Will Half Life 2 sell well? Will it beat Halo 2?

I hear good new from all of you :) I really hope Halo 2 dies... or has already died. I really is a waste.
Microsoft will keep Halo 2 alive forever because it sells their Xbox.
I got Halo 2 the day it came out, and due to school, I finished it a day later... I must say it was dissapointing, at the EB Games shops in Australia here they had celebrations for Halo 2 coming out, and at the shop near me there was 1500 people lining up at 12 Midnight to get their copy. I didn't go because I couldn't get transport there, but after playing the game I even contemplated taking it back at one stage. The 'cinematics' in the game are graphically horrid as they are in the game engine, it toggles from nice bump mapped surfaces to low quality modes every new scene or just whenever it wants. I wasn't impressed, the storyline was kinda an over the top cliffhanger, it wasn't an impressive sort of cliffhanger either. Halo 2's replay value is alright, but nothing special, I've been playing co-op with a few friends recently which seems to be alright, though it can't change the dissapointing storyline. The value seems to be invested within Multiplayer, and especially Xbox Live.

I doubt that I'll take Halo 2 back, I doubt anyone will. The reason that seems more likely is that they want to think it's a good game, its a mediocre game, though I don't mind playing it. Feels awkward as hell compared to the other halo.

My hopes is that Half Life 2 will blow Halo out of the water. But as people are saying, Halo 2 is more mainstream, for people who don't know what a graphics card is or even how to effectively shoot an enemy on screen with the mouse while moving at the same time. I've pre-ordered Half-life 2, just for the record. I can't bloody wait, Wednesday will absolutely kill me, having to wait till 6PM to play.

That is all.. Sorry for writing an essay.
Halo 2 will get better sales at first, but if HL2 lives up to the hype, word will spread over time to those who didn't know/care about it and sales will eventually surpass Halo 2.
Sorry to be repetative, but who the hell told you HL2 sold 2 million coppies. I can't believe it.
what!? said:
Where did you get the 1 million figure from? That sounds much more reasonable, but a link would be nice.
Just a perceptive guess thats all.
All my friends say Halo 2 is awesome and everything. None of them realize it isn't that great. They just think so because Halo was so fun..
I've been playing halo 2 some recently (inbetween times playing the enormously fun ratchet and clank 3)... and I don't think that halo2 is a bad game by any means... it's just not amazing. If there was no hype for it at all, everyone would be saying "wow, this is a really good console shooter"... which it is.

It just can't compare to half-life 2 is all... but what fps will be able to compete with half-life 2? None.
Theres no question that its going to be better.. but will it sell more?