Why Lamespy should FIRE Fragmaster !

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Originally posted by JavaGuy
1. Calm down.

2. PHL is incompetently run? Little updates? No useful information? Where the hell have you been? If I recall, they were the only site that accurate predicted the 9/30 release date was going down the toilet while the rest of us (myself included) were in total denial.

I have no problem supporting Valve, but not to the point of fanboyism.

Yeah, if you look at how PHL used to be run by Jon "JEH" McClellan, and his wife LadyIce before Fragdick came back, it was respected by the community, and had useful updates. For me this has little to do with defending Valve. It is just more of Fragdick's ego-tantrum.

Yes, PHL is now incompetently run. They used to host many mapper's and map review sites. They had regular map and mod reviews, posted useful updates on important community events, etc. Some that come to mind which left or ended under Fragdick's leadership are Snarkpit.com, Lambda Maps, Weldon, DocRock, Manson, Level of the Week, etc. etc.

They used to pay attention mainly to non-counterstrike issues, since no way in hell do CS players use such an irrelevant, ad & spyware infested site. CS has always had their own sites, as it should be.

The fact of the matter is that Fragdick and Jabberblabber have HUGE egos and are EXTREMELY PISSED OFF that this much better, and much more popular HalfLife2.net site was opened, and is actively supported by Valve, and many other well connected people.

The schoolgirl flaming/sniping posts that Fragdick is doing is directly related to PHL not being invited to the party (thank God)! Certainly Valve is not an innocent party here, but if you are trying to support the HL2 community, you don't run around the forums and publish main page shit consistently, and alienate the game developers.

Valve does not owe anyone anything about HL2. It is their company. It is their game. They have their way of handling their company, and if they are more focussed on product development than posting updates on dumbass sites like PHL, that is their perogative.

HalfLife2.net seems to understand that, and as such, will replace the nearly irrelevant PHL.

If I was Sal Sluggo or some other Honcho at Lamespy, I would fire Fragdick and his sidekick JabberBlabber. They have driven a once good website into the toilet, and should be ashamed. The obviously jaded attitude that Fragdick & JabberBlabber regularly display in their posts are why PHL has become the National Lampoon of the HL Community.
If I was Sal Sluggo or some other Honcho at Lamespy, I would fire Fragdick and his sidekick JabberBlabber. They have driven a once good website into the toilet, and should be ashamed. The obviously jaded attitude that Fragdick & JabberBlabber regularly display in their posts are why PHL has become the National Lampoon of the HL Community.

Why are you complaining about Frag & Jab here? They have forums there too, and he's on them quite often...
Planet Half Life has been one of the best resources for information on HL, HL2, and Mods for a long time. Dont make stupid assumptions based on how one person from valve feels.
Originally posted by themaestro
I dislike people like these guy, to whom vale can do no wrong. HL2 is there game, but that dosent mean It's ok to meslead people like they did. Many people bought $300 video cards because HL2 was about to come out. I was ALMOST one of them. Lying to your costumers like that is plain wrong. I salute fragmaster for running one of the few websites who can critize valve when they do something wrong.

Agreed - if some of these HL2 websites would start pressing Valve for more information and answers, instead of accepting everything they do, or dont do, maybe we wouldn't have a community full of disgruntled fans.
Fragmaster is really pissin people off
Rip off his balls as he turns his head and coughs
Throwin opinions every which way
I think it is kinda gay

He better stop or in the night I'll attack him
Beat him up as if it is a fight sim
He isn't helping this problem out
I'll blow his head away no doubt

when he's gone no one will cry
Except his gay lover guy
Gamespy will learn not to hire such dudes
guys with shitty attitudes.

Originally posted by themaestro
I dislike people like these guy, to whom vale can do no wrong. HL2 is there game, but that dosent mean It's ok to meslead people like they did. Many people bought $300 video cards because HL2 was about to come out. I was ALMOST one of them. Lying to your costumers like that is plain wrong. I salute fragmaster for running one of the few websites who can critize valve when they do something wrong.

Its pretty obvious that you and all those people who bought video cards are very inexperienced gamers. Delays arent something new. A majority of games are delayed. Let valve do thier job. Banking $300 on a release date of a game is stupid. Its thier fault they made a stupid decision not Valve's.
Now that i think about it i dont know why i dislike Fragmaster....

I mean he has a big ego, but he said the truth. He made us angry saying that HL2 would get delayed, and it got delayed... he never lied to us...

I agree with themaestro, maybe if Valve hadnt thought that they had all their fans in their pockets they would have cared more for releases and show more of the game..etc
yeah, despite my godly rhyme Frag ain't that bad a guy.
And why are you posting this here? Do you think the owners/managers of gamespy run here to accept company policy from some anon poster? IF you want these two to be fired so badly then go post on Gamespy.
ok, people who hate fragmaster really have no reason to, (other then your excuses of him being an ass or super-egotistical) , but i really like fragmaster and his posts. he hasnt been wrong yet, and all of the assumptions that have been false in the past, hes always said "now, let me repeat, THIS IS AN ASSUMPTION, NOT TRUTH" , and hes just plain hilarious at times. hes definetely not afraid to say it like it is, and i respect that in people, seeing how alot of people are too afraid for their reputation to say anything even slightly opinionated. i dont mind the guy at all, and the site is a great source for HL, HL2 (etc etc).

It has links to some small sites that have lists of a whole crap load of mods and reviews (even though the translations arent great, but thats not a big deal at all) and it keeps up to date with everything, updating the page several times a day with new information. so i think you all really need to think of why exactly you hate him, and gain a little bit of a sense of humor. i know ill probably get flamed for this , but oh well, im just getting tired of hearing about how much he sucks and whatnot, it gets old. he adds a little humor (as he tells the facts).
call him names, that'll make your point more valid!!

real mature.

grow up. if you don't like the site, dont visit it.
You are assuming my post had to do primarily with this Valve situation, which is only a recent reminder of what an asswipe Fragdick is and why he is made fun of by most who have been around the Half-Life scene for more than a few months.

I'm not defending Valve who obviously handled communication with its fans very poorly. Despite that, PHL was not the only site that pointed out the HL2 delay issues, or who made predictions on the delayed game arrival date. Because Fragdick has alienated so many key people in the Half-Life & Valve community, he does not get his own fresh information, rather he recycles and links posts from other sites.

His news items over the last year are only part of why PHL now sucks. He thinks his cute little jokes, mailbag, irrelevant polls, stale news items, and waste of time D Grade flash productions are just the best things in the whole world.

He is obsessed with making sure the world knows how wonderful he and his dumbass website is. When all of his revolting fluff & crap failed to rescusitate a near worthless personal Fragdick Blog site, he then changes the window dressing and layout.

When this is done, he then is obsessed with doing polls and soliciting comments to have people tell him how wonderful of a job he did with the new look. Who gives a flying f*ck how his personal Blog site looks.

The problem is not the URL or the window dressing. It is the fact that Fragdick and JabberBlabber use what was once a great site as their personal sandbox. They are not dedicated to the community. They drive away the community.

The reason they can only present regurgitated stale news is because anyone who is really doing anything with Half-Life either hates them, has been mistreated by them, or just left.

In short, Fragdick & his trusty sidekick, JabberBlabber don't know how to treat people and develop relationships. That is what Lamespy needs to know, and if they are the least bit intelligent, get rid of these two morons. However, I am not optimistic about Lamespy's intelligent quotient, so PHL will likely dribble into the sunset. Thank God for FileShack.
If you dont like the website DONT go to it...Simple as that

I think Fragmaster is good - Hes posts tons of news
Why is Frag pising people off for tellign the truth? It was Vavle that lied about the delay and Frag was the one telling the truth. HL fanboys just can't take being wrong.
Read my post. It's not about Valve being right or wrong. It's about someone ruining a once great site.
Fragmaster wasn't telling the truth per se. He made a call, a bet, an estimate.. and he was right. He didn't KNOW that the game was going to be delayed - he speculated. He just constantly blabbed about having [bullshit] sources.

I hate Fragmaster. He's an asshole - that's reason enough to hate him. He has a position at a popular gaming site that I feel he abuses. He's an egotistical, "better-than-you", never do wrong, asshole.

I don't visit PHL - especially as long as Frag and his forum nazi mods are there.

That's my opinion - don't like it? Tuff shit.
"Frag was the one telling the truth"

Who do you think he is? he's not some Valve insider, he is just a "Joe" like anyone else with a opinion. then he rubbed his opinion all over your face. Personally I think he can be p-r-i-c-k.

And thats just my impression from going on once in a while lol, imagine how some of those forum members feel.

I bet he loves the attention he's getting as well. people like that are a waste of your time, just dont go to the site. easy as that.

Its like he is always striving for self afirmation and recognition. Hell he's doing a good job because I know who he is now.
Yeah but he is an insecure waste of human protoplasm, who without that site position has no life. He beats up little 10-12 year old kids on his forum. Pretty big man.
I'm no Fragmaster fan, but this post is pretty lame by it's very nature.
Fragmaster was right. HL fanboys were wrong. That's the bottom line. Doesn't matter why or how he was right. Deal with it.

