Why the G-Man represents God and... a bunch of other stuff.

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Ok, there are a number of different ways to approach this, but let's start with the catalyst: those who made the game. The Half-Life saga is strongly dependent upon science, so obviously the designers are a great deal interested in it in their real lives, and therefore, atleast the writer of the story is most definitely athiest or agnostic.

Gordon Freeman is a scientist, so in the eyes of an athiest/agnostic writer, the "enemy" of God/Ultimate Power (or whatever you want to call it). Side note: Gordon's signature weapon is a crowbar, a tool who's only use is to pry into things and get to places that were once off-limits.

The G-Man is a time-and-space controlling, God-like entity that appears in human form, always dressed in a business suit and carrying a briefcase. Why this appearance of a business man and/or government man? Being that Valve is a videogame design company and, as can be seen through its developed storylines, seems to have a distaste for those in power, it also seems easily reasonable that they are at the liberal end of the political spectrum and have a distrust towards big government and business in general. I mean, it's kind of obvious considering that the US military is your enemy throughout HL1, HL2 has you overthrowing a government by rebellion, and the whole saga revolves around a business-based conspiracy still unsolved. The writers at Valve clearly have a problem with authority. :)

The G-Man is, like Adminstrator Breen and the Nihilanth before, a collaborator who has succumbed to the might of those in greater power. He now works for them by controlling Gordon. This automatically makes Gordon and the G-Man "enemies," in the eyes of the story's writer. Of course, there can be any number of twists made in the plot.

The Human scientists have already developed teleportation in HL2, which is the control of space. In HL3, I strongly believe the Humans will develop a way to control time as well. Once these two powers are harnessed, Gordon will be able to match the G-Man in power and surprise the black-tied fellow.

Maybe the robotic sound of the G-Man's voice is to imply that humans will eventually evolve to a God-like state partly by way of science and technology.

I'm not sure if the G-Man will attempt to stop Gordon in his pursuit of bringing down his employers or help him in defeating them. Maybe the G-Man will not die by the hands of Gordon and instead be freed from servitude, another liberated by Gordon, the human freethinker. The G-Man does favor people who "overcome all odds" (like Jesus and other great prophets?). Or perhaps, the G-Man's employers are an alien race that wants to break their chains, and the other offers that the G-Man speaks of are from other alien races wanting to break theirs. Or, well... beyond this point, all is a truly a mystery as we simply don't know enough information. Valve left just enough information to speculate infinitely without being able to come to any conclusions.

I wonder if the G-Man created Gordon, in his image perhaps? Certainly they have similar looks. Maybe Gordon "is" the G-Man in that regards, the chosen human with the potential (there's that word again) to evolve to a God-like state.

EDIT: Hey, what if "G-Man" is really a clever reference to Gabe Newell, the writer (aka God) of the story? :laugh:
G-Man = government man
you have an interesting (read: insane) view of agnosticism/atheism...
scionick said:
Ok, there are a number of different ways to approach this, but let's start with the catalyst: those who made the game. The Half-Life saga is strongly dependent upon science, so obviously the designers are a great deal interested in it in their real lives, and therefore, atleast the writer of the story is most definitely athiest or agnostic.

Why does having an intrest in science make you an athiest/agnostic?
Why does having an intrest in science make you an athiest/agnostic?

An interest in science doesn't make you atheist/agnostic, because "science" is too a broad term. But, to a true scientist, a person who's philosophy and beliefs are based on pure logic that can be obtained through scientific means (atleast the purest that we can experience on our level of reality), God, especially in the classical religious sense, cannot be proven to exist or proven not to exist, and is therefore irrelevant.
The symbolic and methaphorical theory behind the story is probably as convoluted as the Matrix movies, and I doubt can honestly be discerned yet. I was just brainstorming in the moment and certainly wouldn't put money on my quickly hashed-out theory concerning a video game.

Speaking on behalf of relativity, from our perspective we cannot know the truth of HL's story-to-come... unless we take a hint from Gordon's cosmic rebelliousness and crowbar our way into Valve to steal the HL plot plans! :cool:
Sorry to revive an old topic, but I believe that scionick is onto something.

