Will the HL2 countdown wallpaper be acurate?


Sep 22, 2004
Reaction score
so can i be siting by my comp gleefully counting down the seconds till
it gets unlocked? :E
if you're in PST then it'l exactly count down til midnight. Wether its released at midnight whether your clock is right is another matter!
chriso20 said:
if you're in PST then it'l exactly count down til midnight. Wether its released at midnight whether your clock is right is another matter!
Sorry "PST"?? Did i miss something here?
as an infamous aussie politican once said "please explain".
We dont know the exact time, only the day, so no it wont be accurate.
How fire truckin good would it be if it got released at midnight valve time all over the world..
imagine how nuts these forums would be going right now!!
if i had the brain cells ide work out what time my counter goes to

After a quik think i think its 15th 12:00
KnifeKnight said:
Sorry "PST"?? Did i miss something here?
as an infamous aussie politican once said "please explain".

PST = Pacific mean time (where valve are) its a time zone. UK is +8 hours to PST so when its released at 12am PST its 8am GMT (grenwich mean time) (uk time).
KnifeKnight said:
How fire truckin good would it be if it got released at midnight valve time all over the world..
imagine how nuts these forums would be going right now!!

loooooooooooool have you been living under a rock bro?

IT ISSSS coming out midnight valve time all over the world. But its different times of the day in different places.
chriso20 said:
loooooooooooool have you been living under a rock bro?

IT ISSSS coming out midnight valve time all over the world. But its different times of the day in different places.

Is that confirmed? If so where? I guess I missed it.
OMFG this thread is so lame, I may cry with sadness.
Admin_Winnuting said:
Is that confirmed? If so where? I guess I missed it.

Just believe me when i say everyone else knows it as its such common knowledge i wudnt know where to look to confirm it.
You realise how stupid an idea that would be though?

VALVe is in america, so by your estimate, it'll be released for Americans at Midnight. That'll also mean the shops must be open at midnight, since it's going to be such a good game people will be camping the shops waiting for them to open.

Won't happen. 8AM (American time) is the most reasonable time it'll be released. That's 4PM GMT :).
dekstar said:
...people will be camping the shops waiting for them to open....
Yeah, well I'll be camping Steam (if that is possible)

I guess it will be released at normal shop opening time (in the USA)
Whatever time that is(i'm hoping 9am), it will be availabe before i get home from college, so it will be all ready and the steam traffic would have calmed down by then :E
Hehe I'll be camping steam too actually... With my scout and Deagle :)

And wouldn't it be funny if VALVe only sold it from their headquarters. haha. like in a lemonade kind of stand.