless.

Good point. Source is very flexible, and Valve are going to allow modders to do whatever they want with it. I can see alot of very fun and creative mods coming, both singleplayer and multiplayer.

Edit: Let's not forget how long HL survived on mods alone. There's still mods being made. One thing is for sure, if Valve take the same path as they did with HL, then HL2 is here to stay for quite some time.
Platinum said:
lol fiznut ... that sucks man ... what year are you in high school? ... theyll grow out of it ;) ... ure a freshman right?

No hes not a freshman, hes a gentle-man. Woo. Raise your hand if your a good guy! *Raises hand*