Will Alyx die?

Is she the love interest that will tragically die at some point during the game?

  • Yes

    Votes: 73 49.7%
  • No

    Votes: 74 50.3%

  • Total voters
Well I hope she turns out to be a psycho or something similar and you end up hating her. Now she just seems to be an annoying character.
actually it would be interested of halflife 2 pulls a "Kerrigan" where a female lead turns all evilish halfway through the game. It would cause me to roll my eyes but it would be an interesting plot twist.

Another idea wold be that she sides with the wrong people or makes some questionable decisions and ends up trying to sacrifice gordon to her cause (using him on a mission that would be suicide) then get all emotional when he comes back cause he's supposed to die but she doesn't want him to die so she's torn between duty and friendship/love

maybe something happens where we think she is dead and see her again in hl3 alive and well but different

or how about a supposed happy ending where gordon and Alyx drive off into the sunset in the dune buggy while theg man looks on and laughs and triggers a whole bunch of bad shit to happen just before the credits roll

maybe both of you have to go through a portal and end up in different places?

i'm just spitting out random crap here, however don't be suprised if i am right. i have a strange eerie ability to guess things right on in a coincidental manner.
I'm thinking she gets headcrabbed.... but she's not quite all gone.

"Gordon! Help me! It hurts so much kiiiillll meeeeeee!"
- System Shock 2 styles.

Also that'll give scope for removing the headcrab (*cough* facehugger) and allow them to revive her for the third HL...although she will be horribly disfigured, and need special breathing apparatus, wear a black mask and cloak and wield a lightsaber.
I bet you 100 credits!
O i can read the future...and it says...

"WAIT AND SEE!" lol soz
Originally posted by ValVed RaY
ahh why did every1 from the epic forums just suddenly decide to move here? (not in a negative way)

Have you see INA lately? Its full of nothing but lamers.

I'm glad I left.
Originally posted by Tredoslop
I just visit the Epic forums, I don't post there, I know that Ghost_Freeman and SnowBall are here, but I think Mr.Magnetichead is from the Epic forums.

He's from the Megaboard

He's a major Oldbie
Originally posted by Magicpants
I'm thinking she gets headcrabbed.... but she's not quite all gone.

"Gordon! Help me! It hurts so much kiiiillll meeeeeee!"
- System Shock 2 styles.

Also that'll give scope for removing the headcrab (*cough* facehugger) and allow them to revive her for the third HL...although she will be horribly disfigured, and need special breathing apparatus, wear a black mask and cloak and wield a lightsaber.
I bet you 100 credits!
There is a disturbance in the force...
1: This is not a spoiler cuz we all know that nobody of us knows whats gonna happen.

2: Yes shes gonna die cuz a lot of ppl (including me) will see what happends. Unless ofcourse shes impossible to kill, like the Gman where. Well ppl will make custom maps.. Shell die.. alot =/ *sniff*

3: I voted no cause I dont think it will be part of the plot, and I suppose thats what u really ment. :)
she might, but if she does it wont be in HL2...
Originally posted by aku ankka
Well I hope she turns out to be a psycho or something similar and you end up hating her. Now she just seems to be an annoying character.
Well then job done, right? U already dont like her. ;)
if you played Jedi acadamy its got the most annoying character of all time (Rosh)
I couldnt wait for him to get killed.
you get to decide if he lives or dies, didnt think about it for a second and cut him up good.
Originally posted by _-_-SELAS-_-_
Well then job done, right? U already dont like her. ;)

You`re right. If she really were a psycho I`d probably like her. Aw what a dilemma.
Valve has worked alot trying to make the characters believable and living , and that to make you feel sad about a friend in the game :D
But what annoys me the most is that they obviosly assume you like her. And I bet they don`t give you chance to show Alyx that, I, Gordon, hate her so much (except by shooting at her, of course). But I could be wrong and like her after all.
Yeah you make a point there , Aku Ankka. I've believed and felt sad/sorry for less believable characters in a game (especially in Halo , i always felt really sad if the black Sarge died in a level , always avenged his death to the killers and reverted to a saved game.) The characters in HL2 will absolutely be something extra.
lol see her get headcrabed and come back and see her with a ugly pot belly lol

and yea Halo did have that sense of... "i cant let him/her die" i hope hl2 does the same :D
The problem with Halo was that your pals runned straight into enemies camp with the alien dudes real pissed , having you running after risking your life to save a dude who was doomed to get killed because of his kind of bad AI and not really smart.

In Half Life 2 , they react very dynamically , like the scientist rebels in the Barricade movie, i think thats great so you wont have to be a frikking babysitter all the time.
If valve plans to have the characters interact with you, the player, aka Gordon Freeman, It's gonna be hard to do without him talking. The following scene is how I would like character/player interactions to be like:

Big fight scene, mofo baddies everywhere, you and Alyx fighting them, strider turns around/blows up a corner, shoots that big ray, bla bla bla... Eventually you hit the big red button on that det-pack and everything goes boom, you fly, hit the ground, dust everywhere. Alyx comes to help you up, says something, and smiles at you all cute-like. Game pauses (or not) menu comes up: Smile back, ignore, sneeze on Alyx.

Now that would be player interaction.
Final Fantasy was a love story, all of them were. That kind of depth in characteristics is what gets you hooked. There is more than one way to pull this off as well. Maybe there is a love story, but dont go and talk shit abuot it right off the bat. It might be more creative than you think.

I for one am all for a love/death story line, it gets really involved and is amazing when done in a none cliche manner.

And hey, even IF it is all cliche, so what, as long as it kicks ass, why do you care? As long as you can have fun and love it, thats what matters. =)

The same effect can be done 100 different ways, lets see how they do it, and judge it by HOW WELL they do it, not the fact that they DID do it... =)