Will we see the end of the world in our lifetime?

Will we see the end?

  • Yes

    Votes: 38 26.2%
  • No

    Votes: 107 73.8%

  • Total voters


Party Escort Bot
Aug 16, 2003
Reaction score
Do you think this generation will see the end of the world as we know it?
No way. Unless a nuclear war happens. But nobodies got an nuclear weapons, unless ikerous does...
Not only do we have to worry about wars that could destroy the world as we know it, but there are also many natural disasters that could do equal damage, if not worse. So I'd have to say that it's very possible. And if you look at it from the Tsunami survivors' place, it already has.
No way unless as said, a nuclear war happens, but I don't think any countries are stupid enough to use nukes in large scales, in case of WW3 I think it'll just mostly be conventional warfare along with the use of a few tactical nukes here and there.
Even if there were a nuclear war it wouldnt do enough damage to end the world as we know it...
Although many pessimists say yes, many optimists say no.

I hope that I will see the end of the world in my lifetime, but I probably won't. Death by close-range nuke is one hell of a way to go.
Ikerous said:
Even if there were a nuclear war it wouldnt do enough damage to end the world as we know it...

If it was big enough, the it would. There a song about it. Actually, there isn't.
Are you talking about the end of the world of the end of humanity? Big difference.
Neutrino said:
Are you talking about the end of the world of the end of humanity? Big difference.
Not from our perspective :LOL:
Neutrino said:
Are you talking about the end of the world of the end of humanity? Big difference.

If it happens in hour lifetime, the end of the world is definately the end of humanity.
Maybe all the nuclear bombs on Earth exploded at the same time :|
The world will end in my lifetime.

BTW, anyone know what the meaning of life is? :|
The world shall end in 2047, when an asteroid strikes Earth, destroying all life as we know it; except for the chosen, who will be granted passage upon the great Mothership.

Want in? All you've gotta do is give all of your personal belongings (Including money) to me, so that I may dispose of them in the proper way. The beings who offer us life are not fond of personal possesion, and there is a proper ritual to get rid of such items.

[Dragoon] said:
The world shall end in 2047, when an asteroid strikes Earth, destroying all life as we know it; except for the chosen, who will be granted passage upon the great Mothership.

Want in? All you've gotta do is give all of your personal belongings (Including money) to me, so that I may dispose of them in the proper way. The beings who offer us life are not fond of personal possesion, and there is a proper ritual to get rid of such items.


You serious? I guess I'll have to give you all of my stuff then

***teh_poet give all personal posseions to [Dragoon]***
Teh_Poet said:
You serious? I guess I'll have to give you all of my stuff then

***teh_poet give all personal posseions to [Dragoon]***

He lies. The world will end next week Tuesday. I have forseen it.
staticprimer said:
He lies. The world will end next week Tuesday. I have forseen it.
No! The world will conveniently end right after E3. :D
Teh_Poet said:
If it happens in hour lifetime, the end of the world is definately the end of humanity.

True, but the end of humanity wouldn't be the end of the world.
Neutrino said:
True, but the end of humanity wouldn't be the end of the world.

...Unless someone left the nuclear plant running, So that it either pollute the air and make it the end, or it caused a huge explosion that will destroy the earth!!!!!
Predicting the end of the world is like betting against yourself in russian roulette. If you win the bet, in both cases you can't gloat or otherwise benefit because you're dead... and if you lose the bet, in one case you lose your money and in the other you look like an idiot. It's a lose-lose situation. Just sit back and watch the show from the Restaurant at the End of the Universe.
if we die, the world ends. (from our perspective)

im going for yes, at least ill get the satisfaction that all you suckers are coming along for the ride
the world won't end unless the entire planet is blown up
like oddysey 5 come to think of it
Revisedsoul said:
im going for yes, at least ill get the satisfaction that all you suckers are coming along for the ride

your locations too lonG!
Qwert93 said:
...Unless someone left the nuclear plant running, So that it either pollute the air and make it the end, or it caused a huge explosion that will destroy the earth!!!!!

Still wouldn't be anywhere near the end. There's no way we currently even have the power to destroy the earth, or even all life on it.
The earth won't end for a few billion years.
First: There is a meteorite heading for earth and its gone hit europe (in about 30 years or so), Some holland space dudes saw the meteorite trough their big ass telescopes, if you dont believe me dont, I dont care.

Second: There is an island somewhere in asia with a vulcano on it. if the volcano erupts it means a part of the island can drop into the see. This will cause a GIGANTIC and I mean freaking GIGANTIC tsunami. This tsunami will go all over the pacific and hit the entire american shore and kill alot of people. This can happen any time so you americans better shit your pants.

Third: There is that vulcano in america that if it erupts it will make the bigger part of america under ashes and ash clouds so the sun wont shine there again for a very long time. This will make it all very cold and this will make the americans who lived there leave the country and come infest europe.

Dont know about any more...

PS: This is all very true so hush with your liar answers and stuff.
No-live 2 said:
First: There is a meteorite heading for earth and its gone hit europe (in about 30 years or so), Some holland space dudes saw the meteorite trough their big ass telescopes, if you dont believe me dont, I dont care.

Second: There is an island somewhere in asia with a vulcano on it. if the volcano erupts it means a part of the island can drop into the see. This will cause a GIGANTIC and I mean freaking GIGANTIC tsunami. This tsunami will go all over the pacific and hit the entire american shore and kill alot of people. This can happen any time so you americans better shit your pants.

Third: There is that vulcano in america that if it erupts it will make the bigger part of america under ashes and ash clouds so the sun wont shine there again for a very long time. This will make it all very cold and this will make the americans who lived there leave the country and come infest europe.

Dont know about any more...

PS: This is all very true so hush with your liar answers and stuff.
1.It's sea...not see.

2.It's volcano...not vulcano.

3.No links/proof of what you said = your stories are bullshit.
Tr0n said:
1.It's sea...not see.

2.It's volcano...not vulcano.

3.No links/proof of what you said = your stories are bullshit.

Okay mister wiseguy, lets see how you talk dutch shall we:


and its not bullshit, trust me ill be on the front row laughing when americans die

EDIT: Heres your first link : http://www.cdnn.info/article/volcano/volcano.html

EDIT2: Heres your second link:

and I quote:
Within a thousand kilometres virtually all life would be killed by falling ash, lava flows and the sheer explosive force of the eruption. Volcanic ash would cover places thousands of miles away. One thousand cubic kilometres of lava would pour out of the volcano itself, enough to coat the whole of the USA with a layer a few inches thick. The explosion would have a force 1000-2500 times that of Mount St. Helens. It would be the loudest noise heard by man for more than 75,000 years, the time of the last super volcano eruption. Within minutes of the eruption tens of thousands could be dead.
No-live 2 said:
Okay mister wiseguy, lets see how you talk dutch shall we:


and its not bullshit, trust me ill be on the front row laughing when americans die
Well you're on an mainly english speaking forum.

So again...yes it is bullshit untill you have the proof behind what you said.Also you're a noob...so no one trust you.

Edit: Ok why didn't you just post that link in the first place?Now post 2 more.