Will we play as a woman in the future Half-Lifes?

Alyx, I do believe.

Of course, that is only in an expansion pack, apparently. I guess I highly doubt that we'll play as a woman in any official Half Life.
Glo-Boy said:
Alyx, I do believe.

Of course, that is only in an expansion pack, apparently. I guess I highly doubt that we'll play as a woman in any official Half Life.

Yep, apparently Alyx's backstory is going to be available to play at some point.
So does that mean we will be able to see Gordon in action, controlled by AI? :D that would be cool
Feath said:
Yep, apparently Alyx's backstory is going to be available to play at some point.
Yeah I can't wait, itr sounds brilliant. Huzzah for prequels.
There was a discussion about this a while back and quite a few people objected to playing as women... Strange how a computer game could threaten their masculinity so much.
el Chi said:
There was a discussion about this a while back and quite a few people objected to playing as women... Strange how a computer game could threaten their masculinity so much.

They didn't complain about being Lara Croft did they? :upstare:

But besides Alyx, wouldn't it be ok if Half Life might introduce a new playable female character in the future?
If you mean an Expansion, then probably

but in the regular series, no, unless valve are going to pull a MGS2
Change them main character not even half way through the game

MGS2 was good, but you can't imagine how pissed me and my older brother we're when we had to play as raiden

We we're praying that later in the game it would switch back

And they really didn't need that whole naked Raiden part *shudders*


I understand the feeling. Why can't we play as naked women spies rather than naked Raiden?

Anyway, back to topic....
Atleast they didnt give him pubes, that would have made the experience 900000x's more disturbing
In the Half-Life series you will only ever be Gordon Freeman.

There probably will be an Alyx spin off/expansion set in the Half-Life world.
we already played as women in half-life. in the Decay chapters in the PS2 version. surprizingly, they made it quite playable with a controller.
When you look down as a man, you don't see anything (body included)

As a woman, the view looking down is obscured by sizeable breasts :bounce: :thumbs: :farmer:
Gordon Freeman is the main character of Half-Life. I assume he is a male, with the beard and all.

Maybe in expansion packs, but I sincerely doubt that you will play as a female in the official sequels.
trizzm said:
we already played as women in half-life. in the Decay chapters in the PS2 version. surprizingly, they made it quite playable with a controller.

Did somebody say that the two woman in decay actually stopped the invasion from spreading to the outside world, if so then it wasn't an official expansion (because its blatantly obvious that it did spread to all 7 corners ofthe globe)
Well, I was under the impression that it had stopped once we killed Nihilanth. Then, in OP4, we see that that was incorrect... Decay could be the same. Maybe what the two ladies tried didn't work for long...
Did somebody say that the two woman in decay actually stopped the invasion from spreading to the outside world, if so then it wasn't an official expansion (because its blatantly obvious that it did spread to all 7 corners ofthe globe)

well no they did not all they did is reset the dampening fields which prevented unintelligent xenians like headcrabs and houndeyes to warp in ramdomly (which you'll notice they really stop doing at some point in Half-Life) this happens in the 3rd decay chapter and there are 10 in all. and this is further proof that the invasion was indeed controlled and planned since grunts and slaves and alien carriers still keep on warping.
If we do get to play Alyx, we'll probably use that wrench that she's holding on the front page of half-life2.com instead of the crowbar.