Will half life 2..


Jun 20, 2004
Reaction score
be at the cyberathletes amateur leauge (CAL) thing? Cause i live 30 minutes away from the location, and if i can go i could go play :cheers:
The who? Bah, why am I posting here, I have no idea what you are talking about so this is pointless thanks for reading!
VeZ said:
be at the cyberathletes amateur leauge (CAL)
"Cyberathletes" - now there's a contradiction in terms for you. Eh, Miss Marple?
He means Cyberathlete Professional League "CPL"

And CS:Source probably will be, yes.

But you better be good. And since you didn't even know what it was, you probably aren't :(

Good luck though.
i have heard of it...but if i went i would only watch cause ive only played CS for a short time :p
There's CAL too. Cyberathlete Amateur League. Anyone can play CAL, you need to prove yourself there before going to CPL. I don't know if they'll do it for HL DM. Probably not as it's not team-oriented like CS:S, which will most definitely got to CAL and CPL.
PunisherUSA said:
There's CAL too. Cyberathlete Amateur League. Anyone can play CAL, you need to prove yourself there before going to CPL. I don't know if they'll do it for HL DM. Probably not as it's not team-oriented like CS:S, which will most definitely got to CAL and CPL.

Not only team games are on the CPL, also 1 on 1 dm. Like painkiller, and many years ago Quake 3.
Can you play in the CAL from the UK, or is it a US only thing?
I'm wondering if the old CS will even die completely. If so, I really hope the community does not just get mirrored onto the new CS:S community. I am looking for a fresh start ;D
Crusader said:
Can you play in the CAL from the UK, or is it a US only thing?

Most of the ppl playing in CAL are Americans and run American servers. There is no rule stating Euros can't play in CAL but your pings would be horrendous. I think there is a similar thing for Brits and such but I'm not sure if it is associated with CAL or CPL.. Not that it matters anyway, most of the good teams come from Germany (Schroet Kommadno) and Asia..
riTuaL said:
I'm wondering if the old CS will even die completely. If so, I really hope the community does not just get mirrored onto the new CS:S community. I am looking for a fresh start ;D
Unfortunately I suspect it will get worse. Hopefully I am wrong though, the CS community can often give the whole gaming community in general a bad name.
Ritual your comp is almost identical to mine, except I have a 3200. :cheers:

The CPL is usually only for serious gamers, that play that particular game for hours on end. Yes, you can probably count CS:S into it. And yeah, to be in the CPL you have to be GOOD, i mean, REALLY good.
no you dont have to be just good for CPL, you need to be the best.
alright guys im going tomorrow...see if i can pick up any freebies or see some hl2 stuff or CSS stuff but i doubt it
I'm pretty sure CS:Source wont be as bad as CS, since it will require a higher end system to run. The little kids with thier old computers and pentium 2s wont be able to handle it thankfully =)
FaM said:
I'm pretty sure CS:Source wont be as bad as CS, since it will require a higher end system to run. The little kids with thier old computers and pentium 2s wont be able to handle it thankfully =)
Never thought about that! :D

I don't really play CS, but good news anyway.

Atleast until they whine to their mommies for better computers. :rolleyes:
riTuaL said:
Most of the ppl playing in CAL are Americans and run American servers. There is no rule stating Euros can't play in CAL but your pings would be horrendous. I think there is a similar thing for Brits and such but I'm not sure if it is associated with CAL or CPL.. Not that it matters anyway, most of the good teams come from Germany (Schroet Kommadno) and Asia..

And dont forget the timezones. Means euro s would have to play in the middle of the night for them.
riTuaL said:
Most of the ppl playing in CAL are Americans and run American servers. There is no rule stating Euros can't play in CAL but your pings would be horrendous. I think there is a similar thing for Brits and such but I'm not sure if it is associated with CAL or CPL.. Not that it matters anyway, most of the good teams come from Germany (Schroet Kommadno) and Asia..

Schroet Kommando is swedish.
Just got back, no CSS or HL2...but i saw Stalker and some other games that were new. Saw a huge CS match go on...4k vs NoA i was crazy. There was a whole crowd and at one point one of 4k was defusing the bomb then literally, like 1 second before finished defusing one of the NoAs comes up and kills him and it sounded like a winning touchdown for the superbowl had just happened. People were cheering like crazy haha it was great
the CS community is only bad if you take it seriously, which I don't. Half the time I play CS I'm laughing at other player's antics
I'm a pretty damn good cyber-athelete.

I'm only 460 lbs. 2% body fat.

Yeah that's right, I'm 9 feet tall, sup now.

So no HL2 at CAL or CPL or what have you.