Will Valve lose their grip over multiplayer?


Sep 20, 2003
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When CS and the like is ported to source, I would imagine most people would prefer to play the updated versions of CS, DOD etc... than the older ones based on the HL engine. So this is going to divide the multiplayer community essentially, which could be a problem; the appeal of such games as DOD and CS is that the engine they run on doesn't require a supercomputer to power it. This combined with the gameplay creates a winning formula.

From what we have seen in the E3 videos however, especially the CS:Source, I think it is fair to say that the good gameplay element will remain.

But when Source is introduced to these mods, do you think that it will be as successful as when they were originally released, given the fact that the requirements to run them will be much higher?
I think what they are doing is a great idea!

Two versions of the game. Old one with better graphics, new one with different everything.
The thing people are forgetting is that you can turn Source down to HL1-era graphics (look at the mag screenies if you doubt me), and then you can run it on a fairly low-end system.
yes but the majority of players (according to the HL2 hardware survey) will be able to run on lower DX settings, the majority are using geforce 4's etc.

Valve have taken its more intensive content like super high poly models etc, and made lower poly versions for lower dx settings, same with alot of the content, it works out quite scalable.. obviously we will need to wait for the outcome but i dont think the split would be that major.

Also both run along side each other in steam anyway, so moo!
I think Valve made their requirements to fit with the results they got off the Steam hardware survey. I think a very high percentage of people will be able to play Source fine.
I think that if they bundled it with Half Life 2 than not only would they sell more HL2 units but the player base for CS Source would grow incredibly, and it there would be more reg CS'ers playing because they don't have to pay extra.
Can anyany tell me if there will be normal multiplayer, not CS, with Half-Life 2?
I loved the multiplayer in original Half-Life, and would like to use the weapons and the elements, as in the game, to kill my buddies.
maybe they'll package a couple of the source updates with hl2 as part of the special edition package. or part of the steam goodies or something. meh. who knows. i want cs, but i also want a completley separate hl2 mp
i dont like HL2 mp being CS:S, meh its okay but still, with all the secrecy you were thinking it was gonna be some thing big, sure this is 'big' but its not uber mega big
Is the word meh annoying anyone else? How exactly do you say that? Do you pronounce it like... (ME)ntos (as in mentos freshmaker candies)? Sorry if this offends anyone, but it's just gettin on my nerves..
This will be the divide for CS

WON - People playing 1.5
Steam - 1.6
Steam - 1.3
Steam - 1.5
Steam - Cz!!
Steam - CS on source

That's fairly crazy! Valve should try and unite rather than divide.
There are still people playing action Quake. CS source should be able to run at 60 FPS on most machines which is more than enough. I think the community has allready been divided to hc players (that buy the game to be able to play via steam) and those who don't take the game too seriously going with the older 1.5.

I'm upgrading my machine if needed.
Firstly I believe that the Counter-Strike on source shouldn't merely be a "eye-candy boost" but an engine overhaul. I think they should revitalise the game keeping the original formula but still keeping it new and fresh. Larger, more expansive and complicated maps (CS maps are generally 2 or 3 "paths" that intersect with one another), and new ways to think about tactics and team play.

I believe that if I understand correctly, this new CS will be the multiplayer for Half-Life 2 - meaning theyre 2 different games - isn't the multiplayer of a game meant to mean the same game yet in a multiplayer enviroment? Don't get me wrong an updated CS on Source would be great - but why not have a Half-Life 2 multiplayer? I think back to someone elses post (can't remember if it was this forum or not) saying "I can't wait to get my hands on HL2 multiplayer, and make a map thats just full of junk and everyone just get manipulators".
Remember that cliffe and gooseman are working for Valve now, and the sound in the end of the E3 demo "Counter-Strike Source!" is very much like the old sounds that gooseman made..
So i think Cliffe and Gooseman are the people that are making cs:source, and not some other valve dude..
My point was, I think they can preserve the good gameplay, or even use the source engine to make cs:source a little better than current cs.
'Feh' can be used when disagreeing something and you want to express your disagreement.

