Why I like steam.


Jan 19, 2004
Reaction score
Had to, I mean one thread disliked steam :)
My own thread dedicated to my love for steam!
1)No more sound bug from Won.
2)Friends List(When Working) can come in handy.
3)Better Server browser than WON, alot eaiser to manage your favorites list and there is a history :).
4)VAC for normal HL+Mods
5)Vac2 coming soon in full assult ready to ban(Rather than it's current beta?)
6)Can buy games off it.
7)Extremely easy manage of mods.
8)For me it uses up little resources.
9)Auto updates games
10)Can disable it from auto-updating games
12)Valve gives an update every week now on whats going on.
13)My sig can Utilize me liking it.
I fully agree. Steam's good points far out-weight it's bad points.
Minerel said:
Had to, I mean one thread disliked steam :)

Like or dislike, could someone at least make this thread in the correct forum? :|
I am sorry, but I agree with the other poster. Steam sucks, it's not worth a crap. Xfire is much better than Steam. I like the idea of Steam but the program itself wasn't implemented well at all.
Vorac1ous said:
Xfire is much better than Steam.

Xfire is a messaging service, like AIM. How can it possibly be better than a program that can send over 1 gig files to someone? Can you buy games off of Xfire? No, can you with steam? Yes, yes you can.

What I am trying to get at, you cannot compare Steam to Xfire, because all Xfire is, is a messaging program, nothing more, nothing less.
Ever since the whole steam id server was down and i couldnt play for a weekend i've disliked it.
I mean, c'mon, a whole weekend!!
I could've died.
I wish valve would fix the damn friends list thingy.
I´d prefer they got rid of friends, as it´s taking unnecessary resources.
If they started using TCP for Friends instead of UDP I think it would be alot more reliable.
I think they just completely ignore friends... like everyone else, given it's unreliability.

Other than that, I <3 steam. Used to hate it back in the day when it was way more buggy, but its fairly stable now and I have made it my own.
Whats the difference between TCP and UDP anyway

On-topic : The only negative thing with steam would be that the friends tab hardly ever works.
MarcoPollo said:
The prob I have with steam is that it COULD be A LOT better
Agree. I do like steam and haven't had a single problem with it yet but...it shouldn't have been compulsory to register the game online, it shouldn't have been compulsory to install steam with the game and it shouldn't stop you playing a single player game if Valve have a problem with one of their servers!

But do love the fact I just signed in with my old account and DOWNLOADED halflife 1 because the Install on the CD was 16bit and XP wouldn't allow it to run. Plus easy download and install of updates/patches and super easy Mod management.
steam is starting to take the shape I had anticipated it should. I am happy with it atm.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Xfire is a messaging service, like AIM. How can it possibly be better than a program that can send over 1 gig files to someone? Can you buy games off of Xfire? No, can you with steam? Yes, yes you can.

What I am trying to get at, you cannot compare Steam to Xfire, because all Xfire is, is a messaging program, nothing more, nothing less.
First- Xfire is not just a messaging service. They also have downloadable files & such. That's like saying Steam is just a product with which you can only buy Valve games, it's not fully true.

Second-Steam can't send files.

Third-I'd rather go to a store than buy a game online, I feel safer that way. And can you buy Id, Epic, & Blizzard games from Steam? No, you can buy HL2 Silver for all the Valve-only games anyway.

Fourth-please quote where exactly I compared Steam & Xfire because I didn't AFAIK.

Fifth-Again, that is not entirely true.
Vorac1ous said:
Fourth-please quote where exactly I compared Steam & Xfire because I didn't AFAIK.

Vorac1ous said:
Steam sucks, it's not worth a crap. Xfire is much better than Steam.

Maybe I'm crazy, but that looks like a comparison to me. :p
Steam makes games harder to pirate meaning that we ACTUALLY HAVE TO BUY!! BUY!!

What a sick program........
15357 said:
Steam makes games harder to pirate meaning that we ACTUALLY HAVE TO BUY!! BUY!!

What a sick program........

