Why will HL2 be any better than other games ?

Because it has almost all of the next gen game features in it (half, or full), and its got a greate story and a superb dev team that actually care about the modding and fan community.
What about Deus Ex invisable war? That game has all the HL2 Quality in it :p
While I'm sure no one can confirm that it will be amazing, I would say the main reasons are:

1. Good AI
2. Good Graphics
3. Non-Repetitive Gameplay

If HL2 matches 3 for 3, I'm happy :)

oh, and Aea, DX:IW has very, very bad AI, so you're wrong :p
We can't verify this until we play it but it will be the same reason HL1 is one of the best PC games of all time:

The general feel, immersion and gameplay which is all thrown into a big bowl of storyline and mixed together.
and the mods that are gonna come out will be the best ever seen. I'll go on record saying that hl2 will have the best replay value out of the major games comming out (including doom 3)
As of now, I disagree. I think Doom 3 will surpass all related elements of it's counterpart HL2. I just read that article in CWG and watched the video on the disk. I was amazed.

My interest are more toward D3 now. HL2 has been treading numerous negative appeals, mainly the Valve silence.

Valve better take a step up. Losing interest day by day.
cause of...
1. AI
2. Decent graphics/nice DX9 lighting
3. character animations and emotions(faces)
4. Awesome physics
5. Great story(Hl1 had good story)
6. a lot of neat mods
7. Gabe said multiplayer would be good
Originally posted by chu
As of now, I disagree. I think Doom 3 will surpass all related elements of it's counterpart HL2. I just read that article in CWG and watched the video on the disk. I was amazed.

My interest are more toward D3 now. HL2 has been treading numerous negative appeals, mainly the Valve silence.

Valve better take a step up. Losing interest day by day.

well congradulations, im sure there's a doom3 forum around somewhere. have fun.

hl2 has that immersion feeling and the story in the first one always kept u guessing wut was next. that and the source engine in very fexible or so valve says. i can tell from the previews and the confident dev team that its going to be good. they dont need to show off to much of their game so they can make everyone interested in it. and the multiplayer/mods will kick ass.(if the multiplayer doesnt the mods will) all the effects being poured into it will make it that much better.

i am a fan of doom3 as well i just think that they are telling us more about the game than say valve is telling us about hl2 so it makes it sound slightly more intriguing.
I merely had a change of interest. I am not bashing HL2.

And for today's standards it seems as if every engine is "flexible". So the Source engine doesn't really stand above the others.

I wouldn't say iD is "showing" off. They are just a "confident" dev team who really backs their work, as they should in D3's case. They aren't afraid to show you what they have created.

You are in no position to say multiplayer will kick ass, because like all the others, you have no idea.
Originally posted by iamaelephant
Gabe said we'd be playing HL2 by now.
He also said Condition Zero would be out November 17th.

Frankly i don't believe a god damn word that man says these days. I consider anything he says to be complete BS and an outright lie.
the story is what pulls me in.
from the beginning of half-life with the training course and tram ride, through the surprise with the marines, with g-man always walking around like some freak. it's all the little quirks that made me like half-life, and i'm hoping half-life 2 will have more nice little quirks that make it a little more special, more memorable.
I'm a bit worried that HL2 might be a bit too 'on-rails'. Hl1 was great at the time, but (to me) has little replay value because the whole thing was so scripted. I can see HL2 being something like Call of Duty - quality game, but you're being pulled along by it rather than really controlling anything. After GTA, Deus Ex, etc, I was hoping for a bit less linearity.

And about Source... I'd be amazed if it was any more flexible than other 3d engines. Most of that 'ooh, it's so versatile' stuff is just marketing talk.
Well we wont really know until it comes out. I honestly thought H-L 1 had a lot of replay value. It did have scripts, but they were very well done and the action and story of the game was fantastic.
you obviously did not read my post. i wasn't talking about the game alltogether (though i would rather buy hl2 than d3). I was talking the REPLAY VALUE. hl2 will have far better mods and multiplayer than doom 3 imo.
Half-Life 2 singleplayer is about telling another chapter in a story. It's not about replay value. You have to choose between an open-ended game (AI controlled, little depth), a "choose your own adventure" game (moderate depth), or a highly developed and interesting story. If you have the same depth in each plot line, then making 10 of them could require 10x the work... and current AI isn't near being able to randomly generate a great story.

