Why is that...


Jun 11, 2003
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..in Star Trek they never had religion?

Are they trying to say that man evolved and no longer had a need for it?
what about the nerds that religiosly follow the krimglons stuff?
They couldn't worship, they were too busy trekking.
They never thought the show would take off, and thus didnt flesh out stuff like that.
Think of it this way I guess.. If you could boldly go where no man/woman has gone before, then wouldn't worshipping something in a sheepful frenzy be pointless in comparison. Whatever brings meaning to your life I guess, in rodenberry's world what brings meaning isn't religion, atleast not of the church or temple kind.
Because they believed in Darwinism...

And in some episodes involving time travel, their beliefs proved to be true :x
Actually in Deep Space Nine religion played a very large part, namely the Bajoran religion, whose followers believed captain Sisco was a chosen, and there were many plots involving religion and the priests of the Bajoran people, hell even the last episode was largely about Sisco fulfilling the prophecy.
Although that said, the god the Bajorans worshiped were just another alien race that created the wormhole near their planet.
Because religion impairs humanity, people are prepared all to often to kill others purely because they don't believe in the same nonsense as the others do. We are also approaching a time where one individual will very easily be able to kill thousands if not millions of others with a nuclear device. Humanity does not have a chance until we are able to disband ideas so ridiculous such as religion that lead to the slaughter of others.
Because religion impairs humanity, people are prepared all to often to kill others purely because they don't believe in the same nonsense as the others do. We are also approaching a time where one individual will very easily be able to kill thousands if not millions of others with a nuclear device. Humanity does not have a chance until we are able to disband ideas so ridiculous such as religion that lead to the slaughter of others.
For the gazillionth time, it's not religion that makes people do these things. That's like saying guns kill people.

Christianity does not condone the killing of innocents. People just use it as an excuse. Without religion, there would just be some other reason for humans to kill each other.

And the deadliest wars had absolutely nothing to do with religion.
They couldn't worship, they were too busy trekking.

Maybe, whilst trekking, they did a deep space scan and found no trace of god. That or the producers and writers didn't want to make it too deep.
For the gazillionth time, it's not religion that makes people do these things. That's like saying guns kill people.

Christianity does not condone the killing of innocents. People just use it as an excuse. Without religion, there would just be some other reason for humans to kill each other.

And the deadliest wars had absolutely nothing to do with religion.
Christianity does condone the killing of innocents.

"If a man works on the sabbath you shall stone him till he is dead"
"If a man commits adultery you shall stone him"
"If there is an unbeliever in a town, you should slay everyone, man woman and child who live in that town"

There's loads more. To see just how dangerous religion is, we just have to look at 911. The people who hijacked those planes had never experienced greivance in their lives. They came from a middle class background, there families were never blown up by an Israeli bomb or whatever. What drove these people was their interpretation of their religion, and fundamentally, a correct one. By no stretch of the imagination could you say Islam is a religion based upon peace, it would be hard to say that for Christianity either.

Religion is absolute nonsense, it is without logic or ration basis. Religious texts tell people to kill others because they believe in a different kind of nonsense, this is absolutely absurd.

We have to accept that people kill other people for purely religious reasons. The evidence stares us in the face, look at Northern Ireland, Loyalist mobs only 10+ years ago would patrol the streets pick up catholic teenagers and kill them purely for being catholic. They didn't care what those teenagers felt politically, they just wanted to kill catholics. Millions of people died again because of religion in the violence leading up to the partitioning of India, men women and children were all slaughtered up to a million people were killed purely for their religious beliefs. How is this sane? Whatever belief could lead to such a slaughter? You don't get political extremists going round killing people for being Liberals, and when they do it's only liberals the violence does not escalate to such a level religion can bring it.

Religion is far to often a cause for killing somebody else. It's absolutely absurd and has no place in a sane society.

