Will U.S. Graphics cards work in UK Pc's?


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
Thats all. :) They are about half the price!!

Sorry if its been asked before.
Yep, computer parts are the same all over the world.
Yep but you'll have to pay import tax which will make it more expensive than if you just bought it here anyway.
so the 6800 and X800 are around $500 right? so thats around £260.. how much would I pay ontop for tax? and shipping?, its gotta be better than the UK prices, which are like £370 to £400 brand new, i mean thats around $650 . :eek:. sick
Were not though....we are over worked lol, nothing in UK is appealing except we have free health service which is'nt free because we pay them monthly for something we will never use and even if we did we would have to wait 13 years for some paper stitching.....of course the immigrants find Uk appealing because they get houses and OUR god damn money :flame: soz for O/T :p

The guy who said they will be £400...show me.
I say the whole country should rebel, walk over to westminister, trample the building down and demand all our VAT back that we paid to the government over the years. :p

I said I thought i saw an article in a magazine saying it was £400. in the UK, but I saw another pricing on the net for £374.99... what can I say..
