Will HL2 be out by the start of the term? (student ID required)


Jan 11, 2004
Reaction score
[*]It will be out b4 skoo starts in Aug
[*]After school starts

There I did it! Vote your hearts out!
before you post a new topic press "make this post a poll" or something along that line, its right above "Submit New Thread". Yes I think it will be out before my new term.

this should be in the newbie forums
And here i was thinking it was going to be another red shoes thread.
*Shuzer presents his student ID

wait.. why is this required? What now!?
Shuzer said:
*Shuzer presents his student ID

wait.. why is this required? What now!?
Nothing is EVER required if you have a decent brain...
yah... u won't need jack to buy half life 2.... except some cash of course.... unless yer a shoplifter :cheers:
Why do you assume everyone lives in the same country as you?

I'm still half way through term 2 :p.
If it's not out by August, this mouse dies! :O
Shake Zula said:
Nothing is EVER required if you have a decent brain...
yah... u won't need jack to buy half life 2.... except some cash of course.... unless yer a shoplifter :cheers:

Actually, alot of places in America now treat video games in the same fashion as alcohol and tobacco.. I had to present my ID to buy another copy of Half-Life at Wal*Mart night before last

It was sad
Is it a computer mouse?

And no, i will not be wearing red shoes while playing Half-Life 2. That's my final statement on the issue.
I said student ID required 'cuz I wanted to keep out the haterz lolz.
Shuzer said:
Actually, alot of places in America now treat video games in the same fashion as alcohol and tobacco.. I had to present my ID to buy another copy of Half-Life at Wal*Mart night before last

It was sad
That's because Wal-Mart is a "family" store. You'll never find a game like "Manhung" at Wal-Mart, and you'd never get carded for a video game at best buy. Not sure about EBgames, though.
Sandman said:
That's because Wal-Mart is a "family" store. You'll never find a game like "Manhung" at Wal-Mart, and you'd never get carded for a video game at best buy. Not sure about EBgames, though.

I've been carded for buying "Parental Advisory Warning" CDs at both Best Buy and Circuit City..

I rarely buy video games, so I wouldn't know. I'll be sure and try it with HL2 :)
I hope not. I finished my first year of College. The second year is going to be hell and I won't have time to play it...except on weekends. :(
America is so insane... Land of the free, where you need ID cards for everything. :(
Land of the free, where you don't HAVE to use a toilet to make waste...
oh crap, did I just say that out loud?
ailevation said:

Goldenboi tried to make a poll - will it come out before or after the start of the term? But he screwed up in making the poll, and now this thread had gone horribly wrong.

Call me when relevancy knocks. I'll be in upstairs wearing red shoes.
Shake Zula, instead of bashing America, go some smoke pole some where else.

One year ago when the September 30th release date was, lets say, "official", I was kind of pissed because I couldn't go sleepless nights playing HL2 all summer, and that I would have to fit that in with my homework and sports. But hopefully, all of us High School students and College students alike, can play HL2 in the complete solitude and serenity of our computer rooms :cheers:

Everytime I go into EBGames I get carded, even though the bitches know me by name. Maybe its just to strike fear into the younger people prowling the M rated games :eek:

I couldn't stop laughing at the "Manhung" typo, OMFG thats the funniest thing I've ever read. Someone needs to photoshop a cover of that game. I would, but my reg is ****ed up and I cant reinstall it.
Shake Zula said:
Nothing is EVER required if you have a decent brain...

That would explain why there is no prejudice in the world.

I am hoping HL2 is out before i hit uni as i intend to have a good time at uni so i'll need to have at least played it a bit before heading off otherwise i'll become a recluse and **** my social life up.
Sandman said:
That's because Wal-Mart is a "family" store. You'll never find a game like "Manhung" at Wal-Mart, and you'd never get carded for a video game at best buy. Not sure about EBgames, though.

Wal-mart always cracks me up. Can't buy certain music, games, movies, magazines....yet you can buy a shotgun or paintball gun ;)

As someone else said in the thread, I also got questioned about my age at WalMart. The problem is I'm over 30 so either I look really young or they hire only the stupid.

And I never ever want to see "manhung" in any store!
Crusader said:
America is so insane... Land of the free, where you need ID cards for everything. :(

Hehe, that's the store policy moreso than the government. It's not required to be carded for the ESRB warnings is it? And if so then I guess just the WalMart I buy from just disregards it. hehe.
PPl give wine to babies here.....

But really, ID cards? **** that, I want my civil liberties!
I remember when Valve set the previous release date for September 30, 2003. And then now rumor has it that it's coming out this summer. Dear God, I hope they don't postpone it again. It's getting to the point where I have to watch all those Bink videos to satisfy my craving.