It obviously dosent make them that hard, since there are tons of pirated versions of HL2 out there...
One more reason to like Steam: the quick fix for the new HL2: DM map. No more exploiting sitting on the console.
True, that's one of the beauties of Steam. Valve reacted within a day to sort out an exploit and were able to deliver it as soon as you re-launched.

SOme games you'd have to wait a few days, then find a link to the patch, then download and install it before it'd be fixed. That's the key benefit of Steam for me.
I think I'm one of the few people in the world who never had any major problems with Steam. And I think whether people like it or not, content delivery systems like Steam are the future. I mean, being able to cut out the middle man(the publisher) is a developer's wet dream. It means more money in their pocket and easier game maintenance for you.

Being able to purchase and download HL2 from my own home while still in my underwear was probably one of the coolest game-related things I've ever done. :)
Vorac1ous said:
I am sorry, but I agree with the other poster. Steam sucks, it's not worth a crap. Xfire is much better than Steam. I like the idea of Steam but the program itself wasn't implemented well at all.

Thats where you compaired - just showing what was already shown for emphasis ;)

I <3 Steam
I have never had a technical problem with Steam.

It shows me updates and updates my game down in the corner of my screen.
I love that you now have a good fully integrated server browser! :D

If they could just get the damned friends list to work :( but I guess having bad friends is better than having no friends at all ;o) I have faith they will make it work sooner or later though :)

By the way, yes you can receive files through steam, ie. updates new maps etc. however you cannot send files directly like you can on the IM programs and many other... Its fun with the mini games in steam though chess etc. :0)

You dont have to shut down the game to connect to a new server with steam, you have to do that with xfire..
Steam when it first started out, was a pile of crap. CS 1.6 lagged like crazy and the framerate went to hell, couldn't even connect to any games at one stage and this problem was only fixed after i changed ISP's (Didn't do it for steam, just did it because i got cable :E). Now the bugs seemed to be much more ironed out and its pretty stable. The only thing i dont like is my suspiscion that Steam is the problem behind long load times and the stutter-bug, but after playing Vampire Bloodlines, i see its just a Source Engine problem.

Like the auto-updating though
My main problem with Steam is Valve's obsession with authentication which I think to me, and to others as well, is a major inconvenience. It's as if they don't trust their customers not to pirate, which I think is rather insulting. And as others have said, the pirates will always find their way around such security measures and enjoy Valve games with no such problems, whilst we honest folk have to put up with long waits to prove to Valve that we're not criminals.

The fact that Valve also gets the impression that everyone who has a PC that can run its games also has an internet connection is also incorrect, but Valve still goes ahead and makes internet registration mandatory - which is both inconvenient for those with slow modems and also cuts out a reasonable chunk of potential customers not online, and thus profit, for Valve. Almost like shooting oneself in the foot...

Apart from that, though, Steam is a good idea. Game server browsers, online updates, news updates, and so on. I'd mention the content delivery, but as I said, not all people online have broadband and I'm sure it would take days to download HL2, and they, like me, would prefer to buy from shops instead.

But as I said, the need for online registration and authentication to prove to Valve I'm not a thief bugs me. And I sympathise for those people online with 56K modems who have to endure long waits to enjoy Valve games.

Good idea, Valve, but poorly executed in a few crucial areas. And the pirates will always find ways around such security, mark my words.
which is both inconvenient for those with slow modems and also cuts out a reasonable chunk of potential customers not online
I'm a 56ker....yeah I had 0 problems with valves reg. system.

And I sympathise for those people online with 56K modems who have to endure long waits to enjoy Valve games.
Well don't because trust me..it's not bad at all... Anyway steam has very little to do with those "Waits".