From the sounds of it, if Gordon were to equally match the G-man in the technological sense, they could bothbecome strong allies by the end of Hl3 and possibly work together towards Hl4 (if we ever live to see it) to knock down those who command the G-man.

Im sure there are plenty of other ways to interpret the story so far.. But this is mine :p
That's interesting...

Oh, and Gabe Newell didn't write the story. Marc Laidlaw did.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
That's interesting...

Oh, and Gabe Newell didn't write the story. Marc Laidlaw did.

Yes, Marc Laidlaw... G-man is not God. Alyx is.
I like the observation made about the crowbar. Very interesting and well pointed out. Very interesting....

/wishes Valve would actually give us some frigging concrete conclusions/information.
Freeman is a jewish name isn't it? Maybe that has something to do with the religous thing
hey Mechagodzilla, how do you know God doesn't have employers?
MFL said:
hey Mechagodzilla, how do you know God doesn't have employers?
God would be capable lying to us if he was an insane demiurge. Gnosticism anybody?
I started thinking about this thread the other day and came up with this…
If God is a logical being… then science would be its ultimate religion… if God is illogical (Schizophrenic) then we are in deep crap... as the Gnostics already believe.
Looking at the physics side of it, this idea of g-man creating gordon in his image reminded me of something.

In particle physics there are particles and anti particles. what if gordon is anti-g-man. Gman knows whats going on. Gordon knows nothing.

Also gman has the ability to shape time. Now iirc anti-particles travel backwards through time. Combine this with the vorts seemingly timeless out look (comments about time being the same) is it possible that gordon has the ability to share this none time related view?

Actually part of what brought this about was reading Ring by Stephen Baxter, in which a species create a version of themselves, that is greater than themselves, but travels back to alter history, making the race stronger.

Hmm... reading that makes the first posters theory look positively sane.
Ok...you have to much time on your hands...

But you said he was God like, then you say there is someone controlling him, so he maybe God like to Gordon, but he isn't God like in the story, I really don't think he is an enemy, I really like the guy...

So you think that we're going to get to the end of Half Life 3 and find out that G Man is god. You think that Valve sat down and thought, "Hey guys, you know what would be a really good and satisfying twist?!?! If G Man was GOD!!!!!!!!"

You really believe that?

You have got to remember that there's a guy out there with the story at least vaguely in his mind trying to make something that will impress people. You think he could possibly suggest such an awful twist without being immediately fired for such an insultingly bad idea?

Oh dear oh dear oh dear.
is it just me or does Gman seem old? i mean, _REALLY_ old, as in "i have seen stars live and die old?"
just a thought:

perhaps the Government-Man really is an agent of a government...an illuminati-style behind-the-scenes secret government...

what has he done that is beyond the realm of human achievement in the half-life world? telported? if some civilian scientists could figure it out, the secret illuminati government sure could, too. slowed time? gordon did that himself telporting away from nova prospket...the illuminati-government may have already had this technology and had it refined to the point of allowing their agent, the Government-Man, to slow-warp Gordon from HL1 to Hl2, and from the top of the Citadel to HL3, where-, and when-, -ever that may be.

his ties would also explain how he is able to appear on television screens (a government has access to infrastructure, and emergency broadcast system-like stuff. also, i'm sure that the government, defeated by the combine, would have fled and intermingled with the Resistance.

the only problem with this is Dr. Breen's statement about being up for the highest bidder or whatnot....which could be explained away as baseless taunts from a Combine pawn.
in one of the security Video's Alyx looks at, if you hit the keyboard, the 2nd video feed shows Gman talking to a Combine Soldier through a mesh fence.
scionick said:
The symbolic and methaphorical theory behind the story is probably as convoluted as the Matrix movies, and I doubt can honestly be discerned yet. I was just brainstorming in the moment and certainly wouldn't put money on my quickly hashed-out theory concerning a video game.

