Will Half Life 2 sell well? Will it beat Halo 2?



It will be a damned shame if it doesnt, but does anyone have an estimate? And how many coppies did HL1 sell?
since over 2 million people have already bought if off steam and probably the same amount of people will buy it from stores...it could beat it..but not on the first day....come to think of it..there is no first day because people already paid for copies of HL2 over steam.
if half-life 2 outsells halo 2 my friends will have to stick a fork into my throat to get me to stop talking about it.
I think that it all counts as making it in the first day though.. casue the pre-orders for Halo 2 counted into the "first day sales" as well... but I think it will beat it though cause like... there are 5 different packages you can get.. and some people (like me) spent over $100 getting the Gold Package.. and Valve is projecting 5,000 gold packages, thats like $500,000 just righ there from Gold packages.. I think it will win
Its said 2 mill preorders over steam. And who knows how many retail.

Halo 1.5mill pre orders at stores. Made 100 mill 1st day. (Halo 50$ reg 55$ CE)

Half-Life2 2mill preoreders over steam. (55$ reg, 80$ CE, Bronze 50$, Silver 60$, Gold 90$)

Im pretty sure Half-Life 2 will sell more.
Beat Halo 2? Oh hell yeah! Half-Life 2 has mastered the FPS genre, and im willing to bet that there wont be another FPS to top it in a LOONG time.
^you kidding? the only FPS thats going to top HL2 is HL3, then after that the apocalypse will come. :D
Thadius Dean said:
^you kidding? the only FPS thats going to top HL2 is HL3, then after that the apocalypse will come. :D

Rofl, yep. :D And Hell yeah it will whoop Halo 2's ass!
Thadius Dean said:
^you kidding? the only FPS thats going to top HL2 is HL3, then after that the apocalypse will come. :D

You could be more right than you know... :eek:
Ownzed said:
Rofl, yep. :D And Hell yeah it will whoop Halo 2's ass!

It will NOT whoop halo 2's ass...it will SMASH, POUND, MELT, CRUSH, DESTROY, VAPORIZE, halo 2's ass...Get it right!! :LOL:
halo2 was a big waste its boring as **** unike this which will blow it the hell out of the water
But I don't get it. Everywhere I go, people are talking about Halo 2. It was a big deal that CNN had an article on how well Halo 2 sold. The forums are filled with Halo 2 stuff. The top searches on google are Halo 2 and Britney Spears. Why isn't everyone making a big deal about HL2? (Must be a California thing)
Don't give a shit how well HL2 sells, as long as I can buy the game and it's a good game, and Valve makes enough money to make HL3.
lazicsavo said:
Don't give a shit how well HL2 sells, as long as I can buy the game and it's a good game, and Valve makes enough money to make HL3.

But I will feel rather ashamed that they won't get the money for a game that was the best game of all time and took 6 years to make, yet Halo 2, which a bit more than a year to make and is rather mediocre might make more than them.

That's how I feel.
what i hate is the fact that all these people are missing out on an amazing expirence just because they are ignorant. half-life needs MORE publicity, Valve deserves MORE money, and Halo 2 SUCKS.
lazicsavo said:
Don't give a shit how well HL2 sells, as long as I can buy the game and it's a good game, and Valve makes enough money to make HL3.
What he said.
Thadius Dean said:
what i hate is the fact that all these people are missing out on an amazing expirence just because they are ignorant. half-life needs MORE publicity, Valve deserves MORE money, and Halo 2 SUCKS.

If HL2 had come out before Halo 2, it would be receiving all of the talk and focus of the gaming public. Halo 2 is an amazing experience whether you want to believe it or not, and people are enjoying it to the fullest at the moment, so HL2 will naturally take a backseat to it at the moment. The only ignorance is in those gamers that haven't played H2 and bash it for stealing HL2's thunder. :thumbs:

HL2's time will come soon enough.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Its said 2 mill preorders over steam. And who knows how many retail.

Halo 1.5mill pre orders at stores. Made 100 mill 1st day. (Halo 50$ reg 55$ CE)

Half-Life2 2mill preoreders over steam. (55$ reg, 80$ CE, Bronze 50$, Silver 60$, Gold 90$)

Im pretty sure Half-Life 2 will sell more.

Trust me if the 2 mill pre orders over steam are true that alone beats halo 2.

So no worries.
Mithrandir2 said:
you guys are ridiculous. halo 2 sold 2.32 million copies on the first day
They say that HL2 already has 2 million preorders.

Where does it say it has been preordered 2 million times though??? Any Proof?
Fact is Halo 2 is designed for a console, the majority of people who buy consoles (not all but most) are primary school 10 year old fan dans who will make there mum but them halo 2 for xmas... this is Halos main market, the kids...

