Why I'm excited to own a 360. (56K warning)


Jul 11, 2003
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And last but not least...

Im so looking forward to Assassin's Creed. Also the new GTA in the series and CoD 3. Used to hate the Xbox, now i love it.

Roll on development time!!
A bunch of those will be great for the PC too and the ones that aren't I am just not that interested in anyway. Crackdown, for instance, looks fargin terrible imho.

Still, great news for those with differently-abled PCs.
Now to get my 360 replaced because it's retarded and broke.

Unlucky :/

Microsoft are generally excellent with replacements.

This list need Mass Effect - probably my most wanted game at the mo.

A bunch of those will be great for the PC too and the ones that aren't I am just not that interested in anyway

The only one i'm considering for the pc is Bioshock, and even then i'm torn as it'd look great on a big tv.
Is grand theft auto IV planned for PS3?

If so, looks like I'll be waiting for the PC version. I have a ps2 but no way in hell I'm getting a next-gen console anytime soon.
GTA will most likely arrive on the 360, ps3 and pc.
Nice thread, pisses in the face of those sony fanboys that say "360 sucks, has no games" ... Yeah fanboys, we've got games - we've even got a console. Wheres yours?

Personally I'm seriously looking forward to Forza Motorsport 2 and GTA4. So far all the games ive been craving for have turned out absolutely amazing - Oblivion, Test Drive Unlimited, Dead Rising, etc. Awesome games.
Nice thread, pisses in the face of those sony fanboys that say "360 sucks, has no games" ... Yeah fanboys, we've got games - we've even got a console. Wheres yours?

Hmm havn't met too many people who are that thick. Some fanboys are way too serious on either side of the debate. My mate bought a 360 I use that, I'm getting a PS3 he'll no doubt use it too. Win win!
Pretty nice list, but I'll most likely end up getting Alan Wake, Bioshock, Stranglehold and SCDA for my high-end PC I'll be buying asap, mainly because I really prefer 'shooters' on PCs(Mouse aim ftw), I'm not really sure if GTA4 should belong in here, since it's also coming to the PS3 at the same time.. So it's also a just as equal reason for being excited about owning a PS3.. I think we should stick to exclusives in the thread, because afterall, it's the exclusive great games that really make it worth to own a console.:D
I also think RE5 deserves to be on that list, considering what a kickass game RE4 was(Atleast in terms of raw gameplay) :D
I love my Xbox 360 to death! I used to be an Xbox hater WAY back in the day when PS2 was somewhat new. But then I found more games that I enjoyed playing on the original Xbox compared to my ps2...now here I am...a proud owner of my Xbox 360. This fall/winter is an excellent time for gaming. Lets just say some of us are goig to be a little broke this year :D
Unlucky :/

Microsoft are generally excellent with replacements.

This list need Mass Effect - probably my most wanted game at the mo.


They've been abit pissy but we'll see. Can't see I'm too interested in Mass Effect mind.
Nice games but the modding and tweaking of PC games is far too important to me to ever buy a console.
Some games on the list doesn't seem to be too deserving to be there , getting hyped with no reason\no media to judge.
Only a few. Most games in that list look very decent.
I'm giddy like a schoolgirl for Gears of War. I've not been this excited for a game since Half LIfe 2 came out.
When I'm not broke, I think I'm going to buy and Xbox 360 instead of a new gaming PC. I'm not that much into games anymore to justify spending £1000s to keep an up to date system. Really, the only games I'm particularly interested in playing are the continuation of HL, and BioShock, both of which are going to be on the 360. £300 console vs £1000+ PC, hmm......
User mods are an issue, though....
User mods are an issue, though....

The exclusive games *cough*Mass Effect*cough* should more than make up for the lack of mods. The only thing that keeps me coming back to pc gaming is online fps in clans/leagues etc. You may as well get a wii with the money you're saving too :)
They've been abit pissy but we'll see.
If you're in the UK, don't go through Microsoft. My 360 packed in 3 days ago and GAME (I bought it there) replaced it on the spot, in-store, without even looking at proof of purchase.

Anyway, barring Crackdown and CoD3 that list is pure proof as to why the 360 is so fantastic. Mass Effect, Gears of War and Stranglehold all make me the happiest in my pants, though.
Yup. 360's start was slow but man its catching momentum.
Hellz yah I LUUUUUV MY 360 so glad I got one! Except Too Human and Mass Effect need to be on that list! O and also Mercenaries 2 but Im not sure if that is official for 360 yet or not!
Box art for CoD 3 is laughably bad.
But it's only slightly worse than Splinter Cell's. The exploding car behind the too-cool-to-even-look-over-his-shoulder-at-it Sam Fisher makes me lol.
:) When i first got my 360 i was doubting about the games they had but now i see they are gonna have some bad ass games. I am really Looking forward to F.E.A.R, CoD3, and also one u don't have which is the hl2 package with episode 1 and 2 and tf2 with portals and one that i am really looking forward to is Assasin Creed.
While about half of that list is multiplatform, I must admit its getting harder and harder to resist the X360. The only things keeping me from breaking down and getting one are that I already have a PC for some of those games, and I'm more interested in the PS3 exclusives. Perfect time for me to want to go multi console too, when they're all so expensive. D:
Crap, I had Mass Effect on there at one point, but it was kinda hard finding a nice logo for it, so I must have taken it off and forgot to put it back on.

Knew I forgot something.