Speaking on behalf of relativity, from our perspective we cannot know the truth of HL's story-to-come... unless we take a hint from Gordon's cosmic rebelliousness and crowbar our way into Valve to steal the HL plot plans! :cool:
There is obviously some symbolism in half-life, but jumping to such a conclusion that everything mysteriously ties together in the end is too farfetched. I mean, look at all the original mods. They have enough trouble keeping them in line.
And that would be a pretty unimaginative ending as well, imho.
biggest pile of crap, the matrix was about god, but this has no reference
hmm I don't think the idea of symbolism about Gman/Gordon relating to God is a pile of crap. And having that symbolism doesn't mean that Gman is God, its just a symbolic aspect. I have a little different take on it than the original poster.

Gordan Freeman is symbolic of Jesus as the SAVIOR, who will FREE mankind from the BONDAGE of, in the game, their oppresor (the combine, who they are slaves to), and in the bible, the bondage of sin which the bible says people are slaves to sin. Gman could represent a God-like figure, though it doesn't relate to a biblical God-Jesus relationship there are still symbolic aspects of Gman being God: over-seeing, fighting against 'evil' (combine), controlling time, etc.

The game seems to have a lot of biblical apocolyptic influences... Dr. Breen is like the anti-Christ, who comes to take power at the end times and performs 'signs and wonders.' (citadel teleports in and he is in charge, he is in control, appears as if he is running the show). He arises as leader with a good image but is really evil; he is anti-freeman (ie anti-Christ).

"The mark of the beast" - did you notice the posters in the game with the hands/palms with marks on them? and at the start when people want to walk through different areas through the forcefields, they hold up their hands and the camera takes a picture so that they can pass.

Notice in the history of the game. The SEVEN-hour war (seen on the newspaper in Eli's lab), and then the earth surrenders. Seven is used quite a lot in the apocolyptic book of Revelation describing the end of the world, the end of mankind, as well as in other prophecies. They picked seven-hour war for a reason. Also I think there is something about a 7-year period of Tribulation or something as well I can't recall.

And then of course there is the issue of the second coming. Was Gordan Freeman returning the 2nd coming, where he came and destroyed the citadel? Or perhaps it could be seen as the 1st coming and when he returns that would be like the 2nd coming.

Anyway those are just some thoughts. For those posters saying "you idiot Gman is not God that would be a stupid ending blah blah" no one said Gman was God, the poster just said it could possibly be representative or symbolic. Maybe, maybe not, who cares, but its always fun to draw parallels and I do think there are symbolic elements in the characters/events. Anyway thats my 2cents.
in one of the security Video's Alyx looks at, if you hit the keyboard, the 2nd video feed shows Gman talking to a Combine Soldier through a mesh fence.
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No. He was just standign there
Bmatt54321 said:
in one of the security Video's Alyx looks at, if you hit the keyboard, the 2nd video feed shows Gman talking to a Combine Soldier through a mesh fence.
wat place is this? chapter? :cool:
OK here what I think. G-Man is an EBE "extraterrestrial biological entity" ebe's are basicly like us, But one million years ahead in tecnology. Thier planet was wiped out, so they where forced to make clones and limit themselves not to reproduce, eat like us and shit. Thats why they appear as grey and lifeless. Now they have been recently studing our planet so they can return to their original state. They have communicated and made deals with our government. The deal is that they will hand over their tecnology if we give them humans. :eek: ok so now they'll go around abducting good looking people, 2 gain info on how 2 return to the human body state. So this reqires cutting of genitalia of cows and humans. "penis, virgina, rectem cord ect..." Also gaining info on how we act and think helps too. After all this info has been proccessed. They can now make desirable clones. Human form offcourse. G-man is one of these EBE's

EBE's can play mind games on you, Because when they where grey's they communicated telephatically.

Ok mabie that sound crazy :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:

And how about this: G-man is only a human working for goverment (or something above goverment) and everything that happened during Half-Life 2 is just a simulation, to test Gordon or whatever purpose it could have.

..but that would mean nothing of it is true... not even Alyx.
i don't think they'll do the "it was all just a dream" scenerio because everybody hates those. The test idea could very well be correct though, although the events still really happen, maybe its not the Gmans ultimate purpose for Gordon, as Gman says "you have proven yourself yet again." Or maybe that line doesn't mean this was only a test and is rather just saying you did well.