Will the snark return, and in larger numbers?

The Snarks always had me in fits of laughter the way they used to run around maniacally and make heaps of noise and then simply explode:E

I don't really understand why Valve have taking this "You can't hurt the good guys" stance on attacking friendly N.P.C.s

I mean if one was to shoot Alyx or one of the main characters it could just fade in and say all that stuff it normally says when you lose the vehicle for instance.

A version of that. In H-L 1 Snarks were as much of a problem as guns where; if you were stupid enough to let them off at friendly N.P.C.s then they are gonna die.

Also I found them a very efficient organic weapon in some circumstances.
Just go up on a ledge somewhere and unleash a full payload of Snarks and hide around the corner while they do all the hard work and blow up.
Mmhmm, I loved the snarks, except when the enemies were gone already and they had nothing to attack but YOU!

It was always cool to see Gordon's hand try and touch the Snark and it tried to bight his fingers off.

You're right too, I miss being able to shoot the scientists and watching them fall to the ground before pullverising their frail bodies into oblivion with my crowbar!
I learned the hard way that snarks won't attack grunts or slaves >_<
The snarks are stupid and shitty as a weapon... but they are really funny to play with in Deathmatch :p
I learned the hard way that snarks won't attack grunts or slaves >_<

Well you must have played a different H-L 1 than me if the Snarks didn't attack certain N.P.C.s They worked a charm on almost everything for me. A very efficient weapon if I may say so myself:)
The snarks are stupid and shitty as a weapon... but they are really funny to play with in Deathmatch :p

He speaks Poison! Flynn, cover your ears! Snarks were the greatest weapons... EVER!
Well, next to the gravity gun of course?
Actually, I liked the snarks, but I dont really remember using them. Kept them in my invetory the whole time. Same thing with prey. Those snark wanabees were never used in my game either. I guess I don't like horrid aliens used as weapons that nip at my fingers.

I found it as a neccesity to use the snarks... EVERY WHERE! Especially in Questionable Ethics, one of those black shotgun marines kicked one of my snarks, the result was a fatal exposion! Sucker!
The gravgun would make a fine snark launcher. Imagine jettisoning one into a 'sniper window' instead of a grenade :)
They wouldn't come flying out burning though.

Yeah, and I could imagine that a Snark would just smack against the wall behind the sniper, instead of living to feed! It would do nice to knock people out though!
I noticed in Half Life Episode One the flashlight lasted much longer...
... you don't need a flash light to find Snarks, unless they are well hidden in a vent some where where crawling's involved.
Yeah, I thought it was cute/awesome how they tried to bite your finger, but Gordon seems to hate snarks; if you don't throw one in a while, Gordon actual shakes the poor thing :(! The Snark will surely die from Shaken Snark Syndrome!
I think it was actually the Snark struggling to escape, rather than Gordon shaking it.
No, I'm pretty sure I saw his wrist move back and fourth... Snark hating, MIT trained cracka
noo :P

I meant that GORDON was a "Snark hatin, MIT trained Cracka"! :p
I see what you mean about them attacking your allies.

Now if they were trained snarks.... :laugh:
I don't think [the screenshot]'s any indication that these things, if they really are Snarks, are to be seen in Ep2.

Those are just test entities for a multiprocessor benchmark.
Hah, I'll be the one laughing when a thousand snarks invade your room and feast upon your blistered, raw flesh.

Sorry but they just won't! Why would they? Fast headcrabs are just tougher snarks. The combine has no good reason for them and I don't think they'd really survive in nature.

If you want them as a weapon then you'll have to join me in my campaign to make manhacks weapons (see Ep. 1 Forums, manhack glitch thread). It's the closest we'll get to ever get to having snarks again.

Snarks.... You will be missed.
Yeah, because after 15 seconds out of their nest the snarks expload... :|

I want to throw snarks wit mah gravity gun. ^^ (Also, I want to throw headcrabs around with the super grav gun... Valve... DO NOT DISAPPOINT ME!!!!)

I can't believe this... All of you... Valve made one of the most graphically enhanced games ever... Why wouldn't they be able to code the snarks A. To not attack their deployer, and B. To not attack your friendlies? ><
Sorry Van_Halen I heard somewhere that Valve confirmed there'd be no more super Grav. Gun. Atleast not in the episodes.