'Meh' can be used the same way but it's more like 'sigh' combined to 'feh'.
It's "feh" with 'f' replaced with 'm'. It really isn't a word when you say it; "mmmehhh". It gets hacked to pieces and is just some kind of sound you make.

It also is used in place for "me". Something to do with t3h 1337/l33t language.
Mr-Fusion said:
This will be the divide for CS

WON - People playing 1.5
Steam - 1.6
Steam - 1.3
Steam - 1.5
Steam - Cz!!
Steam - CS on source

That's fairly crazy! Valve should try and unite rather than divide.

Unfortunately I'm not a CS fan, I love MP games rtcw Et Ut200* battlefield etc I picked these up at time of release and enjoyed the team player aspect.
Don’t get me Wrong I love CS idea & do believe I have been missing out on a fine Game , Its maybe selfish of me but it wont be much fun buying a brand new game & finding 95% of the other players are Crack shot diehard players just becouse they basically ported the came just for better eye candy as Scapegoat said.

I remember 18 months back installing CS for the 1st time, afer having HL for years, After spending about 6 hours playing, Jumping from server to server I was just sick of getting shot :cheese: Or team members getting pissed coz I don’t know the map or Objective etc, Yeah I know I'm a moaning Git :thumbs: , as a casual player I just didn’t see the point of Spending weeks months improving my game just to stay alive a little longer to get some enjoyment out of it, A FRESH start not just a Port is what the game needs and is the only thing that will prompt me to buy it/play it.

Go on give us Noobs a chance :E
ufux u should play tf2 then cos thats gunna be totally new gameplay...

and WON will be shut down soon anyway...
bigun said:
ufux u should play tf2 then cos thats gunna be totally new gameplay...

and WON will be shut down soon anyway...

Yeah your probally right m8 ,more relaxed gameplay in tf .

*will stop me stressing anyway* :farmer:

I can see your point but I think the issue is more the servers you were playing on and the players you were playing against than the game. Personally I'm more excited about CS:Source than HL2 at the moment. That probably won't make me too popular around here but I'm just being honest.

It's a small point too but it looks like they've gone back to the backpack for guns made by the same people as made Mary Poppins' bag. Is it just me that really likes the idea of only carrying 2 guns and having to manage your weapons more effectively?
please die CS please die CS....

When TF2 comes out people will forget about CS...
I wish Valve and the NS Team would get together and work on NS2.

It would own your soul.
Please die TF, go cs, it's time for some cs, tf.. ..wait a minute what is this, it doesn't make sense to argue. It's stupid, immature and it just sucks..like telling someone SuperBowl or (whatever it's called =) is better than football, or that icehockey rules over basketball..or that banana is more tasteful than apple. Shoot, try to grow up people !

And let's keep it fair play.
I'm looking forward to DOD Source, with destructible terrain to some extent. And watching your pals getting scattered 50 feet around you from a grenade. That will be classic
CS is just boring now - its been like years of the same crap...shoot with AK/M4/AWM


And cos the CS community is so rabidly pre pubescent, Valve can never make a true sequel cos theyd never be able to change anything!

omgordz!111 FU Valve yuo made the AWM SUCKZ0r. I hate yuo Gabe u smell lolz!11

Imagine what the reaction would be like for CS2 if they changed a lot of stuff! I think some fanbois would self-combust!
Yeah u are right digsy. I think Source can create a fantastic "atmosphere" and therefore games like DOD and NS will profit very much from it.
Investigator said:
Yeah u are right digsy. I think Source can create a fantastic "atmosphere" and therefore games like DOD and NS will profit very much from it.

Teamplay in games like DOD will need to be much better aswell. If you throw a grenade into a pile of rubble for example, then it all gets scattered and could potentially take out a whole squad. It will make the game so much more tense and force you to evaluate where to move etc.. before just charging out.
digsy said:
Teamplay in games like DOD will need to be much better aswell. If you throw a grenade into a pile of rubble for example, then it all gets scattered and could potentially take out a whole squad. It will make the game so much more tense and force you to evaluate where to move etc.. before just charging out.

My words man.

Although really cool teamwork is very difficult to implent in online games like these. Lots of aproaches to a well functional teamplay failed in the past (except NS maybe).