And the pirates will always find ways around such security, mark my words.
Yes but some don't take the time to do so. If they can't get the game pirated easy then they simply wont. Thus it is helping vs piracy. It isn't canceling out piracy just helping to fight against it.
Foebane said:
The fact that Valve also gets the impression that everyone who has a PC that can run its games also has an internet connection is also incorrect, but Valve still goes ahead and makes internet registration mandatory - which is both inconvenient for those with slow modems and also cuts out a reasonable chunk of potential customers not online, and thus profit, for Valve. Almost like shooting oneself in the foot...
Hmmm i dunno. I bet that most of the people who dont have the internet, are either not interested in computer games or dont really have a need for the internet. As now-a-days i even know nun's that use the internet, and almost all my friends (lower middle-class) have DSL's.
I remember when I tried Steam out back with CS 1.4. It was a big mess then but still fun to use. It's come a long way. I've never really had any issues with steam, especially since it's launch. Friends always seems to work for me when I've been on for a little while playing and decide to use it. It's never on right when I start up steam though.

It keeps my CSS uptodate so when I get tired of HL2DM I can go play it right away without having to download updates. =p
Will be even better when these other valve games out. (DOD:S/TF2/Expansion).
Well I really like steam too. It's just dandy. But they could learn from other anti-cheat things like PunkBuster (Even though that alone is flawed). Currently, when VAC/VAC2 Catches a cheater, they ban their steam ID. This is, in theory, great. Except that people can now create themselves new SteamID's in seconds.
If they employed a WON-like system where it verified not only their DLL's for hooks/exploits, but also for a different steam ID than what was tied to their account when they created it, then it would work.
And then, they could move a step further and base bans off of hardware ASWELL as the SteamID. It's easy to spoof your harddrive against PunkBuster now, but if all the major Cheat detection systems were employed by one huge one, which had backups of their backups and another way of catching a cheater who was trying to spoof their hardrive code (Perhaps stop 80% of the cheaters by logging their original code when they sign up and aren't likely to have spoofed it, and then when they spoof it, not the change and link it to cheating and then ban their whole account).
I.P. Address Banning could also be good for people with constant IP's.

Just a thought. If there are hundreds of companies trying to each stop cheaters, why don't they join together and become a more powerful force than they could ever be on their own?
Vorac1ous said:
Second-Steam can't send files.

So somehow HL2 preloaded on my computer.....RIGHT.... :rolleyes:

Vorac1ous said:
Third-I'd rather go to a store than buy a game online, I feel safer that way. And can you buy Id, Epic, & Blizzard games from Steam? No, you can buy HL2 Silver for all the Valve-only games anyway.

Steam is VALVe owned so obviously you can't buy their products, if you were expecting to be able too I would suggest reading things before downloading them. And if you are afraid of buying things off steam, better not be buying things from like newegg, its basically the same.

Vorac1ous said:
Fourth-please quote where exactly I compared Steam & Xfire because I didn't AFAIK.

Saying Xfire is better than steam can't be compared. You cannot compare either of the two, the two may do one of the same option, messaging via Xfire and Friends via Steam, but thats about it.
I like Steam because its weapon against Vivendy bastards !!!
I like steam because!:
I could get up at 3 AM November 16th, sit down in front of my computer, and start playing Half Life 2. No trip to the store, no begging parents for a ride, none of that. Just sit down and start playing.
i like Steam and haven't had any problems since it first launched, but even then those problems were minor and easily solved.
best thing about Steam is the updating...no worrying about downloading zip files etc..etc.. :)
Everybody's pretty much got the same ideas! The auto-update feature is a godsend. Thanks Valve :D
DiSTuRbEd said:
So somehow HL2 preloaded on my computer.....RIGHT.... :rolleyes:
Steam is uploaded to your computer.

DiSTuRbEd said:
Steam is VALVe owned so obviously you can't buy their products, if you were expecting to be able too I would suggest reading things before downloading them. And if you are afraid of buying things off steam, better not be buying things from like newegg, its basically the same.
Perhaps Valve would maybe want to expand their business this way? Oh, & I don't buy my games off of a website.

DiSTuRbEd said:
Saying Xfire is better than steam can't be compared. You cannot compare either of the two, the two may do one of the same option, messaging via Xfire and Friends via Steam, but thats about it.

But can you quote where I compared Xfire & Steam? Apparently not.