Come on Solaris, that's such a lazy cliche, don't be so naive. I've no patience at all for almost any religion, but it's really not a cause of war. Wars are almost always caused by the non-supernatural, thoroughly human desire for power. Religion is just a useful excuse, and a way of persuading the populace into supporting the war.
Think of all the modern wars (which incidentally include the worst one in history) - religion wasn't a major cause in either world war, Chinese and Russian civil wars, Korea, Vietnam, The few modern conflicts that religion has played a part in (e.g. Middle East) have been comparatively small fry. So, the worst wars in all of history have taken place without religion being a major factor. Like I said, religion used to be an reason to go to war and a way of garnering support for it, but more recently it's been replaced by political ideology.
Come on Solaris, that's such a lazy cliche, don't be so naive. I've no patience at all for almost any religion, but it's really not a cause of war. Wars are almost always caused by the non-supernatural, thoroughly human desire for power. Religion is just a useful excuse, and a way of persuading the populace into supporting the war.
Think of all the modern wars (which incidentally include the worst one in history) - religion wasn't a major cause in either world war, Chinese and Russian civil wars, Korea, Vietnam, The few modern conflicts that religion has played a part in (e.g. Middle East) have been comparatively small fry. So, the worst wars in all of history have taken place without religion being a major factor. Like I said, religion used to be an reason to go to war and a way of garnering support for it, but more recently it's been replaced by political ideology.
Did I say it motivated most wars?

gtfo ktxh

Anyways, Kirk > Picard

Humanity does not have a chance until we are able to disband ideas so ridiculous such as religion that lead to the slaughter of others.

That clearly implies that without religion, there would be no, or at least significantly less, war. As I said, wars are in the most part motivated by power, and the worse wars in history - the ones that stood the greatest chance of wiping humanity out (re 'humanity does not have a chance') - had comparatively very little to do with religion, and everything to do with power and politics.
I don't see what going on about how evil religion is has to do with the lack of it in Star Trek

Really? How about perhaps Gene Roddenberry might've had similar thoughts? For fuxorsake, if you're gonna ask a question, be able to take a bit of speculation and sidetracking in answers.
What do you want us to say? "Duh well by 2285 the religious wars between the Christians, Muslims, Jews and Sikhs wiped out everyone on Earth so Kirk denounced his Mormonism, rounded up the old gang one more time, went back in time to the early 21st century and repeatedly phasered all the religious people until they agreed to be atheists and quietly study evolution and starship engineering. So he changed history and that is the reality we see in Star Trek. But the actors got too old before they could make another movie" ?

How about this: Although there is a good answer, it's a bit of a pointless question, because how often is religion important in popular sci-fi? Nearly never.
Really? How about perhaps Gene Roddenberry might've had similar thoughts? For fuxorsake, if you're gonna ask a question, be able to take a bit of speculation and sidetracking in answers.
What do you want us to say? "Duh well by 2285 the religious wars between the Christians, Muslims, Jews and Sikhs wiped out everyone on Earth so Kirk denounced his Mormonism, rounded up the old gang one more time, went back in time to the early 21st century and repeatedly phasered all the religious people until they agreed to be atheists and quietly study evolution and starship engineering" ?

Yes, I did actually
Right, well there is no real answer like that, it's never been addressed and any actual answer is just speculation on the part of fans, based on aspects of the society shown in the show. Okay?

"I condemn false prophets, I condemn the effort to take away the power of rational decision, to drain people of their free will -- and a hell of a lot of money in the bargain. Religions vary in their degree of idiocy, but I reject them all. For most people, religion is nothing more than a substitute for a malfunctioning brain." (Gene Roddenberry)

