Why valve has to release game this holiday season!


May 25, 2003
Reaction score
I know all of us are worried that valve will deleay the game further. There is no reason for delay. They cannot rewrite 5 years of code in another way.

In my opinion they will release the game somewhere in the middle of november.

Now who here won't buy the game? Seriously, I think more poeple will buy the game because they symphatise with valve and this whole source leak problem.

You think they can steal the code from valve? AI and stuff like that? Anyone coming up with a game in the next couple of months will be looked at very carefully. Havok code? Anyone bound to sell any game to more than 1000 people will liscense a Havok code if they want physics in their game.

The biggest problem I see is with the cheaters. But they can still release the game in november. Now this is where steam comes in. Steam has the ability to provide game updates en-masse. So valve can update the game ever-so-often to keep the cheaters at bay.

And let's face it, you can never really get rid of cheaters. There were going to be hacks and cheats even if the source code wasn't leaked. This just made it easier for them to make hacks/cheats.

Now to keep it short and barely readable i'll leave you with that thought.

They will have to release it before Q1 2004 otherwise people will lose interest guaranteed. I don't think I have the attention span to last any longer.

By Q3-Q4 2004, the game isn't that special anymore (maybe storywise, but not the technology)
I was considering posting something similar. Theres one thing thats annoying for valve appart from the oh so obvious. And thats that some info on weapons etc is now available that they wanted to keep secret.

Overall, I think this is very very bad news but it could have been worse. Imagine the chaos if someone got the actual game as well as the source. Few people could retrain themselves from the download.
By Q3-Q4 2004, the game isn't that special anymore (maybe storywise, but not the technology)

You re right.
Steam has the ability to provide game updates en-masse.

Could have fooled me. :E
Originally posted by snoggle
Steam has the ability to provide game updates en-masse.

Could have fooled me. :E

Unfortunatly thats the only thing it's good at :borg: lol
Nice post, m8.
I sure hope Valve makes it for holiday season.
GL HF, Valve!
"I think more poeple will buy the game because they symphatise with valve and this whole source leak problem."

I'm not buying the game because I symphatise with VALVe !! (you're a funny guy...)

I'll buy the game because hopefully it's going to be great !!!
I'm speaking of people who wouldn't of brought the game prior to the leak.
I agree somebody might be able to steal one or two routines for their engine, but then if they are not good enough to code them themselves what will the rest of the engine be like?

If a games company isn't skilled enough, such that they need to use some of the code, they will have to licence the whole Source engine.

As for gamers. We want to play HL2 not some hacked together maps and models. We want to play the story as Valve created it, so the leaked code is useless to us until the full game is released to buy. It is true that having the source will make releasing a cracked version of the retail product 0.5% easier, but the WaReZ guys will get that WaReZ release, and everyone else will buy it, sales will not be affected.

I wonder what big business, who is always going on about P2P and piracy destroying software/music/film sales is going to say when HL2 still becomes the best selling game this year. It is a bit of a contradiction.

I think that the theft was a terrible thing, and wish it never happened. But I also believe that there are a few gifted young coders out there now studying, learning from and being inspired by Valves code.

I think the next generation of John Cs and Peter Ms et al, will be people who started coding by modifying this leaked code in their bedrooms.
By Q3-Q4 2004, the game isn't that special anymore (maybe storywise, but not the technology)

For me, all I want is a good storyline. I don't give a damn about technological achievements, that's for developers and reviews to rave about. Just as long as the gameplay is GOOD, I'll play. If the game came out a year from today, I would STILL buy it, and so would hundreds of thousands of other people.

This is one reason I won't be getting Doom 3. All I see is technology and "flashy effects", yet I've heard the storyline is very dull. Well, that puts a nail in the Doom 3 coffin for me. Having an in depth storyline is much more entertaining then staring at dynamic lighting for hours on end.
dont say you would still buy it if it came out a year from today :) you might give valve ideas... hehe
Errr, I believe someone posted that with the source code, one could find out how to potentially hack any player through Steam. That and all the work they did for Authenticating the game to repel warez is now useless.

I really really really hope they release it this year, but right now I don't actually believe they will. ;( Who knows, really?