... but GN&Co know replay value is a must, so they also throw in addictive multiplayer gameplay (or so they say) and unsurpassed mod support (in hopes that the community will make "the next Counter-Strike" and keep HL2 alive for 5+ years).

Also, iD Software is supposed to be using lots of scripted sequences in Doom 3... because they were so successful in Half-Life and JC&Co want to try their hands at a deep, story-driven game. So, unless Doom 3 gets some great mods or has some huge tricks up its "sleeves" then it sounds like Doom 3 will be the one lacking in replay value.
The reason I'm with HL2 as the best upcoming game is actually Valve. There are some things that they do and have said that, to me, makes them stand heads and shoulders above many other companies.
1. The Cabal process of development that they've created aims at creating a holistically consistent sense of immersion.
2. Ambitions look farther than advancing in graphics/technology- they advance the way a game plays and feels (HL1).
3. Original sense of style and design (company made mostly of ex-modders, not professional programmers).
4. Polished, high quality product- don't settle for less (5 yrs + delay on HL2).
5. Dedication to mod community...
There's plenty of reasons.

I think, however, that people have lots of different (and equally good) reasons for liking this or other games so it still really comes down to opinion. It depends on what you look for in a game.
Originally posted by chu
As of now, I disagree. I think Doom 3 will surpass all related elements of it's counterpart HL2.
Yes, we all know how wonderfully developed Doom's storylines have been :hmph:

Yes HL2 will be rather "on rails", but what bloody exciting rails they'll be.

And would people STOP with all the "Oh Gabe's a liar and I hate him and he's done ME so much PERSONAL wrong and blah blah blah blah blah." For the love of all that's good and pure would you SHUT UP. The man's had a hard enoungh time without members of the community turning on him (and practically him alone) after Valve have all had to deal with that hacker business. Maybe it wasn't done in time for 30th Sept but so bloody what? It's just a game for f*ck's sake. Get over yourselves.
Yea, and my personal preference would have to be HL2. D3 is more of a horror story focusing on graphics and pretty little textures. HL2 will be more fast-paced and not as pretty (though very, very pretty). I think the gameplay for HL2 will be a little superior to D3 (don't get me wrong, D3 will also be much fun). And plus, i suspect the humor in HL2 will be a little more frequent than D3 (which is a good thing for me:cheese: )
as far as the tech each game uses.....its a toss up between HL2, stalker and doom3......

doom3 may have ubershading deluxe version 78.9xxx+

......but its all about how you use it.....i think HL2 will win in that department.

Gfx dont mean shite without gameplay.

stalker looks like it will have some cool enviroments....i hope multiplayer will be something like bf42...or atleast somone will mod something simliar.

soldner also looks cool.
Originally posted by Mr-Fusion
Frankly i don't believe a god damn word that man says these days. I consider anything he says to be complete BS and an outright lie.
He said that you're cool.
Originally posted by chu
As of now, I disagree. I think Doom 3 will surpass all related elements of it's counterpart HL2. I just read that article in CWG and watched the video on the disk. I was amazed.

My interest are more toward D3 now. HL2 has been treading numerous negative appeals, mainly the Valve silence.

Valve better take a step up. Losing interest day by day.

I agree
Originally posted by chu
As of now, I disagree. I think Doom 3 will surpass all related elements of it's counterpart HL2. I just read that article in CWG and watched the video on the disk. I was amazed.

My interest are more toward D3 now. HL2 has been treading numerous negative appeals, mainly the Valve silence.

Valve better take a step up. Losing interest day by day.

Well, this is an example of why infomercials work so well.
the current score is:

Valve have made a single game, and it was incredible.

iD have made all the DOOM and Quake series games, and have yet to make a GOOD game. Sure they make good engines, but good games? Not really.
Originally posted by chu
I think Doom 3 will surpass all related elements of it's counterpart HL2.