In a Q&A session executive producer Brannon Braga was asked whether there was supposed to be a deity in the stories that he wrote. He said:
"No, there was no consideration in giving humans, talking about God, or talking about those types of things. We wanted to avoid it to be quite frank. But we did very often explore theology through alien characters. Which frankly is much more interesting anyway. Whether it was the Bajorans and their religion or the Borg and their religion. They had the religion of perfection. That, I think, was more interesting. We want to keep Star Trek secular. The human facet of Star Trek secular." (Brannon Braga, transcript from http://www.brannonbraga.com)
"If a man works on the sabbath you shall stone him till he is dead"
"If a man commits adultery you shall stone him"
"If there is an unbeliever in a town, you should slay everyone, man woman and child who live in that town"
Judaism =/= Christianity. Read any of Jesus' teachings and you'll see a completely different message.
There's loads more. To see just how dangerous religion is, we just have to look at 911. The people who hijacked those planes had never experienced greivance in their lives. They came from a middle class background, there families were never blown up by an Israeli bomb or whatever.
They hate us because we support the Israeli state, which is oppressing Palestinians. They hate us enough to sacrifice themselves to hurt us.

Religion is absolute nonsense, it is without logic or ration basis. Religious texts tell people to kill others because they believe in a different kind of nonsense, this is absolutely absurd.

We have to accept that people kill other people for purely religious reasons. The evidence stares us in the face, look at Northern Ireland, Loyalist mobs only 10+ years ago would patrol the streets pick up catholic teenagers and kill them purely for being catholic. They didn't care what those teenagers felt politically, they just wanted to kill catholics. Millions of people died again because of religion in the violence leading up to the partitioning of India, men women and children were all slaughtered up to a million people were killed purely for their religious beliefs. How is this sane? Whatever belief could lead to such a slaughter? You don't get political extremists going round killing people for being Liberals, and when they do it's only liberals the violence does not escalate to such a level religion can bring it.

Religion is far to often a cause for killing somebody else. It's absolutely absurd and has no place in a sane society.
Your opinion, most don't share it, and for a myriad of reasons.
Christianity does condone the killing of innocents.

"If a man works on the sabbath you shall stone him till he is dead"
"If a man commits adultery you shall stone him"
"If there is an unbeliever in a town, you should slay everyone, man woman and child who live in that town"

There's loads more. To see just how dangerous religion is, we just have to look at 911. The people who hijacked those planes had never experienced greivance in their lives. They came from a middle class background, there families were never blown up by an Israeli bomb or whatever. What drove these people was their interpretation of their religion, and fundamentally, a correct one. By no stretch of the imagination could you say Islam is a religion based upon peace, it would be hard to say that for Christianity either.

Religion is absolute nonsense, it is without logic or ration basis. Religious texts tell people to kill others because they believe in a different kind of nonsense, this is absolutely absurd.

We have to accept that people kill other people for purely religious reasons. The evidence stares us in the face, look at Northern Ireland, Loyalist mobs only 10+ years ago would patrol the streets pick up catholic teenagers and kill them purely for being catholic. They didn't care what those teenagers felt politically, they just wanted to kill catholics. Millions of people died again because of religion in the violence leading up to the partitioning of India, men women and children were all slaughtered up to a million people were killed purely for their religious beliefs. How is this sane? Whatever belief could lead to such a slaughter? You don't get political extremists going round killing people for being Liberals, and when they do it's only liberals the violence does not escalate to such a level religion can bring it.

Religion is far to often a cause for killing somebody else. It's absolutely absurd and has no place in a sane society.

Of course, you prefer killing people over politics.
Think of it this way I guess.. If you could boldly go where no man/woman has gone before, then wouldn't worshipping something in a sheepful frenzy be pointless in comparison. Whatever brings meaning to your life I guess, in rodenberry's world what brings meaning isn't religion, atleast not of the church or temple kind.

That's silly though. Other Aliens in star trek have their own religions... and they went into space long before the humans did. :P

Of course, you prefer killing people over politics.

Heh... yep. We can quote him as saying it's necessary sometimes.

Solaris is naive to think religion is the only reason people kill each other. It's stupid to think that. If religion was abolished and ALL the world did not practice any form of religion, you'd have people still killing each other. It's human nature.