Wicked hl2 PIC!!

Ok, lets get a 20th person to say "old." I don't think its quite been expressed enough to get across to the thread starter yet.
Interesting that pictures like this always show Gordon with his crowbar, never one of his many guns. I know the crowbar is his trademark and highlights his gritty survival tactics, and sort of sets him apart from, say, gun-happy space marines and other FPS heroes, but really, as Gordon we tend to do most of our killing with firearms of one sort or another.

Anyone seen any pictures of him with a gun?
www.anry*** << the artists site

He is pro, but thats fan art. Give him some prop emails if you like it.
Pretty old, but the picture is awsome in every way. Crowbar looks funny? Striders head too tilted? It Gorgeous! Check out some of Anry's other pictures.