And he didn't rub anything in anybody's face. He actually made fun of himself on more then one occasion.
Read my post. It's not about this mess with Valve, where all he did was requote other sites that still have the ability to get original news. It's about how Fragdick ruined a once good site.
Originally posted by crax
If you dont like the website DONT go to it...Simple as that

I think Fragmaster is good - Hes posts tons of news

Hit the spot EXACTLY on.

Fragmaster is not going to sit back and let the "shit" fly. Criticizing isn't bad. it is needed.
VALVe may own the game, however we're the one who support them after all. It is more like a 50/50 situation, you know.:) All we want is some straigh answer from VALVe, that is all.
Originally posted by Netherscourge
Agreed - if some of these HL2 websites would start pressing Valve for more information and answers, instead of accepting everything they do, or dont do, maybe we wouldn't have a community full of disgruntled fans.

Its the fact that Valve is too involved with thier fans that has bit them in the ass. People were too ****ing retarded to take a hint when certian questions werent answered. Obviously for some reason they had to keep quiet, or werent ready to make any announcment. But valve, taking the personal approach, still responded to e-mails and still made an efforrt to support the mod community instead of ignoring everyone like every other company does. If Valve had not been in the habit of talking so directly with the public, we would have just beleive Vivendi when they said it was delayed 2 months ago.

In the future I hope valve directs all public relations to thier publisher. They have no reason what-so ever to be in direct contact with the public. They do it because they care. They never lied, they waited to long to announce the delay...One mistake, a big one in some peoples eyes, but it was only misleading if you chose to be mislead. I took thier silence regarding certian matters to mean something was askew. Obviously it would have been nice to hear "official" word (wich we got from Vivendi, but noone would recognize them as an official source even tho they are, but no, were spoiled by developers that actually communicate directly with thier fans)

They had quite a bit going on around the time a delay should have been announced the Steam launch exploded in thier faces, suspicious activity at HQ, keeping the mod teams happy, andswering dumb ass fan e-mails, then the steam e-mail activation worries, then theft on top of being behind schedule. Now, not working a delay announcment into your agenda is a pretty inconceivable mistake, but I think thats all it was...a stupid mistake, not nearly as devious as people seem to feel. Theyve had a rough couple months, I think its only right to stand by them till this crap blows over.
He's not doing anything wrong, and certainly nothing work to the point he should lose his job. Trust me there have been times I have disagreed with him myself, but everyone has the right to thier own opinion.
fuck you all. Fragmaster is an amazing person and you're an idiot, you have no right to judge him or say he should be fired. Bunch of idiots
Originally posted by sensurround
fuck you all. Fragmaster is an amazing person and you're an idiot, you have no right to judge him or say he should be fired. Bunch of idiots

Yeah, we have every right because he took a once great website and turned it into his personal blog. His dumbass jokes are not funny. He has pissed off most relevant and important people in this community.

I say again that he did not find out anything new about Valve's HL2 situation, he just quoted other sites who did the original research because he and PHL have now been shut out of all the places to get news.

He is steaming mad that this much better and more popular site Halflife2.net has put his precious PHL to shame. He is severely pissed off at Valve that they won't piss in his toilet. That is what his posting about this Valve F*ck-up is all about....not about helping out the fans.

His agenda is to have his self-worth pumped up by his dumbass posting, jokes, stupid flash movies, and irrelevant polls. He may entertain the 10 & 12 year olds, but he has destroyed that site from what it was. It is now regarded as a major joke, the National Lampoon of the Half-Life community.

That is why he should be fired. He should put together his own irrelevant site to post his blogging, and let someone dedicated to this community take over PHL. It was great under Jon "JEH" McClellan and Lady Ice. Now it just sucks.
but everyone has the right to thier own opinion.
Yes they do, but posting opinion as factual news is what's wrong and it's something Fragmaster does fairly regularly.

And honestly, folks, making fun of Dirty_harry for using colored text?? You know the option is there for people to actually use it right?
do if i understand.. it's fragmaster's voice that we hear in the flash movies?
sounds like a kid voice..
no wonder why PHL became a sandbox if it's ruled by a couple of kids
I dont like fragmaster, but i dont agree with this thread...simply because PHL has been a good resource for news, they are impartial imo
I agree, Fragmaster has turned PHL to shit. It's turning into CSN, ugh. The comment a few days ago by a VALVE programmer was right on the money... something to the effect of: "PHL is the Fox News of the gaming news scene". :laugh: it's funny because it's true.
a lot of gamespy website are lame actually
like they never change design, or they are never updated
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