Most of which have never heard of Half Life 2, nor would appreciate how much better it is...

Halo 2 can rake in the money from the little fan dans on the xbox forever... I actually think halo 2 will beat half life 2 sales wise, simply because of the kids... and the fact it came out earlier, some cant afford two £35 games within 1 1/2 weeks... also de to advertising...

but CMon Half Life 2.. simple fact is, over time hl2 will ovbiously sell more copies than halo 2, as the kids will be looking on to xbox 2 where as people with a clue will be building on and upgrading the source engine
Garric said:
They say that HL2 already has 2 million preorders.

Where does it say it has been preordered 2 million times though??? Any Proof?

Halo 2 was preordered by 1.5 mill people. News Fact.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Halo 2 was preordered by 1.5 mill people. News Fact.

Yes, that's a news fact, but where is the news fact that Half Life 2 was purchased on steam 2 million times?
TopDog said:
but CMon Half Life 2.. simple fact is, over time hl2 will ovbiously sell more copies than halo 2, as the kids will be looking on to xbox 2 where as people with a clue will be building on and upgrading the source engine

I think you hit on something there. Halo 2 will most likely fade away in a few months once people get over it, but Half-Life 2 will most likely be selling for a while. Hell, they still have Half-Life 1 on the shelves 6 years after its release! That alone should tell you something.
Did Halo 2 get a final hours article in Gamespot? Huh?
HL2 is gonna absolutely snap Halo2.
I don't really care if it does outsell Halo2. I went to EB Games today to ask about my copy of HL2 and I got a chance to play Halo2, and I must say, I was truly disappointed. All that damn hype for a game that is the same as the first, with a little graphics polish and dual wielding. I'm sure the online play is fun, but come on. With the mods that are being developed for HL2, the replayability will be never ending. I would rather a bunch of 10 year olds buy Halo2 and it outsell HL2 so that the people who care about game quality can actually have a great game experience.
DreamThrall said:
I think you hit on something there. Halo 2 will most likely fade away in a few months once people get over it, but Half-Life 2 will most likely be selling for a while. Hell, they still have Half-Life 1 on the shelves 6 years after its release! That alone should tell you something.

But Halo is still on the shelves 3 years after its release, and is always in the monthly top 10 in Xbox software sales. So it's not as though its easily forgotten either. I think you guys are just hoping people forget about it.
What does it matter if it sells well in the first day anyways? Truth is, it will sell, and then people will realize that its the latest greatest game that everybody is getting... and they'll buy it. Thats where the sales will come in. And then years from now, it'll have gained a ton from mod popularity too.
Point me to an article where it says that Half-Life 2 has about 2 million pre-orders over steam. I just don't believe it.

(Although I would be happy to be proven wrong :))
Half-Life 2 is better than Halo 2, no questions about that, but I dont think it will sell more than Halo 2. People aren't as in-to computer games as much as consol games, consols are easier for the average person, most people have them and they dont need ot be upgraded like computers, also, people in general don't have knowlage of PC games that are currently making history :)
lethalhamster said:
Half-Life 2 is better than Halo 2, no questions about that, but I dont think it will sell more than Halo 2. People aren't as in-to computer games as much as consol games, consols are easier for the average person, most people have them and they dont need ot be upgraded like computers, also, people in general don't have knowlage of PC games that are currently making history :)

Lol, yeah that is right. But I still think Half-Life 2 will beat Halo 2 in the ass.
Differnce is, Half-Life 2 is far far far more advanced than halo 2, in the way of AI, physics and graphics... 5 and a half years of dedication by a team of people who simply love games has gone into it.. halo 2 is just yet another game, there is nothing unique about it atall... Its only popular because of

A: its on a console so the little kids get there mummies to buy it
B: halo 1 was over hyped considering what it actually was

You could argue Half-Life 2 is only popular because of HL1, but remember theres almost a 6 year gap between the 2, and the technology invaolved simply doesnt compare, where as halo 1 and 2 are both on the same low end spec'ed console.
no way will half life 2 beat halo2 first 24 hours.
halo 2 sold 2.38 milion copies in the first 24 hours.

as with half life 2 there is 1 million+ ati card holder that have the pre order. but they got it for free so you can't count the ati card holder copies as sales because they were for free.

yes in the long run half life 2 will kick H2's butt, but not on the first couple of days.
over time man, over time

Maybe some dude will make a mod that seems to get the same treatment as counter strike, and people more people will buy halflife 2 just for that mod
Where did you get the 1 million figure from? That sounds much more reasonable, but a link would be nice.
In the long run half life 2 seems to be the winner.. halo 2 is going to fade fast.. while half life 2 will continue to sell by word of mouth alone. People underestimate the power of word of mouth.

Shit.. halo 2 is already fading away...