I don't recall any of Id's games equalling the scope and grandeur of Half-Life's modding community.

I am looking forward to both games very much, but I think that Half-Life 2's modding capabilities and tools with prove to give the game a much longer shelf life than Doom 3. I mean, Valve is teaching a course for modders who are going to be using the SDK. Doubt Carmack is doing anything like that.
Because we are all optimistic that HL2 will wow us and engross us as much as HL1 did when it was first released.

Not since Doom 1 had any game grabbed me so much.

HL2 will likely expand upon the ground that was broken with HL1 and exceed our expectations in ways we can't quite grasp yet.

I have high hopes for Doom 3 as well but I suspect that I will get much more value and replayability from HL2

*edit* Ooooh I'm a scanner now.
As for D3 surpassing HL2 in every way, that's a bs statement. While it has been said that D3 will have better graphics, and as somebody that has played both the Doom3 alpha and the HL2 beta (using the terms alpha and beta loosely because of their origins), I found that HL2 was much more immersive and much better gameplay (mods tell me if anything i said was illegal or anything like that. don't want to get banned or anything). And the fact of the matter is that there will be more, and much better quality, mods for HL2 than there will be for D3. After you beat single player, there will be more to do with HL2 than D3 with multiplayer and mods.
HL² will the better because its the sequel to the Best game EVER : HL¹
Maybe some of you older gamers are in denial, but how can any game own our lives as much as the "first"? I loved having a computer job when Warcraft 2 came out (I only wished I had been salaried instead of hourly :(. Now I'm stuck in 1942:Desert Combat because it's the only thing that keeps my pulse rate up. HL2 is one of "my only hopes"... we'll see if it keeps me busy. But, even if the single play intrests me to the credits I'll only wish there was a decent mod. Damn, this bahama mama makes me talk out the ass.
Frankly i don't believe a god damn word that man says these days. I consider anything he says to be complete BS and an outright lie.

Grow up..:rolleyes: :dozey: :hmph:
HL2 isn't as impressive to me when I first saw it. HL, to me, was only a good game with great moments, and HL2 looks to be the same. I recall a lot of really boring places in HL that weren't much other than killing head crabs through some boring underground cooridoors. HL2 looks pretty much the same, same ideas anyway. The only major differences I see are bigger areas, vehicles, and direct interaction with physics, all of which aren't special to HL2. And HL2 looks to have pretty linear level design, something I've really come to despise. And as for graphics, although it looks very nice, I really don't think it can beat something like STALKER in realism. And the lighting? Dear god, it just sucks. The lightmaps are such crap, it looks like stock Q3 lighting but a little smoother. I'm not kidding when I say that the modern compiler for Q3 is capable of producing better lighting.

So, yeah, sorry if I can't share your guys' fanboyism, but I really don't see much anything impressive about it. I'm sure it'll be great, though. The story, although simple, is solid, and doesn't suck. But the other stuff I'm seeing in games like Far Cry and STALKER, and I really don't want to get my hopes up, because I've been getting this nagging feeling that I'd be totally let down if I did.

And as for Doom III... Well, any arguments that it "has no story" or anything like that is all unfounded BS. I'm not going to compare either until I play them both, which is the logical thing many people seem to be missing...

Oh, and for the record, I'd say id's mod support is better than Valve's. While Valve's certantly is fantastic, it seems to me Valve has mostly been in it just to make money for themselves, id seems to really care a lot more about the actual mods and the community itself. id's also really big on open sourcing all their tools, something Valve doesn't seem to comprehend. Nothing wrong with making money, but in my mind, it can't be the top priority.
Emon said:
And as for graphics, although it looks very nice, I really don't think it can beat something like STALKER in realism.
To be fair, if we were to assign generations to these 3D engines I'd call STALKER a '5.5' (bear with me on this one). Doom 3 would be a 6 gen (all per-pixel processing), UT 2K3 a 4 (DirectX 7/8), Deus Ex2 4.8, MP2 4.3 etc. HL2 comes in at about 5.1. Tech wise, it should probably have come out a few months ago. STALKER looks better because it'll be a mid 2004 game, rather than a mid-2003 game.

