Will Valve lose their grip over multiplayer?

I can only imagine how good maps like dod_charlie will be on Source...
digsy said:
When CS and the like is ported to source, I would imagine most people would prefer to play the updated versions of CS, DOD etc... than the older ones based on the HL engine. So this is going to divide the multiplayer community essentially, which could be a problem; the appeal of such games as DOD and CS is that the engine they run on doesn't require a supercomputer to power it. This combined with the gameplay creates a winning formula.

From what we have seen in the E3 videos however, especially the CS:Source, I think it is fair to say that the good gameplay element will remain.

But when Source is introduced to these mods, do you think that it will be as successful as when they were originally released, given the fact that the requirements to run them will be much higher?

Are they definitely doing DoD:S?
Despite all you people whinging valve has done and fantastic job with CS source. CS is without a doubt the most successful multiplayer computer game ever. It is played in homes and cyber cafes across the world.

The problem is that Valve hasn't been able to fully capitalise on the success of CS. The game has provided ALOT more gameplay to many people than the average $40 game. Valve naturally would like to capture the CS money. Why risk ruining an extremely successful game with different gameplay? What if you change the game and the market prefers the old game? The best way to capture the money in the market is by keeping the same gameplay and ramping up the graphics, physics etc with the new engine. Valve is doing this smart. If they did anything else they would risk losing the biggest gamer base in history.

All those CS haters on these forums who berate valve for rehashing CS are ignorate of the reality of CS's success.
I play CS a lot and im admin on a server and I cant wait for CS source!! Looks freakin great.

But you guys are right about the immature BS that goes on. I spend most of my time babysitting (i.e. kicking people, Banning people, Slaying AFKs). But I still think it's a fun game.
ilh said:
Are they definitely doing DoD:S?

Well Gabe said all of the HL1 mods will be ported, so I assume this means DOD aswell. I hope so anyway.
my main problem with CS is that you either R0X0RS!..or you SUCK. Its almost impossible to get better.

No its not, how do you think the R0X0RS! people got good? People continue to suck because after a few rounds they just give up and quit the game because they get upset.
bigun said:

remember TFC clan DSH?

Can't say that I do, I've never really played TFC much, i'm a DoDer.

I haven't seen/heard any specific mention of DoD going to source except the "all the old mods" thing. But i've seen the other mods mentioned by name, so I hope that they do as I think it would take more benefits than the other mods from Source.
NS on source...... *explodes drool*

But as far as I know, the NS devs have not decided which engine to use for NS2.
digsy said:
When CS and the like is ported to source, I would imagine most people would prefer to play the updated versions of CS, DOD etc... than the older ones based on the HL engine. So this is going to divide the multiplayer community essentially, which could be a problem; the appeal of such games as DOD and CS is that the engine they run on doesn't require a supercomputer to power it. This combined with the gameplay creates a winning formula.

From what we have seen in the E3 videos however, especially the CS:Source, I think it is fair to say that the good gameplay element will remain.

But when Source is introduced to these mods, do you think that it will be as successful as when they were originally released, given the fact that the requirements to run them will be much higher?

..... Sigh, it will split each community into 3...... orginal cs, cs source and cs 2....... this is really dumb that they're having cs source because when people look for an upgrade for cs.... cs source will be available before cs 2... then cs2 will come out a few months later... so why would someone buy 2 games that are practically the same???
Um, I'm pretty sure only die hard fans will be the only people who will buy HL2 for CS:S alone. people like that will also buy CS2 when it comes out. from what it sounds, you wont have to pay for CS:S only buy HL2 and get it.
The only thing that worries me is that if all of the Valve endorsed HL1 mods are ported to source, people will play them instead of the new mods like "Op:coin" and "Resistance and liberation." I don't want everyone to finish HL2 and go back to CS on source for the next 5 years.

The majority of steam users play CS and don't even know what Half life is. Once they get a chance to play the new CS, the HL2 mods won't be given enough of a chance to catch on.
I could not care less about CS in any of its forms, all I want is good ole HLDM (rather HL2DM). TF2 would also be nice, though something tells me it won't be as arcadey and fun as TFC (more like CS). Maybe TFC-Source (if that exists) will be the one worth looking out for. Of course, I am only taking into account the official Valve game modes and mods. I'm sure 3rd party mods will be infinitely more fun ;)
That's actually a very legitimate concern, and one I hadn't even thought of. I know that I will definately be spending a good portion of online FPS playing with the source version of TFC, so I imagine all the CS freaks will do the same for Source. That's definately gonna make it more difficult for a new mod to come out and become the sort of "next CS", cause CS will still be there. Looks like it'll be a double-edged sword in that regard.
You need to remember that CS original has what, 80% of the online gaming population.

If that group of people are split up 50/50 then you still have two massive communities. What I am als hoping for is that mods like resistance and liberation have a chance to get a following going.

Anyway, im still confused, will CS-Source ship with HL2 or not? Becuase if it doesn't, then that of course means that HL2 has its own MP right? What makes VALVe think that everyone will want to go out and buy 2 VALVe games straight away, that would just divide the MP community anyway?

I really hope valve releases some kind of statement about wtf is going on.
But as far as I know, the NS devs have not decided which engine to use for NS2.

Flay did post in the Shacknews boards about how maybe the thing to do IS to just port NS over to Source.

Last time I played NS was right after the release of 2.0. Is the community still going strong? Perhaps I should return...
Soundwave said:
That's actually a very legitimate concern, and one I hadn't even thought of. I know that I will definately be spending a good portion of online FPS playing with the source version of TFC, so I imagine all the CS freaks will do the same for Source. That's definately gonna make it more difficult for a new mod to come out and become the sort of "next CS", cause CS will still be there. Looks like it'll be a double-edged sword in that regard.
I disagree. Maybe this will force modders to think more creatively now to get noticed so we wont have as many CS rip-offs or atleast very few successful ones.
mchammer75040 said:
I disagree. Maybe this will force modders to think more creatively now to get noticed so we wont have as many CS rip-offs or atleast very few successful ones.

Thats what I was hoping.
good point hammer. Browsing the various HL2 mod team sites I'm seeing alot of same old, same old...there are still some excellent ideas though. But even if modmakers do come out with something fresh and exciting, that doesn't necessarily mean it'll bring people away from what they are used to (CS in this case). If so we'd be seeing alot higher sales for some of the more innovative games that are released.
A mod that would be quite interesting using the source engine is The Specialists. Just played it for the first time before, quite impressive :thumbs: