

Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
Mine's 63 kilogramms on 176 cm(about 136 lbs on 5 10'). Pretty skinny.
6'1", 215lbs

I r crush you. I've got a big frame, not "fat," per se. But not skinny. I could lose 15 of those pounds and be better off. But, meh.
6ft 2" & 15st ( was 13st till I gave up smoking, but which is worse, dying of a heart attack or lung cancer )? Thats 210lbs btw.
6'2" and about 155-165. haven't weighed myself in a while.

pobz: with a head that large, I don't think anyone would :angel:
6'6" and 235 lbs, former boxer, stopped after breaking my nose the 3rd time (doesn't hurt so bad the 3rd, but it's a bad omen)....and lepobz, you play basketball? Would be a good idea to try it heh.
6'2" 240lbs. :D

Truth: It is! :D

<yeh, since everyone is all liek "yea, my weight is becuz">...
<my weight is because I played Football and after that, sat around playing half-life drinking unsweetened tea and eating the occasional cupcake> :rolling:
5.7 foot - 170 pounds (12 stone)
All muscle baby (well most of it) Could do with losing 1/2 a stone.
Well, I am about 5'10" and weigh in at about 145, I hope to gain some weight and weigh about 160 before I get out of highschool, muscle weight by the way not fat LOL. :)
We have the metric system over here.

I'm still growing

(I googled the feet/pounds)

185 cm (185 centimeters = 6.06955381 feet)
69 kg (69 kilograms = 152.118961 pounds)

The doctor says I will grow to 195 cm (195 centimeters = 6.3976378 feet)
Loshadka said:
Mine's 63 kilogramms on 176 cm(about 136 lbs on 5 10'). Pretty skinny.

174 centimeters and 110 kilograms. I'm slightly overweight, but I'd be a lot fatter if I also didn't have muscle mass.
Use the metric/kilogram system for god's sake! the UK doesn't use imperial anymore-
Sprafa said:
Use the metric/kilogram system for god's sake! the UK doesn't use imperial anymore-

Being from portugal you would know that

I'm on the tail end of the imperial system, even children still use it actually...but to a lesser extent. We have mix and matched it now, so it works perfectly :p
6 something and somewhere around 215 to 220 lbs
(yeah i'd like to lose about 30 of that :), alas i'm lazy, like video games, and am American.. The cards really aren't in my favor hehe)