Emon said:
So, yeah, sorry if I can't share your guys' fanboyism, but I really don't see much anything impressive about it. I'm sure it'll be great, though. The story, although simple, is solid, and doesn't suck.
Heh, there's a lot less 'fanboyism' here than there was six months ago I can't really see what all the fuss is about with the HL1 story either - something like Deus Ex did it far better, IMHO.

Emon said:
Oh, and for the record, I'd say id's mod support is better than Valve's.
I think the difference is that Valve get far more involved in the community than id do. id don't really talk to anyone, there's no interaction with the developers at all. I'd say other companies do it better than Valve (Epic, etc), and I'd agree with your comment about Valve just being in it for the money.
Doom III may have fully stencil shadowed worlds (per-pixel), but that doesn't mean it looks better than STALKER. STALKER can do day/night cycles, and all sorts of dynamic lighting, except that it has soft shadows and penumbra shadows (half-shadow effects, shadows diffuse or blur out with distance). It's got the same bumpmapping capabilities, all dynamic (unlike HL2, which is all static :() It may not be as "advanced" as Doom III, but I personally feel the outcome is superior.

I know most all the employees at id would happily respond to any intelligent e-mail you sent them on editing. I've seen Gabe respond to some pretty silly HL2 editing questions, and when those add up, you start to waste a lot of time. The difference between id and Valve is that id doesn't spoon feed you everything, but Valve does. And there's still the matter of open sourcing tools. Lack of such can greatly inhibit the potential possibilities of a mod community, I've seen it happen before.
I wish that people who attacked HL1 or HL2 wouldn't try to pretend that they are giving an unbiased view. A lot of us understand that right now many people are not very excited about HL2 because of a lack of hype (info, new screens- mainly to show off a list of features, which seems to be how most people judge games before they're released). There are a number of biases and opinions in Emon's first post that really construe what he is saying:
- HL1 wasn't very good, just good in parts
- Slowing down action in HL1 was boring, only constant fast pace is good
- HL2 will be just like HL1 with (unoriginal) exceptions
- HL2 looks like it is very linear
- Full non-linear far superior to partial non-linear
- Story means plot, not how the game plays out (thus character interaction is obsolete)
- Valve's community support inferior to Id
- The people supporting HL2 in this thread are fanboys

and so on.
You're really twisting what I said.

- HL1 wasn't very good, just good in parts
I said it was a good game with great moments. If you can't figure out the difference in those words, perhaps you should look them up, because there's a stark contrast between "not" and "is".

- Slowing down action in HL1 was boring, only constant fast pace is good
I can see how what I said could be interpreted as that, but that's not what I mean. I mean to say that there are many areas in HL that get repetitive without anything real special. What's this about fast pace? I'm not sure where you got that. If I thought only face pace was good, I wouldn't have spent 46 hours in KotOR from doing peaceful, slow side quests and still not beat the game.

- HL2 will be just like HL1 with (unoriginal) exceptions
I think it will, from all the info given to us.

- HL2 looks like it is very linear
Yeah, that's what it looks like. Remember, I'm only talking about what it looks like, what I think it will be. And why? Maybe because that's all there is.

- Full non-linear far superior to partial non-linear
I don't recall saying that exactly, but I do prefer non-linear design to linear design. It's just what I like more. How is that a problem? Wouldn't you purchase a product based on what you like over what you dislike?

- Story means plot, not how the game plays out (thus character interaction is obsolete)

- Valve's community support inferior to Id
Wow, you found one of my opinions! Damn, who should think that when I'm talking about what I think about a game, I should have an opinion? Or were you saying that makes me baised? I can't see how. I'm not some id fanboy running around, "WAHAHA, DOOM III > HL2!!!"...mod support has nothing to do with the quality of a game itself.

- The people supporting HL2 in this thread are fanboys
I certantly didn't say that, but I did get the general impression from quite a few posts that people were very biased towards Half-Life, perhaps even to the fanboy extent. Perhaps it wasn't the best word to use, so I apologize if it wasn't.