Will Alyx die?

Is she the love interest that will tragically die at some point during the game?

  • Yes

    Votes: 73 49.7%
  • No

    Votes: 74 50.3%

  • Total voters


Do you think that she is the love interest that will tragically die at some point during the game?
Probably not. I can see people flaming the story just like Unreal 2 got flamed for pulling something of that nature off.
Would be pretty cliché wouldn't it?

I mean Alyx gets killed by big boss infront of Gordon's eyes. Gordon sheds a tear, techno music comes in pumping through your speakers and you're getting angry and with that anger you defeat the big boss.

Cutscene, you take Alyx in your arms. She still breaths and it looks like she isn't dead and you can even save her...

Sounds corny. Hope they won't do it like that.
i hope she dies a slow-mo death with lots of blood and from multiple camera angles being shot apart with fist size bullet holes being made.
j/k :p
/repeat :p
I sense a mod where the option of slammin' Alyx is an intgral part of levellin' up!!!
In that case...
Im gonna hafta break out the sheep emulator! *back 'em up to a cliff, they ain't got no autonomic response but to push back*

probably..cause from a writers perspective it makes for a great plot twist, and also gets the player very involved.

Having said that, I hope she doesn't die...cause I would hate to see that pretty face all dead.
In Soldier of Fortune 1 & 2, both of Mullin's partners die.
One got shot in the head and the other died in a hospital(How convenient)
I hope so, last thing we need is a game that tries to shove a stupid love story in.
Hm...well it's hard to say. You might have an option of saving her or letting her die by the actions in the game. I was thinking something like Metal Gear Solid with Meryl. But I'm not sure. I think she might because you'll get kind of attatched to her throughout the game but then she gets killed and it pisses you off and you try really hard to kill whatever killed her?
LOL sof1 was hilarious
his black dude gets shot in the head right in front of him and mullins just shrugs at the corpse
Half-life 2 meets Titanic,
*Gordon is lying on a plank of wood
*Alyx goes to throw Gordon's corpse, but he's not dead, he just dosn't talk
Originally posted by Tredoslop
Half-life 2 meets Titanic,
*Gordon is lying on a plank of wood
*Alyx goes to throw Gordon's corpse, but he's not dead, he just dosn't talk

*Gordan pulls out crowbar and bashes Alyx
Gordan: (first time he talks) I got pie
Originally posted by Tredoslop
In Soldier of Fortune 1 & 2, both of Mullin's partners die.
One got shot in the head and the other died in a hospital(How convenient)

omg how many times do i have to say it

:flame: :flame: :flame:
No need for size 72 text now.

Standard Cliche, girl dies (or falls in love). Neither would be awesome... just as a change from the usual. :cool:
yeah I expect I'll get pissed off with the way she grinds into walls and slides sideways while moving her feet forward, juttering like a hosebeast, and shoot her in the face. It'll probably happen a few times.

"Here, take this gordon!"
take this alyx more like. boom!

and why isn't it alex, what the hell is alyx short for, alyxandra? lol
wouldn't gordons crowbar be deformed after hitting 10 billion people with it?
Good Point Ray.

I dont want to see Alyx die, simply because she probably means a lot to Gordon. And me, of course.
ahh why did every1 from the epic forums just suddenly decide to move here? (not in a negative way)
Originally posted by Tredoslop
Whats better:
Alyx pretends to fall in love with Gordon just to take his CrowBar
That would be sweet...
I just visit the Epic forums, I don't post there, I know that Ghost_Freeman and SnowBall are here, but I think Mr.Magnetichead is from the Epic forums.
I hope she doesn't die, because then she won't be in the expansion packs or HL3. ;(
No, they'll probably need her for Part III. They can kill anyone off in Part III.

And death in video games are always cliched, so that doesn't count as an excuse.
It would be cool if Alyx gets captured by Combine soldiers and they show her getting executed by a combine. :devil: Story wise that would be very cool...
hmm good topic. I personally wonder what will happen if you decide to shoot her. lol

" Alyx- There you are gordon, look i need you to open a door for me because i need to
BOOOOOOOOM! (then the cool guitar music) Merrroooooow bleeder neenernerooooooo deerereoroeoroeo!
Alyx- Gordon why? SAY SOMETHING DAMNIT!"
heh...would be funny if Alyx turned out to be a villian....workin for the Combine...
It's hard to say...but I think it might happen. Hopefully she won't die in some stupid way (Ex: an combine shoots her in the toe and she dies on the spot).
I can just imagine that.....In the thick of battle with bullet's wizzing all around. As Gordon, I'd be pissed off.:LOL: :rolleyes: