Why is Gabe keeping a Tight Lid On The Multiplayer Part?.


Jul 2, 2003
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::Topic::It makes me think that they wont include a multiplayer but I dont know but I think they are because thats what made Half-Life really really big with the mods for example Cs and Dod.But why do you think he is keeping quiet about it in all the interviews he has?.
Haha, if they don't include MP they're ****ing braindead
I have a theory.

Halflife2s multiplayer will absolutely rock for some reason.

in one Email/interview i read, gabe said that halflife2s engine was build around the multiplayer aspect.

+ to set you mind at ease they also said that hl2s multiplayer will contain vehicals. So there is a mp thats for certain, we just dont know what yet.

I wish they would tell us something though. I would love to know why its so secret :)
The most likely reason they're not releasing any multiplayer details is probably because there'll be more than a few big surprises in store (see also: ALL those posts speculating whether TF2 will be included... Mmm-hmmmm)
There WILL, however, be multiplayer as it's been said there'll be 32-player multiplayer support as it was in the original.

Edit: Marksman, I doubt somehow that Source wa designed from a multiplayer perspective, I really do. The original was SP-driven and so will HL2 be. Just look at it...
Probably because it's going to be something big and unexpected. As time goes on I'm thinking less and less that it might be CS2 or TF2. I reckon that it's going to be something rather unique, but really amazing to play.

Then again it could be Ricochet 2......... ewww.
It would be great if it came with Counter-Strike 2,Day Of Defeat 2,Or TFC2 any of those would be great.
I thought they confirmed TFT2 as a separate retail product :(
And seem to remember something about CS2, but i dont think that will be the multiplayer to be honest.
DOD, no. It was only given the SDK a short while bk really. I dont think it will be done yet.

suprise MP it is then :)
:eek: :O FOR THE LOVE OF GABE!!!! IT'S TF2 not TFC!!¬!!!£^Y$%
/me dies
Really ain't happenin'. It'd be seriously cool, but... Naaah.
Although we can all hope against hope <Crosses fingers>
Well yeah but it still makes me think that they have been working on HL2 for 5 years!!!!!!And they had to be doing more with the 5 years dont you think?.
Feeding Gabe maybe?
(Sorry, cheap shot)

Gotta be awful difficult making what they've made from scratch. five years sounds perfectly plausible. Just cause you want it to be true, doesn't make it so. Sadly.
Originally posted by Chris_D
:eek: :O FOR THE LOVE OF GABE!!!! IT'S TF2 not TFC!!¬!!!£^Y$%
/me dies


/me dies

Originally posted by Dr. Freeman

/me dies

FOR THE F***ING LOVE IF GABE!!! DON'T GIVE Dr.Freeman even more reasons to die
/me dances on grave then dies.
/me is reborn and d0nces on the other graves.

/me eats the spam
/me is reincarnated as...Tredolaslop!
WTFudge happened...
Tredolaslop trips on SPAM leftovers
they keeping a lid on it cause its all sparkly, and wil blind you without the right eye-wear...
oh valve we love you ... always so considerate
/me donces
Originally posted by Tredoslop
Is that like Big Barry White Love?

By the way, do you like the shape I sculpted together from the Spam leftovers? Personally, I think it's smart AND delicious.
Gabe agrees.
/me looks at sculpture
Damn-that's nice
Anyways, I don't care if Valve doesn't spill the beans on MP, I'd be playing SP in Half-Life 2.
Big Gabe Love doesn't mind WHAT you do, baby.

But I concur - HL2's single player first. Weapons should be EARNED and gameplay should be learned properly (that wasn't intended to rhyme).
The only reason a company would announce a game that's been under a tight lid for 5 years... and then keep a detail (that they say will be there) completely secret in all logic means that they have something NO other game has offered yet.

I am speculating:

-A multiplayer combat racing simulation of some sorts
-antlions vs humans
-manipulator arenas (games that are manipulator specific, like catch the giant potatoe)
-team fotress 2 (i wouldnt have thought this till, it occured to me that in 5 years they could have finished HL 2 a year ago... they've spent just a little more time on something :)
Yeah, the only logical reason they're keeping a lid on it is because they've got something very special up their sleeves. I'm betting Team Fortress 2 will be an integral part of Half-Life 2's multiplayer. Remember, just because they release it with Half-Life 2 doesn't keep them from also releasing it as a stand alone retail product!
Someone did say in an interview about source that the reason tf2 vanished so suddenly 2 or 3 years ago was because of a viewing of an early version of source and it was decided it would suit the game well. I can't believe tf2 or cs2 etc will be in though, too commercially niave.

The potato catching sounds fun, does anyone want to join my catch-a-spud clan?

antlions vs humans would be a bit aliens vs predator at a guess.

Multiplayer combat racing also sounds fun but it's been stated that they didn't put huge amounts of detail into the vehicles they have built, although modders could add a lot more if they wanted.

Somewhere in my mind I'm envisaging somehing more like halo than like cs or dod, that's probably just the mention of vehicles that has made me think that though.
Originally posted by FalconNinja
::Topic::It makes me think that they wont include a multiplayer but I dont know but I think they are because thats what made Half-Life really really big with the mods for example Cs and Dod.But why do you think he is keeping quiet about it in all the interviews he has?.

The first rule of HL2 multiplayer is you don't talk about HL2 multiplayer.
or maybe it is just not finished.
They're less than two months away from release. They'd better have a damn good handle on it at this point!

As for saying that including Team Fortress 2 could be commercially naive, think of how many hundreds of thousands of extra copies of Half-Life 2 they'd sell if it was included!
Originally posted by Mountain Man
As for saying that including Team Fortress 2 could be commercially naive, think of how many hundreds of thousands of extra copies of Half-Life 2 they'd sell if it was included!
On the other hand, think of the hundereds of thousands of extra copies of TF2 they could sell if it wasn't bundled. I doubt Vivendi would allow Valve to be so generous.

Strider match. That's all I ask.
yup its confirmed there IS NOT team fortress 2 with HL2 from Gabe. The multiplayer will probably have some major features to do with vehicles, the manipulator and large environments... and variations of things we've seen in the demos but on steroids!
Originally posted by Blud Stane
The multiplayer will probably have some major features to do with vehicles, the manipulator and large environments... and variations of things we've seen in the demos but on steroids!

where did you get that? or is this just what you would like to see?
Originally posted by TrueWeltall
Maybe it will have coop play for single player al-la Halo?
i don't understand what you mean with coop for singleplayer.
and i never played halo so i don't know what you mean.
could you explain it?
Originally posted by TrueWeltall
Maybe it will have coop play for single player al-la Halo?

if it had coop, why would svencoop team be making a coop mod for it?
coop means that you and your friends can play single player and beat the game together at the same time working together to complete your goals
it wouldent be single player coop cause it would have more then just one person so its the singple player enviorments with multiple people
Re: Re: Why is Gabe keeping a Tight Lid On The Multiplayer Part?.

Originally posted by LoneDeranger
The first rule of HL2 multiplayer is you don't talk about HL2 multiplayer.

sven coop allows you to play original HL single player maps online with your buddies.
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
sven coop allows you to play original HL single player maps online with your buddies.

Yep. Exactly.