Why HL2 won't be as good as HL.

I for one think that I will be let down by HL2. Now no one can disagree with me here cos I'm talking about my own feelings :D

I know the game hasn't been released yet etc etc, but I have just seen too much hype and I just expect this game to be tooo good. Chances are, it won't be as good as I expect. But there is also the possibility that it will! Here's to hoping!
She said:

i remember you making a post bitching about how hl2 didnt have weather , terrain that gets moved ... and water physics ... which clearly isnt even an option ... so she ... dont complain ... hl2's possibilities for mods will be very good ...
Platinum said:
cool man ... im a junior ... and girls still just wanna hang out at the mall eh? ... "where is teh sex0r???" ... is that a question you ask yourself when the girls propose their stupid ideas to you? heheh ... it is for me man ... girls suck ...

but back on point ... Half life 2 will most likely upset a few people .. .but not many ... it will rock ... trust in valve ... well theyre hard to trust .. .but trust em still

Just gotta look further man. :cool:

Really? What makes you say so?
i remember you making a post bitching about how hl2 didnt have weather , terrain that gets moved ... and water physics ... which clearly isnt even an option ... so she ... dont complain ... hl2's possibilities for mods will be very good .

I wans't bithcin.. and i am not complaining..
The SOURCE engine will not have endless capablilities..
So i quoted him.. and said no.
Platinum said:
i remember you making a post bitching about how hl2 didnt have weather , terrain that gets moved ... and water physics ... which clearly isnt even an option ... so she ... dont complain ... hl2's possibilities for mods will be very good ...
Well, I'm going to step in here. That person did say endless CAPABILITIES... not endless possibilities. That's a very big distinction to someone who's native tongue is not English.
she ... nothign has endless capabilities ... thats impossible ... so ure statement is redundant
Yes it did happen with Doom 3 I guess, but I really enjoyed doom 3 I just don't play it much now, the thing is, a thread isn't needed for this because everyone knows what hype is etc etc, and I (I'm not sure about the rest of you) know to expect a game to be a little worse than it is hyped up to be. But, HL2 I know for a fact will get a lot more playing time out of me than doom, because valve worked more on gameplay than graphics. Not saying the graphics are bad at all however.
Beast206 said:
Well, I'm going to step in here. That person did say endless CAPABILITIES... not endless possibilities. That's a very big distinction to someone who's native tongue is not English.

he said endless capabilities??? oh ure right ... well no , source does not have endless capabilities ... nothing will ... its impossible ... endless possibilities ... sort of ...
She said:
I wans't bithcin.. and i am not complaining..
The SOURCE engine will not have endless capablilities..
So i quoted him.. and said no.

HL1 has endless capabilites.

Sure it has it's limits but you can create anything.

HL2 has less limits nad you can create anything.

"anything" sounds endless to me.
the only thing with endless capabilities and possibilities is life ... like ... wierd shit ... like lifting things ... and building things ... video games will never have "endless" or "infinite" anything
Platinum said:
the only thing with endless capabilities and possibilities is life ... like ... wierd shit ... like lifting things ... and building things ... video games will never have "endless" or "infinite" anything
how about bugs? :E
I sort of agree, but not really. :angel: Just judging from the videos, it seems like an amazing game...
HL2 has less limits nad you can create anything.

"anything" sounds endless to me.
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Sorry to say this... but ..


and... yes..
in 4-5 years, when water physics come into play.. shure..
but then there will be better engines out there..

and NO.. not everything..
You cant create a map the size of the earth with 1000000000K polygons that will make my 3.5Ghz go 200FPS.... 250Hz
Seemingly endless capabilities is possible. Remember, Valve releases an SDK which gives modders complete control over the engine. If they want to write new forms of mapping into the engine for their mod, write their own shaders, use new DirectX effects, or whatever... they can. It's up to the modders how far they want to take it.
I never said anything about your computer.. Infact I dont care about your computer.

The engine is able to do anything. 4 -5 years of trial and error with trying to get water phyisics can come into HL3 most likely.

Maybe I should just say the Half-life series in general have endless capabilites...
I never said anything about your computer.. Infact I dont care about your computer.

Well.. Soooooryyyyy for making an example..

Maybe I should just say the Half-life series in general have endless capabilites...

so HL-engines will be the future platforms for Space-travel calculations & Real-time Earth Simulator with all effects...

In games.. shure..
Any engine has endless capabilites..
DOOM3 can have Physics engine programmed into it.. ect
whatever she ... all you do is troll these forums ... go away :flame: :flame: :flame:
She said:
DOOM3 can have Physics engine programmed into it.. ect

Was waiting for you to say that.

EVERY game has endless capabilites.

