Will there be vents in HL2?

damn headcrabs leaping out of a vent, scaring a few years off my lifespan...
Dr. A said:
damn headcrabs leaping out of a vent, scaring a few years off my lifespan...

YEAH! those headcrabs jumping out of vents scared the bejezus out of me the first time i played it ... agghghhg
Dunno if anyone mentioned it yet, but that part in HL when you climb the cliffside, after you take down the chopper, you climb up to a vent at the very top. When you look in the vent, a headcrab jumps right in your face, and im proud to say that that trick got me two different times in that I leapt backwards and straight down the cliffside to my death.

Platinum said:
dudes ... if the vents in hl2 were boring ... we would have heard about it already ... :afro:

yeah valve is going to say.. buy our great new game everything rocks, exept we made the vents BORING this time Muhahaha :imu:
Personally I liked the vents in HL. There was just enough spaced out every now and then throughout the game to make it interesting. Any more and they would have started to overdo it.

Imagine once they have good fluid dynamics in games. You could have a scenario where you are in a vent or tunnel that gets flushed out with water.
IMO there were way too many vents in HL1.

In and of themselves they weren't too bad, but it was always "oh look, I need to get into that room/past that door, but there's no way to do it. Oh wow, there's a handy vent there! lets try that!". Bit cheesey.
Lanthanide said:
IMO there were way too many vents in HL2.

In and of themselves they weren't too bad, but it was always "oh look, I need to get into that room/past that door, but there's no way to do it. Oh wow, there's a handy vent there! lets try that!". Bit cheesey.

huh? you've played hl2?
valve couldn't possibly make a mistake like that! according to statistics by gamestatistics.com 84% of people who purchased half life only bought it because of it's famed "vent adventures."

being an expert on games myself, i can say there will definently be vents in half life 2, if not, valve is shooting themselves in the foot! moreover, i can't believe vivendi would let it go gold without vents being an essential part of the storyline as vivendi is known for it's famous vent-based games, such as "Vent Party" which now has 3 titles, "VentMania", a new dance game, more popular than DDR and how can we forgot "The Adventures of Ventee: The lost vent", which has burst Square's hold over the RPG scene with their final fantasy. Vivendi also has in development, fps vent game though there aren't currently any details officially released, though an alpha has been leaked onto the internets, and spread like wildfire across "torrents" and other illegal warez sites by crackers.

if valve doesn't include any vents, i'll eat my hat .. and make a online petition.
"If there is an impassible object in a small hallway, there MUST be a ventilation duct for the player to crawl through and bypass it. There's ALWAYS a ventilation duct, and it's ALWAYS big enough for a grown man with 300 pounds of weapons to crawl through."
ah, many fond memories of all the picnics me and the headcrabs head in the not too hot - not too cool ventilation shafts of black mesa........

and about doom 3 - yeh, the vent usage was pretty horrible, i was pretty scared the first few vents, going really slowly incase something popped out, but then i realised that Demons from hell must be claustrophobic or something

(also, there werent enough Imps high up on walkways - like they were in the original doom)
What wuld b good is one of them Fast Zombies runnin at u in a vent:)

Yay for the Vents in hl2!!...thats gotta put up the reveiw scores by 5%!
the scariest shit in hl1was a headcrab around a corner of a vent...............and a big blue guy w/ one red eye chasing you in a parking garage!
Penetrating the HL1 vents made me horny. I'm hoping for a panty-creaming experience in HL2 though. Don't let me down Cliffe! I might even call you a fart if you dissapoint me!

destrukt said:
valve couldn't possibly make a mistake like that! according to statistics by gamestatistics.com 84% of people who purchased half life only bought it because of it's famed "vent adventures."

67.8% of statistics are made up

Remember the zombie that crawled through the vent at the begining of 'We've Got Hostiles'? That was quite freaky.
Vents were kinda cool in the office levels, but the labyrinthine network of vents on the next level (we've got hostiles) was a bit over the top.
Not sure if this has been mentioned yet as i didn't read the whole thread, but the crwbar is also very useful as defense against manhacks.

I think vents have been replaced more by destructable environments that you have to get through (boarded up doors, etc.). Which fits far better with the story and location.
G-Banger said:
ill never forget that head crab on surface tension poping out.. thats the most scariest thing ever.. man im dreading the scaryness of hl2 but its still going 2 kick ass :)

Yeah... I remember that damn thing. I jumped clean off the side of the friggin mountain because of it! Nice headcrap... Come here, come get a treat... BLAM!!! :sniper:
cliffe said:
There is at least one vent w/ fan. Wouldn't be a sequel without it, right?

Wouldn't be a sequel without some cute snarks either.

So where the hell are they?
cliffe said:
There shall be vents. Dark vents with crabs a plenty...

LOL, I love it when valve guys just appear from no where and they answer our questions, save time. :E :)