Why not to prank your drunk friends

I guess he was feeling a little eel

Wait. Damn.

This is one order of Eel that the Chef didn't order up.

Eel a la commode
Medics said the eel had devoured his bowels.
I'm sure I've heard of a worse way of dying, but nothing's coming to mind. I feel kinda dead inside now. That is seriously disturbing.
Read this on Sankaku a few days ago, what kind of retards would put a live eel, headfirst into someone's rectum.

Just the thought makes me squeel in discomfort.
I did an image search to find some girl squeeling to make fun of you, but I found this and I dont even know what to do anymore.

Oh my god I don't know what to do either. How do I leave this thread. Someone help. How do I scroll up.
Read this on Sankaku a few days ago, what kind of retards would put a live eel, headfirst into someone's rectum.

Just the thought makes me squeel in discomfort.

isnt that the subject of the porn you like to watch?

the japanese one whit drawings?
my stance on the topic is:

thats why I dont have friends
I wonder how funny the funeral was

and how sad those guys feeeeeeeeeel

do you think any will go to jail?
So is there a rape charge in this?

I mean technically the person was sexually violated.
Can't be nice to feel an eel up your ass...

**** you puns.