But just look how easy they made HL2 to mess around with.
not even the tornados live up to thier hype...

the idea is to expect something good from them cause most games SUCK>. and here is the glimmer of hope...

falsification kicks ass cause this game is gonna rule but it may also end up sucking like doom 3.

flame onn
And don't you start with these age jokes..

They're really getting f***in old...

Wow... it really got to you eh..
I didn't make a Joke about age..
I said.. grow up.. ( acting like a kid )..

Now please.. stop flaming me.. I have a right to speak here as well...
Now that I think about it... Only parents and women tell people to "grow up"....


But you sure do have the right to speak here, so go on...
Joeslucky22 said:
Now that I think about it... Only parents and women tell people to "grow up"....


But you sure do have the right to speak here, so go on...

she ... u have a right to speak here ... why are you telling me to grow up? ... YOU'RE A TROLL! and thats what you seem to be ... how did i act like a kid ... whatever , she
she ... u have a right to speak here ... why are you telling me to grow up? ... YOU'RE A TROLL! and thats what you seem to be ... how did i act like a kid ... whatever , she

and here comes the part:

whatever , she

I just love that.. :D


Oh.. and thats called Flaming..
Flaming = Ban??
She said:
and here comes the part:

I just love that.. :D

Oh.. and thats called Flaming..
Flaming = Ban??

now you want to ban me?? ... I'll put it this way ... you put more negative input into these forums than you do positive input ... thats all there is to it ...
razorblade kiss said:
This is my opinion only. HL2 will not be better than HL1. Why? Our hopes have grown so high, they've exceeded the capabilities of a still rookie company (Valve). When HL came out, Valve had not released any previous titles and no one thought anything of this "Half... Life". It came out and caught people off guard. Now, we have hype, rumors, expectations, gossip, falsification, mis-information, release dates, etc. All these things come with popularity. You combine many many fans from many different games, and you get all kinds of talk, and hype. Our expectations are so high, nothing could ever live up to them. HL2 will be good, quite possibly the game of the year, but it will not be the amazing all being god send holy grail of video games we think it will be. Or atleast some of you think it will be. I will play it and love it, but you've all set your hopes to high. Prepare to be let down. Flame away. :)

I would agree with you on this one. Too much hype and no product to meet it, will put alot of people down. Still will be awesome, though do like me and stay away from all the hype.
now you want to ban me?? ... I'll put it this way ... you put more negative input into these forums than you do positive input ... thats all there is to it ...

Whats up with your attitude?? Family values?
Youre wrong.. i do a great deal of Positive input here..
Btw... why do you flame me so much.. what have i done you?..
I just replied to a post..

LOL! this thread has become ours to BATTLE IN!..
seriously.. lets end this now..

you are right.. i am wrong.. so. satisfied??
posting again only indicates that you want more of this bulls*** fighting.. :p
Hype is a bad thing, Now usually i would say, "no your wrong, its gonna be great" but thats just me ready to jump all over the game even if its shit and still see it as the greatest thing since sliced zombie, The hype created around the game within this forum and the media as a whole, probbally wont be lived up to, however i think the game will survive for different reasons, and be the next stage in the already large half-life community, and maintain its own success, but aside everything it will still be seen as a very very good game.
sorry ... im the one always for peace and love ... sorry she ... you just seemed like a troll for a second ... nothing personal ;) :cheers: :cheers:
I agree with the threadstarter. There is too much hype surrounding this game. It will be hard for it to live up to the hype. Either way, I can not wait for this game to come out.
Good, now onto constructive things.... like that beer. :cheers:
Citizen 1150421 said:
falsification kicks ass cause this game is gonna rule but it may also end up sucking like doom 3.

Hey just from watching the Ravenholm bink I know I'm gonna enjoy it more than Doom 3. So many titillating possibilities with physics!
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, good or bad, optimistic or pesimistic, everyone has a point of view and this is a free country....

MY opinion is that HL2 will be great, weather it lives up to everyones expectations that's yet to be seen, but either way it will be a great game and keep me entertained, which is why I will be buying it, not because it's "perfect"
Hey just from watching the Ravenholm bink I know I'm gonna enjoy it more than Doom 3. So many titillating possibilities with physics!


i found myself playing around in DeusEx2.. tossing around a dead body onto people and down stairs for several hours. ( wohoo! )

just imagine HL2 physics.. you can play for enernity!
She said:

i found myself playing around in DeusEx2.. tossing around a dead body onto people and down stairs for several hours. ( wohoo! )

just imagine HL2 physics.. you can play for enernity!

Physics will be great. And after a while they will become second nature. This is one aspect I'm really looking forward to. Especially in Mods.
razorblade kiss said:
Physics will be great. And after a while they will become second nature. This is one aspect I'm really looking forward to. Especially in Mods.

If HL2 bombs, we can be sure the mods will be awesome :cheers: