'Will HL2 run on my comp' TESTER PRGRM

mine is 7 under the recommended

still will run tho, my pc can handle doom3 good
ouch Thadius, thats harsh!

By way i've noticed a massive change that most people have a 1gb of RAM now which i've been left behind on with just 512. I have a stick of 256 laying around, if i stick that in to get 768 mb will it have much difference to running HL2?
nice one, my computer came above the recomended level. bring on the half life.
just got a new pc on thursday :) amd athlon xp 2.2 ghz, 80 gig hd, 512mb ram, and my 9600pro wich im going to bring back to store for exchange for a 9800pro. So yeah it will run hl2 :) just 3 blocks down from recomended.
Hectic Glenn said:
ouch Thadius, thats harsh!

By way i've noticed a massive change that most people have a 1gb of RAM now which i've been left behind on with just 512. I have a stick of 256 laying around, if i stick that in to get 768 mb will it have much difference to running HL2?

Not that much of a difference, but the game and maps and stuff will load faster. I've got to get around to getting 1gb of RAM myself. :D
lordoftheroot said:
yo Bert you did the HL test not the HL2 test and yes you need a new computer for HL2.
Lol, I hope he was joking!
Exactly what I am talking about. It seems anyone with at least a 9800 pro, Intel P4, and 512mb RAM automatically gets past anyone with any AMD and nVidia card. Or so it seems..

nvidia gfx cards are not true dx9, they do a poor job of spitting it out.

hl2 does not require a godly machine to begin with. only if you want DX9 activated
says my pc will run it ok.. altho i'm halfway between min and rec
think thats mainly my gfx card which is a radeon 9100 (only 64meg ram)

altho my chip is a 2.4 athlon xp it reports as AMD Athlon(tm) XP/MP/4 1953MHz.. is this normal.. can i clock it up a bit?
Hmmm...mine's perfect, but can we trust this shit?
the site doesnt work for me, its stuck on loading the windows xp game advisor
My computer was getting ANAL-ISED so I stopped the evil microsoft in it's tracks. No one violates my PC.
That thing is terrible with AMD processors. It tells me my processor is under a gig when its really 2.4 gigs.
Unfortunately we were unable to identify some hardware components of your system, and therefore it is not possible to provide accurate performance analysis.

worthless piece of crap. its only an amd64 3200+/x800pro/2x512 kingston hyper-x. the only thing i can think of that my throw it off is the beta 8.07 cats im running.
Arghh its not working, what yellow information bar? this is wat it says
Analyzing Your PC...

60% Please wait while your PC is being analyzed.
Your PC has been successfully analyzed!
Unfortunately we were unable to examine
your PC due to technical difficulties.

The system scan has been blocked by the security settings of your browser. To continue, please do the following:
Click on the yellow Information Bar
Select "Install ActiveX control" from the menu
Select "Install" when asked if you want to install the Measurement Services Client
THis thing managed to lock up my comp completely - no mouse movement, no disk activity, ctrl+alt+del doesn't work. This is XP too - way to go!
just upgraded my new pc to a new 98pro and 512 ram, so like im one block behind the recomended now :)
Bah, Im 12 blocks behind with these specs:
AMD 3000+
1024MB PC3200 RAM (Dual Channel)
ATI Radeon 9200 (Come now, its not that bad)

I cant believe that a radeon 9800 xt will bump be infront of the recommended. Bah. Is my video card really that bad? :(
I hit directly on the recommended mark. So I think I should be fine.
Wtf it says the page can't be displayed when I try to upload it. Oh well, but why does it say recommended requirements for the video card it has Radeon X800..?

EDIT: sorry for the double post.
MetaKnight said:
"Unfortunately we were unable to identify some hardware components of your system, and therefore it is not possible to provide accurate performance analysis."


Exact same thing dude....you know any other good sights for this?