Will the A.I. react to the flash-light?

Jun 24, 2004
Reaction score
In Far Cry is a soldier is just around the corner in a dark room and you turn on the flashlight and wave it around, he does not react to it at all (don't even come to investigate).

With the advanced A.I. in Half-Life wouldn't if be nice if the A.I. actually took notice of such things. Nothing major, just it would amp the immersion factor so much.
1. We don't know, ask VALVe. (Maybe you should have asked yourself; "Who would know?"...)

2. I'm guessing YES. Why wouldn't they? Think real life. It's HL2. Coding them to react to light isn't that hard.

For as smart as the AI look in the video's Im gussing yes.
I wonder if characters flinch and cover their eyes and tell you to "**** off" when you shine the light right into their eyeball?
I'm guessing no, because maybe its like HL Multiplayer and the flashlight only light the player and not there where he is blending with his lamp.

(lol my english isnt able to build this sentence in a right way, i hope you understand :) )
Perret said:
I'm guessing no, because maybe its like HL Multiplayer and the flashlight only light the player and not there where he is blending with his lamp.

(lol my english isnt able to build this sentence in a right way, i hope you understand :) )
Yeah i get you, but the hl2 flashlight lights up everything in a circle. Not just a specific target.

Check the pic. http://www.hl2fallout.com/screenshots/albums/screenshots/hl2flashlight.jpg
i think it would be really cool if you implimented a flare type effect if you shine the light in someones eyes.
the blinking eyes were calculated with the amount of light, weren't they?
At least gabe said so E3 2k3, zo I guess the chars will blink a bit more when you shine the flashlight on them? :)
Maybe HDR would make that kind of feature automatic, does anyone know this for sure?

They have that effect for the scanners taking photos, anyway :)
I wonder what happens if you flash the light in the main character's eyes. It would be kind of cool to shine the light on say, Alyx, and she then tells you turn it off or stop or something. That would also be a cool effect to add to the experience.
Xrenity said:
the blinking eyes were calculated with the amount of light, weren't they?
At least gabe said so E3 2k3, zo I guess the chars will blink a bit more when you shine the flashlight on them? :)
I wonder if their pupils would contract, too. Wishful thinking, probably... but I wouldn't put it past them.
And if you could blind them temperary if you point the flashlight at their eye, that would be nice, wouldn't it?
Perret said:
I'm guessing no, because maybe its like HL Multiplayer and the flashlight only light the player and not there where he is blending with his lamp.

(lol my english isnt able to build this sentence in a right way, i hope you understand :) )

Your english is okay by all means.

And multiplayer and singleplayer are different things... NEVER think "Blah is not/doesn't work in multiplayer and thus isn't in single player)... ever... But yeh.

Edit: Oh, and this is HL2... Not 1.
Well we will see soon enough hopefully...

I'm afraid to say I can never really imagine myself playing HL2, it's has some mystical quality which makes you feel like it could never really come true.

I just hope I am paranoid ;)
Crusader said:
Maybe HDR would make that kind of feature automatic, does anyone know this for sure?

They have that effect for the scanners taking photos, anyway :)

... HDR is for displaying, it has nothing to do with A.I. reactions. Sorry.
Ummm yeah, I should have made clear what I was answering. I was answering this post:

think it would be really cool if you implimented a flare type effect if you shine the light in someones eyes.
Im guessing no... its not like they are going to be like "OMFG GAY THAT LIGHT OUT OF MY FACE... YOU HAXXOR!!"
I doubt it. I don't expect HL2 will be a very stealthy game, thus a feature such as that wouldn't affect gameplay too much.
I think that the bugs (Antlions) will be attracted to the light just like the insects of the world.

The combine probably use some sort of vision enhancer or something (they have masks covering their entire face and their eyes) so I don't think that they will be affected.

We will see.
Ever shine a flashlight on the floor and move it around, while watching your cat (or dog) chase it?

I think this would be cool. :)
RogueShadow said:
Ever shine a flashlight on the floor and move it around, while watching your cat (or dog) chase it?

I think this would be cool. :)

My dog aint that stupid. :|
well I know in The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay the soldiers reacted to your shotties flashlight and everything, only thing I wish more A.I. would notice is shadow's approaching them from behind (Light is behind your char. walking upon an enemy)
I think it would be possible for mods, make it a weapon that shoots a constand invisiblebeam and where the beam hits surface you could spawn somesort of entity that the AI can focus on like those "AI hint" entities valve speaks of
Maybe you could shine the flashlight in the face of a Resistance fighter in a battle. It would blind him long enough to get shot. :p
Yeah wishful thinking, but maybe they're saving this more "advanced" reaction to the light for HL3.
Err, this is a bit offtopic, but.... still, I noticed something in the screenie posted here.

The shadows aren't all that dynamic (they usually aren't in HL2) as seen on the antlions' shadows, but there's something in the background that seems to be casting a shadow 'properly', see that thing in between the antlions?
I'm guessing that's a moveable physical object, so am I to suppose that those have dynamic shadows then?

I'm not sure what things are supposed to have dynamic shadows, and I (think) have heard several statements from valve people about using only dynamic lighting/shadows so i'd say it's possible the shadowing is dynamic on atleast certain objects, anyone care to enlighten me?

Sorry if I'm unclear, tired... late... zzZZzzz
Abom said:
I wonder if their pupils would contract, too. Wishful thinking, probably... but I wouldn't put it past them.

Whaaa...lol, i think some people have way to many expectations for HL2
cyborgguineapig said:
Whaaa...lol, i think some people have way to many expectations for HL2

No, no, I think this may actually be true. Or atleast I'm pretty sure it would be possible to do. I remember Gabe saying something about the eyes was controlled by local radiosity calculations. This leads me to believe that it wouldn't be too hard to have pupils change size based on light levels. Does anyone know what exactly that quote was in the e3 2k3 video?
It's all true.

Also when you fire a gun next to somebody they put their hands over their ears and shout "Holy **** you made me deaf you retard" and then suffer in later life from impaired hearing. It's all true, it says so in my brain.
Well if any of you remember how in one of the CS:S vids when the guy went form a dark room to a bright room everything was glared for a min. before going back to normal- perhaps there would be a similar glare effect if someone shined their flashlight at your face in Sp or MP.
Neutrino said:
No, no, I think this may actually be true. Or atleast I'm pretty sure it would be possible to do. I remember Gabe saying something about the eyes was controlled by local radiosity calculations. This leads me to believe that it wouldn't be too hard to have pupils change size based on light levels. Does anyone know what exactly that quote was in the e3 2k3 video?

"The eyes are controlled by radiosity calculations, they self-shadow and move along with you."
If not, its easily scriptible.

But my guess is, yes, they will, considering HL2 is supposed to be realistic (not in the sense of striders and zombies trying to overtake the earth..) as it can be...Physics wise
I hope that when you have the torch on:

You don't glow like a christmas tree
You can see the beam through the air quite faintly (from 3rd person)
Runteh, to see a faint beam thru the air it would need to be VERY smokey, and quite hard to code since the smoke would need to be a element instead of a sprite.
classic case of hope breeding dissapointment. Aren't you guys getting a little too over imaginative here?