Moreover i hope that physics in multi player can offer more than just "moveable" barrels und destrucable objects. (shown in the cs source demonstration)

PS: Sorry for spelling and gramma errors, me is not so good in english :(
Investigator said:
My words man.

Although really cool teamwork is very difficult to implent in online games like these. Lots of aproaches to a well functional teamplay failed in the past (except NS maybe).

Yeh I totally agree with this. Whilst I haven't really played NS, CS and DOD has just turned into what is on the whole a glorified deathmatch. The only real teamwork is in clan games, which kind of defeats the object of working in a team with complete strangers.
Corect, it works fine in clan games. IMO the present games (which pretend to be teamplay games) suffer from a lack of motivation for teamplay or benefit you gain when working in teams .
Well the situation is not that bad at all but there surely can be done a lot concerning teamplay in online shooters.
DOD attempts it, when you have to have more than 1 person to capture certain flags. And the level where you have to defend the fuel dump and the truck. If you don't, then the game doesn't last very long, so this forces people to work together.

CS though might aswell be called HLDM now, because apart from clan games, there just seems to be 3 or 4 good players that take out whole teams and the rest of the team just run off and do their own thing. I think that's more down to the CS community then the gameplay though.
Yeah it's difficult, sometimes impossible, to organise teamplay in a pub server, but it's so much more fun, and more effective. Most of the time its just about getting good stats. When it happens to me, it's when it starts getting boring. I think one cause of the lack of gameplay in pub server is that fact nobody really care which team wins at the end. In CS there's the money that helps a bit, but after the first few rounds, its not really important.
bigun said:
CS is just boring now - its been like years of the same crap...shoot with AK/M4/AWM


And cos the CS community is so rabidly pre pubescent, Valve can never make a true sequel cos theyd never be able to change anything!

omgordz!111 FU Valve yuo made the AWM SUCKZ0r. I hate yuo Gabe u smell lolz!11

Imagine what the reaction would be like for CS2 if they changed a lot of stuff! I think some fanbois would self-combust!

Exactly why I stopped competing.. If you're over 20 in the cs world you can't catch a break.
The DoD gameplay mechanics force teamwork far more than CS.

Whilst CS is still the most popular FPS on the planet, i think the release of source is really going to open a lot of peoples eyes and get them away from the tired CS gameplay. There's a revolution coming bitches, CS will be the first victim.

On the other hand CS is basically a sport for some people, like basketball. So they'll always play it no matter what.
I'm gonna have to defend it again aren't I?

CS gets so much bad press it's unbelieveable. Yes i admit there are lots of "1337" kiddies out there and servers can be abusive and annoying and there's massive arguments over new versions vs old versions etc. But I still love it.

You need to find a mature server or two, with friendly people and play there. I could point people to a couple in the UK but there's no need. Team work does happen on publics if you are playing with people you know reasonably well. The friends system has helped with that a lot. You can always find a game with your friends now.

Scratch the vocal and prebuescent surface and there's a friendly, helpful, mature community under there in CS. you just need to know where to look for it.

Hopefully a new engine with no hacks (pipe dream?) will remove a lot of the abuse and suspicion and leave only admiration for good players. CS:Source could be exactly what is needed.
my main problem with CS is that you either R0X0RS!..or you SUCK. Its almost impossible to get better. Sure some people will eventually get to a medium skill level, but not very many. The L337 players just have too much of a boost on noobs so the noobs just die without a chance to improve skill.
CS is very polarizing. People seem to hate it or love it. Not much more to say.
torso boy said:
my main problem with CS is that you either R0X0RS!..or you SUCK. Its almost impossible to get better. Sure some people will eventually get to a medium skill level, but not very many. The L337 players just have too much of a boost on noobs so the noobs just die without a chance to improve skill.

no, you can still get better by playing against L337 players. If you play against them, you will get good because you will get better then L337 players, then you will be the best :p
Yeah pretty true Apos.

A game that half the community loves will live on for years. A game the whole community is indifferent about will vanish in only a few months.
they said they would convert all of halflifes mods.

Surely that includes DOD. DOD on the source will suit me nicely... :D